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ORM Object-Relational Mapping. Object Persistence. Persistence is the ability of an object to survive the lifecycle of the process, in which it resides. it is a desired feature in most nontrivial applications. Persistence implies that data lives longer than objects .
Object Persistence • Persistence is the ability of an object to survive the lifecycle of the process, in which it resides. • it is a desired feature in most nontrivial applications. • Persistence implies that data lives longer than objects. • When the program is stopped/restarted, the data from last execution is readily available.
Persistence Options • Storing information in simple data files: • Insufficient for all but the most trivial cases (e.g., configuration data). • Using object Serialization: • Supported in Java “out of the box”. • Perfect match for Java objects. • No support for non-Java environments. • Monolithic (save/store all objects every time). • Completely unusable for real-world cases.
Persistence Options (cont.) • Using an Object-Oriented Database (OODBMS). • Maps nicely to object-oriented programs. • Not very popular. • Performance problems. • No industry standard.
Using a Relational Database • The most common solution: a relational database. • Information is stored in tables. • Access via SQL. • Based on industry standards. • Widely accepted. • Unrivaled performance. • But… How?
Using a Relational Database (cont.) • The basic idea: • Map every persistent class to a database table • e.g., Client ↔ CLIENT • Map every class field to a table field. • e.g., String Name ↔ NAME (VARCHAR) • Every class instance represents a database row. • Access the database using SQL. • In the case of Java, use JDBC or libraries that rely on it.
The Paradigm Mismatch • However, there are many inherent problems to mapping object-oriented data to databases. • Granularity. • Subtypes and polymorphism. • Identity. • Associations. • Collections. • … and other problems. • Let’s review a few of these problems in detail.
The GranularityProblem • Consider the following (very typical) database table:
The GranularityProblem (cont.) • Does the following class match? classClient { String name; String mailAddressStreet; String mailAddressCity; String mailAddressState; String mailAddressZip; String billingAddressStreet; String billingAddressCity; String billingAddressState; String billingAddressZip; ... methods }
The GranularityProblem (cont.) • What we want is the following two classes: • OOP and databases work on different levels of granularity. class Client { String name; Address mailAddress; Address billingAddress; ... methods } class Address { String street; String city; String state; String zip; }
Subtyping and Polymorphism Problem • Consider the following class diagram:
Subtyping and Polymorphism Problem (cont.) • How do we store BillingDetails in the database? • How do we represent the relationship between Client and BillingDetails? • A foreign key can only point to one other table – CreditCard or BankAccount.
Identity Problem • A single database row is always unique. • Assuming a primary key is used. • But in OOP, multiple objects in memory can represent the same notion. • Two objects that map to the same database row. • Database identity is different from object identity (“==”) and object equality (“equals()”).
Coping with the Paradigm Mismatch • The paradigm mismatch greatly complicates OOP/RDBMS interoperability. • Up to 30% of enterprise Java application code deals with persistence. • Tedious SQL/JDBC. • Bridging information representation. • Caused more than one project to sink.
Coping with the Paradigm Mismatch (cont.) • The most accepted solution today: using middleware. • A library that bridges OOP to RDBMS. • “Object/Relational Mapping” (ORM). • Java middleware solutions for persistence: • J2EE Entity EJBs. • Hibernate. • JDO (Java Data Objects).
Characteristics of a good ORM Solution • Transparent (non-intrusive). • Efficient (enables lazy-loading, selective updates, caching, etc.). • Powerful (advanced querying capabilities, a lot of configuration options). • Flexible (can fit into various environments such as Servlet Containers, EJB Containers, Plain Java Apps, etc.). • Easy to use (mild learning curve, good testability, etc.). • Supports OO idioms and concepts (inheritance, polymorphism, etc.). • Standard.
ORM Options • EJB 3 • Hibernate • JDO • TopLink • CocoBase • Castor • …