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    2. HIRUDOTERAPI (Leech Therapy – Sülük Tedavisi)

    3. Federal Alman Saglik Yasasina Göre Tibbi Sülük: Hirudo Medicinalis,Alman Tibbi Ilaçlar Kanunu’nun (TIK) 2.Maddesinin 1.bendi geregi ilaç olarak kabul edilmistir. Daha sonra ilave edilen 4.madde ile de hazir tibbi ilaç olarak tanimlanmistir. .Dolayisiyla ben burada sizlere aslinda bir ilaci tanitiyorum. Bunun enjektöre çekilen bir ilaçtan tek farki vardir: O da bu ilacin, enjeksiyon seklinde bizim tarafimizdan degil, Hirudo Medicinalis adi verilen bir canlinin agzindan bizzat verilmesidir.

    4. Tarihçe ??? - Dhanwanthari MÖ 15. yy - Babil Kayitlari MÖ 2. yy - Colophon’lu Nikandros MS 1. yy - Pliniy MS 2. yy - Galen 10. yy - Ibn-i Sina 17. yy - Kilisenin Etkisi Rönesans - Yükselis Dönemi 19. yy - Modern Tibbin Dogusu Son 50 yil - Yeniden Kesif

    5. Bugün… Sadece Almanya’da 300’ü askin Hirudoterapi Klinigi Yilda 100 milyon adet sülük kullanimi FDA Onayi (2004)

    6. Türkiye’de... Anadolu folklorik tibbinda Üniversite hastanelerinde de ortopedi ve plastik cerrahi kliniklerinde kullaniliyor

    7. HIRUDO MEDICINALIS (Tibbi Sülük) 9-12 cm boy 10-12 mm çap Koku ve tat alma duyusu var Görme ve isitme organi yok Termoreseptör Baroreseptör Sonar donanimi mevcut

    8. Tibbi Etkileri Flebotomi Refleks Uyarim Biyoaktif Salgi Içerigi

    9. Biyoaktif Salgi Içerigi Hirudin: Antikoagülan Hementin: Fibrinolitik Hementerin: Fibrinolitik Ghilanten: Protrombinaz Inh. Anti-statin: Protrombinaz Inh. Calin: Tr. Agg. Inh. Decorsin: Tr. Agg. Inh. Destabilase: F XIII Inh.

    10. Hirudin 1884 - J. B. Haycraft Trombin’e spesifik biçimde baglanir

    11. Hirudin vs Heparin Trombin disindaki pihtilasma proteinleriyle etkilesim yok Trombositopeni (HIT) riski yok Hemoliz ve iç organ kanama riski yok Bu avantajlar nedeniyle Rekombinant üretimi saglanmistir: Lepirüdin Desirüdin Bivalüridin

    12. Diger Etkiler Antibakteriyel Analjezik Antiromatizmal Antihipertansif Antidepresan Myorelaksan Antioksidan Nörotrofik etkinligi kanitlanmistir…

    13. Nörotrofik Etkinlik - Destabilase - Bdellin A - Bdellin B - Eglin “The neurite-stimulating activity of the extract of the therapeutic agent Piyavit (200 ng/ml) in organotypic ganglion culture appeared to result from the neurite-stimulating salivary gland components within this agent, suggesting that Piyavit could be used for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.” (The Neurite-Stimulating Influence of Components of Medicinal Leech Salivary Gland Secretions in Organotypic Culture of Spinal Ganglia, N. I. Chalisova et al., Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology, Jan. 2003)

    14. SÜLÜK TEDAVISI HANGI HASTALIKLAR ENDIKEDIR? Bazi Göz Hastaliklari (Behçet hastaligi, Üveitler, Glokom, Makulopatiler, Sari nokta hastaligi, Diyabetik retinopatiler,Hipertansif retina patiler,Retinitis pigmen toza ve Optik sinire ait problemler ve Optik atrofiler gibi gözün damar,sinir,makula ve retina hastaliklari)

    15. SÜLÜK TEDAVISI HANGI HASTALIKLAR ENDIKEDIR? Varis ve venöz kan damari yetmezlikleri. Romatoid artrit ve diger romatizmal hastaliklar Artroz ve eklem kireçlenmeleri Migren ve gerilim bas agrilari Bas dönmesi,kulak çinlamalari ve meniere sendromu Her türlü kas agrilari,ve fibromyaljiler,huzursuz bacak sendromu Boyun fitigi ve bel fitigi,tendinit ve tendosynovitis

    16. SÜLÜK TEDAVISI HANGI HASTALIKLAR ENDIKEDIR? Dejeneratif sinir sistemi hastaliklari(MS,ALS,PARKINSON hastaligi felçler) Egzama,ürtiker,kronik deri hastaliklari,sedef hastaligi ve akneler Kronik hepatit ve karaciger hastaliklari Depresyon ve fobiler Kronik yorgunluk sendromu ve bagisiklik sistemi hastaliklari

    17. Kontrendikasyonlar (Kirmizi Bayraklar) Kanama Diyatezleri (Hemofili gibi) Aktif Kanama Odaginin Varligi Ciddi Anemi (Hb < 10) Cerrahi Girisim Öncesi Kani Sulandirici Ilaç Kullanimi Gebelik ve Emzirme

    18. Uygulanmamasi Gereken Bölgeler Yumusak Cilt Bölgeleri (Göz kapagi çevresi gibi) Keratinize Bölgeler (Avuç içi, ayak tabani gibi) Önemli Damarlarin Üzeri (Boyun, çene alti, koltukalti, kasik gibi)

    19. Ayrica… Her seansta yeni sülükler kullanilmali Hastalar arasinda kesinlikle sülük alisverisi yapilmamali Hijyenik kurallara çok dikkat edilmeli

    20. Sülük Sterilizasyonu Aeromonas hydrophila: Sülüklerin agiz ve barsak florasinda bulunmaktadir. Eksternal Dekontaminasyon: 12.5 ppm konsantrasyonda Sodyum Hipoklorit eklenmis transport sivisinda 10 dakika bekletilerek yapilmaktadir. Immunsupresif vakalarda IV Seftriakson profilaksisi uygulanmaktadir.

    21. Uygulayici..? Hirudoterapinin, insan vücuduna müdahil bir tedavi yöntemi oldugu düsünülürse; tibbi egitim almis saglik profesyonelleri tarafindan uygulanmalidir!

    22. DÜNYA’DAN GÖRÜNTÜLER (BELÇIKA) Dr. Johann LOA Hirudoterapi Klinigi


    24. ALMANYA

    25. FRANSA Les sangsues étaient utilisées autrefois pour des applications diverses ; leur mode d’action n’était pas maîtrisé, seule la guérison ou le soulagement du mal comptait. Aujourd’hui, les études scientifiques concernant les substances actives de la sangsue permettent de mieux comprendre leur mode de fonctionnement et donnent du « crédit » à son usage. L’utilisation des sangsues en médecine traditionnelle retrouve de nombreuses applications anciennes, seul le degré de compréhension a évolué. Par les qualités de ses substances, anticoagulantes, vasodilatatrices, thrombolytiques, anti-inflammatoires, anesthésiantes, les indications sont multiples : les arthroses, les tendinites, certaines formes d’arthrite, les douleurs musculaires, les hémorroïdes, les varices, les phlébites, les hématomes, certaines maladies du sang, l’hypertension, les affections des oreilles…

    26. FRANSA Autrefois Parmi les applications remontant à PLINE l’Ancien, les sangsues étaient utilisées non pas seulement dans les saignées locales ou générales mais aussi dans le traitement des morsures venimeuses, des phlébites et des hémorroïdes. Au XIXème siècle, l’utilisation des annélides a été massive. Selon la doctrine de BROUSSAIS, les diverses maladies résultaient du degré d’intensité de l’inflammation et des organes touchés. Les sangsues étant préconisées dans le traitement des inflammations, toutes pathologies pouvaient être guéries par elles. Ces méthodes ont valu à BROUSSAIS le surnom de « vampire de la médecine » à qui de nombreux « assassinats médicaux » ont été attribués. Après une longue période de dénigrement, les sangsues retrouvent au XXème siècle leur usage médical. La fiche éditée par la société RICARD-DEBEST-BECHADE en 1968 présente les indications, l’action thérapeutique, les lieux et les modes d’application des sangsues selon les recommandations du Dr VENDEL. (Fiche à télécharger). Les traitements concernent des affections aussi diverses que les congestions viscérales, les péricardites et myélites aigues, les angines de poitrine, les céphalées, les furoncles, les otites, les contusions, les phlébites, les traumatismes sportifs, les aménorrhées, la ménopause, le glaucome…

    27. FRANSA Aujourd’hui Actuellement, les indications citées par les médecins praticiens sont les suivantes : les arthroses : genou, poignet, pouce les tendinites, les tennis-elbows les périarthrites, les polyarthrites rhumatoïdes les douleurs musculaires localisées, les crampes les hémorroïdes les varices les thrombophlébites les hématomes les accidents vasculaires cérébraux pris précocement les acouphènes, les otites externes et otites chroniques les affections du sang : hémochromatose, intoxication légère aux métaux lourds, accumulation de toxines l’hypertension l’hépatomégalie non cancéreuse, ni alcoolique, ni cirrhotique

    28. FRANSA Des études scientifiques et des articles en parlent : Dans le cas de l’arthrose, des études ont démontré que l’application itérative de sangsues au niveau des genoux fait disparaître progressivement la douleur. Une étude scientifique menée durant 3 mois auprès de 16 patients souffrant d’arthrose du genou dont 10 reçurent 4 sangsues pendant 80 minutes sur le genou douloureux et les six autres, un traitement conventionnel, montre que les patients traités par des sangsues connurent une importante diminution de la douleur en moins de 24 heures. Quatre semaines plus tard, l'effet positif du traitement se faisait encore sentir. Ces résultats très encourageants justifient d'autres études de plus grande envergure.

    29. FRANSA Arthrose du genou: Effect of leeches therapy (Hirudo medicinalis) in painful osteoarthritis of the knee: a pilot study, A Michalsen, U Deuse, T Esch, G Dobos, And S Moebus, Ann Rheum Dis, 2001; 60, 986. Pour les affections des oreilles, d’après une étude russe la sangsue médicinale ainsi que ses sécrétions salivaires ont été utilisées avec succès sur les acouphènes, les otites externes aigues et otites chroniques. Affections des oreilles : Use of the medicinal leech in the treatment of ear diseases, Seleznev KG, Shchetinina EA, Trophimenko NP, Nikonov GI, Baskova IP., ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec.,. 1992 ; 54(1) : 1-4. Une équipe a démontré l’efficacité des sangsues médicinales pour aider à la décongestion veineuse, la résorption des oedèmes, de l’hyperpigmentation et à la guérison des ulcères variqueux. Cette étude a été réalisée sur 20 patients souffrant de varices. Les sangsues ont été appliquées sur la zone où se situe l’ulcère variqueux. Après traitement, tous les ulcères ont été guéris, 95% des patients montraient une réduction de l’aire de l’œdème et 75% des patients une diminution de l’hyperpigmentation. De plus, la comparaison de la pO2 du sang prélevé par la sangsue et celui du sang veineux des patients montre que la sangsue prélève préférentiellement du sang veineux et aide donc ainsi à la guérison des ulcères. Varices : Leech therapy for complicated varicose veins, Bapat RD, Acharya BS, Juvekar S, Dahanukar SA, Indian J Med Res. 1998, 107, 281-4.

    30. FRANSA’DA RESIMLER LEECHES Leeches are a gift of nature that may help people to surmount numerous health disorders. The secretion of leech saliva contains about 100 biologically active substances having favourable effect on human organism. These substances reduce blood coagulation, dissolve thrombi, reduce cholesterol and sugar content in blood, have antiphlogistic and anaesthetic effects, decrease blood-pressure, improve the immune system, diminish edemas and improve microcirculation. Medicinal leech - Hirudo medicinalis Linnaeus, 1758 – is a bilaterally symmetrical annelid worm of a rather complex structure, which according to the features of embryo development belongs to the group of protostome, coleomate, trochophore animals.

    31. FRANSA A body of annelid worm consists of many segments. The segmentation asserts itself not only in the outward, but also in the internal structure. These worms have a well-developed blood circulation; segmentally set eliminative organs– nephridiums, nervous system –a typical ventral nervous cord. Annelid worms have the secondary body cavity - coelom, which is also segmented. Annelid worms’ body is flattened dorsoventrally. Leeches living at large are predators or temporal ectoparasites. During blood sucking they stick to the animals. Some species of leeches live in fresh waters, the others- in the sea or on the land.   BREEDING Reproduction of medicinal leeches is a long and complex process. Like other leech species, medicinal leeches are hermaphroditic, but reproduce only by cross-fertilization. They do not exhibit direct development - the larvae hatch and for some time remain within the cocoon where they undergo metamorphosis. When the juvenile leeches leave the cocoon, they already have a species-specific pigmentation, are very lively and can live independently.

    32. FRANSA

    33. FRANSA   LEECH THERAPY Patients who have already tried this method of treatment report improvements in sleep quality, mood, work capacity and increased energy levels. When a leech is applied to biologically active areas of the human body, the bite itself gives a positive effect similar to reflexotherapy. The substances relieved with leech saliva have an effect on the entire body, not just one particular organ or symptom. For example, if leeches are used to treat patients suffering from varicose veins, they also cause a simultaneous decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improve mood and digestive tract function, heal hemorrhoids. This may sound quite incredible, but it’s true. When does disease begin? When a cell gets sick. And a healthy cell gets sick when it is deprived of needed oxygen and nutrition, and cannot clear toxins out. Biologically active substances in leech saliva help the cells to absorb the necessary nutrition and to eliminate toxic waste. Therefore, there is a long list of diseases that can be treated by this method. First of all, leeches are particularly useful in treating a number of cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, hypercoagulation, stenocardia, myocardial infarct, varicose veins, arterial blood flow disorders in lower limbs and their complications, such as trophic lesions and oedemas. The healing qualities of leeches are also helpful in gynaecology – they reduce various inflammation processes in the uterus and its adnexa, and can be useful in cases of ovarian cysts, endometriosis, climacteric syndrome, various adhesions in the pelvis, and even in cases of frigidity, infertility and mastopathy. For men, the application of leeches is successful in treating prostate and scrotum diseases, erectile dysfunctions, bladder and urinary tract inflammations. Good results can be achieved using leeches to treat headache of various origin, even migraine. Neurologists should consider leech therapy in the treatment of neuritis, neuralgia, radiculitis, spinal disorders (disc hernias), brain atherosclerosis, pre-stroke condition and stroke.

    34. FRANSA Since substances contained in leech saliva can lower blood sugar levels and improve pancreatic function, leeches can be effectively used in the integrated treatment of diabetes and its complications. Many of the benefits of leech therapy derive from the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of leech secretion that can be applied in treatment of ear, nose & throat (ENT) diseases, various skin diseases (teen acne, abscesses, eczemas, erysipelas, psoriases), as well as in the treatment of allergic diseases of respiratory tract (bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia). Leeches are especially valuable in surgery. If a leech is attached immediately after any surgical intervention, it stimulates a quicker healing of the wound and prevents the formation of large scars and adhesions. A further benefit of leeches is that they can serve as first aid remedy for joint sprain, strain or injury. They also speed the healing of broken bones. This list of diseases and conditions that can be cured using leeches is far from being complete. In view of the curative effects of biologically active leech substances, specialists in any medical fields may consider including leech therapy in the treatment of their patients.

    35. FRANSA However, leech therapy is contraindicated in the treatment of certain medical conditions and diseases. These include decreased blood clotting, hemophilia, severe anemia, hypotension, pregnancy, general fatigue, allergy to leeches, active tuberculosis, mental disorders (during acute episodes), high temperature, ulcero-necrotic processes in the intestinal tract. Also, a leech may not attach to an extremely fearful patient. Therefore, before going to the hirudotherapist try to calm down and think that those tiny natural creatures will do you much more good than a few handfuls of chemical medicines. Another advantage is that leech therapy has a long-term effect. In cases of chronic diseases, the course of treatment should be repeated after 4 - 6 months, whereas in most of acute cases, one course is usually sufficient. The older the disease, the longer treatment is required, more leeches are needed, and it takes longer to achieve the desired effect. A leech bite is similar to a mosquito sting. A leech, however, really bites as it has hundreds of tiny teeth, and when it starts injecting biologically active substances into a human body, a slight or moderate burning or stinging sensation is often felt. This lasts up to 5-10 minutes until a leech starts sucking blood and all unpleasant sensations disappear. When satiated, a leech detaches itself or is removed and immediately disposed of. No leech is ever used on more than one patient to prevent the spread of blood borne infections

    36. FRANSA For medical purposes, only farm-raised medicinal leeches can be used, as on leech farms the highest hygienic standards are observed, and bacteriological tests of leeches and water in which they breed are regularly performed. This strict quality control ensures that the patient receives safe and effective medical product. Nature has endowed leeches with a wonderful feature to suck blood. In return for that they inject into a human body a valuable range of natural medicines without side effects. The use of medicinal leeches, like other forms of natural medicine, is now re-entering the mainstream of modern medical practice.

    37. FINLANDIYA Kysy luonnosta: Pitääkö iilimatoja varoa? Kesäpaikkamme uimalammessa on suuria mustia "iilimatoja", jotka herättävät puistatusta ryömiessään lammen pohjassa. Lapsena muistan vanhempien varoittaneen, että iilimadot imevät verta ja tarttuvat lujasti kiinni ihoon. Onko muistikuva oikea ja pitääkö iilimatoja varoa uimareissulla? Kesäpaikkamme uimalammessa on suuria mustia "iilimatoja", jotka herättävät puistatusta ryömiessään lammen pohjassa.

    38. ESTONYA Series: New Europe Title: The hirudotherapy clinic. Country/sea: Estonia Place: Viinistu Photographer: Basil Pao From: Day Eighty-five: Tallinn Book page no: 205 With three close friends, giving blood at the hirudotherapy clinic.

    39. AMERIKA Summary: A 25-year-old male fell off a ladder sustaining a ring avulsion injury beginning at the junction of the distal one third, proximal two-third level of the proximal phalanx. Following failed venous reconstruction with vein grafts, leeches were applied and color improved dramatically. Application continued every 4 to 6 hours. 5 days postoperatively, active range of motion was begun. 8 days postoperatively, venous flow was sufficiently restored.3 weeks postoperatively, a skin graft was performed. 6 weeks postoperatively, following treatment with active and passive movement as well as coban taping, the finger has a TAM of 224 degrees.

    40. AMERIKA

    41. leech therapy in manhattan! non-invasive, drugless healing! you don't have to fly to europe! LEECH-THERAPY IN MANHATTAN! HIRUDOTHERAPY IS COMING TO TOWN! Personal one-on-one consultation and hirudotherapy treatments are starting weekend of December 5th, 2009 (through December 22-nd ONLY!) in New York, Manhattan! PLEASE VISIT: http://hirudotherapy.weebly.com Avoid waiting in line! Call to reserve your private time with Alicja Kolyszko. 1-888-825-0793 at EDGAR CAYCE CENTER A.R.E. (Association for Research & Enlightenment) 241 WEST 30th St., s#102 (see Map above) Manhattan, New York, NY 10001 Close to NY PENN STATION! 1-888-825-0793 If you are suffering from health issues or if you can not travel, and you are seeking an alternative solution or have any other questions, we would like to help. Contact Us About Leech Therapy! ALA-MED HIRUDOTHERAPY CENTER Toll-free: 1-888-825-793 612-532-3221 Fax: 1-888-825-0793 e-mail: alamed.hirudotherapy@gmail.com http://hirudotherapy.weebly.com Contact Information Name: ALA-MED HIRUDOTHERAPY Address: 241 WEST 30ST, New York, New York, 10001, United States Phone: 888-825-0793 Ad tags leechesHealingholistichirudoth 


    43. AMERIKA PROSTA ZASADA LEZY W SERCU WSZYSTKICH HIRUDO-CUDOW: GDY PIJAWKA "UCZTUJE" FILTRUJAC KREW, WPUSZCZA DO NASZEGO ORGANIZMU HIRUDOZWIAZKI I PRZYWRACA DOBRY PRZEPLYW KRWI POPRZEZ ZDROWE, JAK I USZKODZONE NARZADY. TE HIRUDOZWIAZKI ROZSZERZAJA ZYLY I TETNICE, ROZCIENCZAJA ORGANICZNIE NAPOTKANE PRZESZKODY -OSADY W TETNICACH, MARTWE ERYTROCYTY, CZYLI BILIRUBINY, TORBIELE, SKRZEPY I MUTANTY KOMOREK-WSZYSTKO TO, CO ZMNIEJSZA NASZA ODPORNOSC- A WSZYSTKO TO ZOSTAJE NASTEPNIE USUNIETE Z NASZEGO ORGANIZMU POPRZEZ KRWAWIENIE PO KAZDYM ZABIEGU , CO TEZ STANOWI NIEODLACZNA CZESC PROCESU HIRUDOTERAPII ! Pijawka lekarska jest zródlem biologicznie aktywnych substancji. W samej slinie zawartych jest okolo 150 takich substancji,(jak do tej pory medycznie zidentykowanych!),  miedzy innymi  ANTYBIOTYK CHLOROMYCETYNA – posiada bardzo silne dzialanie przeciwbakteryjne, czy tez  SUBSTANCJE ANTYNOWOTWOROWE, które przenikaja do organizmu czlowieka w trakcie zabiegu. Dzialanie pijawki wprowadza leki, które poprawiaja krazenie i oczyszczaja naczynia i komórki organizmu, likwiduje zakrzepy, procesy zapalne i obniza poziom cholesterolu. Dzialajac na punkty biologicznie aktywne w odpowiednich miejscach i odpowiedniej kolejnosci zabiegi pijawkami ocenia sie jako znacznie przewyzszajace dzialanie akupunktury.

    44. AMERIKA Z powodzeniem mozna równiez leczyc: stany poudarowe *  pozawalowe *  arytmia serca *  borelioza * zaburzenia mowy * koordynacja ruchowa  * saczace sie rany * choroby nerek * tarczyca * zylaki * "pajaczki * zakrzepowe zapalenie zyl * zgorzele * zaburzenia przemiany materii  * torbiele * rwe kulszowa   * guzy * obrzeki powypadkowe * migreny * szumy w uszach * depresje * bezsennosc * dyskopatie *  choroby kregoslupa * zrosty *  cysty * "stopa, palec" cukrzycowy * zapalne choroby skóry * luszczyce * zapalne stany pooperacyjne * choroby kobiece · choroby i bóle serca  · *nadcisnienie · choroby pluc i oskrzeli · cisnienie dna oka * wyostrzenie wzroku  *  jaskra  (glaukoma ) *  barwnikowa amiotrofia siatkowki *  retinopatia cukrzycowa *   choroby przewodu pokarmowego · refluks * choroby watroby · marskosc watroby · nerwice · stany depresyjne * alergie  * wrzody zoladka i dwunastnicy · biegunki * hemoroidy * *wysoki cholesterol · prostata · zatrucia organizmu · choroby skóry · impotencja *  "ostrogi" * stany zapalne *  bole reumatyczne * artretyzm *, i wiele innych chorób.

    45. AMERIKA Pod koniec lat 1980-tych i na poczatku lat 1990-tych czasopisma medyczne zaczely drukowac artykuly potwierdzajace naukowa wiarygodnosc nowych osiagniec leczniczych poprzez stawianie pijawek lekarskich: przy pomocy pijawek lekarskich mozemy wyleczyc bezplodnosc, zarowno u kobiet (atroficzny jajnik), jak i u mezczyzn ! Kilka sesji u hirudoterapeuty wyeliminuje torbiele, obrzeki, stany zapalne i inne dolegliwosci BEZ INWAZYJNYCH OPERACJI!

    46. AMERIKA W 1996 roku potwierdzono badaniami naukowymi korzystne dzialanie hirudozwiazków (surowych ekstraktów z pijawek) na stymulacje wzrostu komórek nerwowych (neuronów) i mozgowych. W zwiazku z tym faktem, ze hirudozwiazki, ktore pijawka wprowadza do organizmu, dzialaja na poziomie DNA,  osiagnieto pozytywne rezultaty w leczeniu poporodowych porazen mózgowych u dzieci, tetniakow na mozgu, wrodzonych torbieli na splocie pajeczym (czyli na mozgu), Ataksja Friedreicha,oraz choroby Parkinsona i Alzheimera (uzyskano juz pierwsze pozytywne wyniki). Pijawki sa bardzo czesto wykorzystywane przy replantacjach konczyn, palców, skóry, piersi, uszu. Ostatnio prowadzi sie takze z powodzeniem leczenie cellulitisu przy pomocy pijawki lekarskiej, oraz uzyskano tez pomyslne wyniki w terapiach zwiazanych ze zwiekszeniem potencji u mezczyzn.

    47. AMERIKA POD KONIEC ZABIEGU PIJAWKA POZOSTAWIA DLA SIEBIE TYLKO MALA LYZECZKE KRWI!  W 15 DO 60 MINUT PIJAWKA MOZE, NATOMIAST, PRZEFILTROWAC I OCZYSCIC KILKA DZIESIAT MILILITROW KRWI, ZANIM KREW POWROCI DO ZYLY! TA JUZ CZYSTA I ROZRZEDZONA KREW SWOBODNIE KRAZY POPRZEZ NACZYNIA WLOSKOWATE I TETNICE, CZYNIAC INDYWIDUALNE CUDA, PONIEWAZ HARMONIZUJE FUNKCJE TWOJEGO ORGANIZMU!!!! Przed przystawieniem pijawek, pacjent nie powinien uzywac perfum, alkoholu, papierosów. Cialo musi byc czyste. Zabieg trwa od 30 do 180 minut co zalezy od miejsca postawienia pijawek i zaawansowania choroby. Jeszcze raz, prosimy pamietac, ze po zabiegu jest absolutnie normalnym i korzystnym zjawiskiem krwawienie przez 6 – 12 – do 24 godzin, co absolutnie nie szkodzi organizmowi. Pijawka medyczna musi osiagnac wiek 1,5 lub 2 lat, zanim jest gotowa "do pracy". Pijawki nalezy wykorzystywac jednorazowo, pijawki zuzyte podlegaja natychmiastowej utylizacji. Czas i rezultaty leczenia w duzej mierze zaleza od pacjenta /wiek, rodzaj skóry, zaawansowanie choroby/. Mozna jednak powiedziec, ze 98% pacjentów odczuwa po zabiegach znaczna poprawe.

    48. AMERIKA ALTERNATIVE THERAPY HEALING WITH MEDICINAL LEECHES-NO SIDE EFFCTS!-New York .LOCATION:NewYork,United States HRUDOTHERAPY NON –INVASIVE,NO SIDE-EFFECTS,NO PAIN!HOLISTIC CURE WITH MEDICINAL LEECHES! THE METHOT WAS GOOD OVER 3500 YARS AGO,AND,IT IS GOOD NOW! EXTREMELY POSITIVE RESULTS! MEDICINAL LEECHES DO NOT HAVE AN EXPIRATION DATE ON A THEY DON’T COME FROM THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY… THEY ARE THE GIFT FROM THE MOTHER –NATURE…THEY ARE A”MINI-PHARMACIES”,FREE FROM MAN-MADE”ENHANCEMENTS”! MEDICINAL LEECH,has been approved by FDA in USA as MEDICAL DEVICE(in 2004)!-MEDICALDEVICE! The general indicayions for leech therapy are: Inflammatory Reactions Heart Diseases Tendovaginitis and Varicose Veins Arthrosis Muscle Tension Blood purification and regenetion of toxicoses and mental illnesses Thrombosis and embolism Passive congestions and spastic conditions Vertebrogenic Pain Syndromes Transudates and exudates Migraine Headaches Problems with;

    49. AMERIKA Open wounds,oozing wounds(people with diabetes),ear nose,vision,sinuses,Abdomen,liver,kidney,pancreas,reflux,ovaries,infertility,prostate,back pain,rushes,depressions,”cold hands and legs”,cholesterol level,and many,many more! NOW-IN LONG ISLAND AREA!HIRUDOTHERAPY-IS AN ANSWER TO YOUR HEALYH PROBLEMS! CONVENIENT VISITS AND TREATMRNT DONE IN YOUR HOME!WE TRAVEL,JUST GIVE US CALL:”ALA-MED,HIRUDOTHERAPY CENTER,612,723,5941 OR 631,654,2349 ***Live in a SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP with NATURE and… HIRUDOTHERAPY!*** CALL FOR DETAILS:612,723,5941 OR 631,654,2349 PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND/OR WRITE AN E-MAIL: alamed.hirudotherapy@gmail.com

    50. RUSYA prof.dr.Savinov Klinigi kardiyoloji







    57. KANADA HIRUDOTHERAPY - The leech therapy Is by its blood-diluting and container-extending effect the leech ideal Therapist for blood circulation disturbances. With multiplicity of diseases there is a connection with an unsatisfactory blood circulation. Clearly on the hand all diseases lie with our container system are connected like: Thrombose Cramp veins Haemorrhoiden Vardiac infarct Impact accumulations Calcifying the containers Tinnitus

    58. KANADA At the same time it could be stated that the leech therapy can cause an improvement also with pain. Positive effects could be determined with: Rheumatism Arthrose Volume disk problems Pulling Bruises Muscular pains Muscle injuries

    59. KANADA The preparation of the patient The patient should not use showering gel, lotions, etc. on those skin portions, on which the leech are to be touched down. A cleaning of the skin before the treatment is possible with water, curd soap or alcohol. The alcohol as well as curd soap must be washed off before the beginning of the treatment. For the treatment the skin of the patient must be warm. Therefore use warm water.

    60. KANADA How many leeches do I need for a therapy The necessary number of leeches depends by the following factors: Age and weight of the patient, the kind of disease and the size of the leeches available. When chronic illnesses one sets fewer animals for it the therapy however in shorter time intervals is on repeated. With acute diseases one uses more leech and has a longer period up to the next treatment. For a normal adult with standard weight and no further medical treatment and in a healthy condition 10 leeches may be used for a therapy.

    61. KANADA The leech therapy The leech sucks approximately 30 minutes. One should let the animals in peace suck and under no circumstances when sucking disturb. Likewise should not be under any circumstances smoked in the environment. Sucking should not be artificially interrupted. At the end of sucking the leech drops off alone. Sometimes it happens that the leeches after sucking are so tired and slow acting, that they remain hanging on the patient. Into such a case it helps to drive with a putty under the front suction cup and take so the leech off. Please make sure that the leech will not be crimped, in order to avoid an infection. For this reason also no salt may be used for removing the leechs.

    62. KANADA Subsequent treatment The blood letting after the suction should not be prevented; it is increases the effectiveness of the therapy and has a cleaning effect. In addition thereby the wound is cleaned from the germs. The blood letting usually lasts up to 12 hours. During the day the treatment the patient should avoid physical efforts. The wounds should be controlled in the next days up to healing.

    63. KANADA Medicinal leech - Hirudo medicinalis Scientific interest in leeches date back to ancient India. However, the first Western citation is credited to the Greek, Nicander of Colophon (c 130 BC). These early references were accounts of the use of leeches for bloodletting. This therapeutic use of leeches, the medicinal leech in particular, reached a height between 1825 and 1840. A more contemporary use of leeches was dicovered in 1957 by Markwardt. The leech secretion hirudin was isolated and subsequently its anticoagulant properties with respect to the elucidation of blood clotting mechanisms were examined. Today medicinal leeches are used as tools in tissue grafts and reattachment surgery. Not only do they secrete anitcoagulants to prevent blood clots and relieve pressure due to pooling blood. It appears that leech saliva has other therapeutic properties. Leech saliva helps reestablish blood flow to reattached body parts by means of a vasodilator, provides a numbing anesthetic, and lessens the risk of infection due to an antibiotic. Although leech feeding may be the first behavior one associates with medicinal leeches, neurotologists have examined this species with particular interest in interneuronal oscillators. The advantage of this preparation stem from the simplicity of its central nervous system (CNS).

    64. KANADA Leech therapy with eye diseases In the literature numerous referring to the successful employment of the leech therapy are with the most different eye diseases. Haematoma Leeches are an excellent means to resorb Haematoma within the eye range. This characteristic also the boxer in the United States have themselves too use made around the so-called "blue eye" or also violet mentioned to heal. By the employment trauma tables swelling already mostly disappear to the leech therapy after few days.

    65. KANADA Glaucoma The acute accumulation with Glaucoma responds well to a leech therapy. The headache and the eye pain mostly omit after setting the leech relatively rapidly and the internal pressure of the eyes come again on a normal level. A eye-medicinal treatment however cannot be replaced by the leech therapy. Inflammations of the eyes The following inflammations of the eyes are mentioned in the literature, with which the leech therapy may be helpful: Chorioiditis Chorioretinitis Iridochorioiditis Iridozyklitis Keratoiritis Retrobulbaerneuritis Skleritis

    66. AVUSTURYA The leech therapy The leech therapy should be accomplished only by experienced Therapists! The preparation of the patient The patient should not use showering gel, lotions, etc. on those skin portions, on which the leech are to be touched down. A cleaning of the skin before the treatment is possible with water, curd soap or alcohol. The alcohol, as must also curd soap before the beginning of the treatment are washed off. For treatment the skin of the patient must be warm. Therefore use warm water.

    67. AVUSTURYA The preparation of the leech In order to reduce the number of germs on the suction cups and the skin of the leech, the leech must be put 2 hours before beginning of the treatment into cold (max. 20 degrees), boiled water. How many leeches do I need for a therapy The necessary number of leechs depends by the following factors: Age and weight of the patient, the kind of disease and the size of the leeches available. When chronic illnesses one sets fewer animals for it the therapy however in shorter time intervals is on repeated. With acute diseases one uses more leech and has a longer period up to the next treatment. For a normal adult with standard weight and no further medical treatment and in a healthy condition 10 leeches may be usd for a therapy.

    68. AVUSTURYA Position the leech The leech can be put on either with the hand or a liqueur glass. In order to get the animals to the concrete complaints office, where they are to be set, the use of a wood putty is recommended. In principle leeches can be set at the whole body. To exclude one should only badly supplied with blood places, open wounds and particularly sensitive Hautstellen, like palms, nipples etc.. Likewise to advise against is large superficial Venen, since it would come here to a strengthened Nachbluten. Animation of the leech With situations e.g. with thunderstorm, with high nervousness or with smokers or also with patient the certain medicines like e.g.. Beta blockers take, can it occur that the leech do not bite. In these cases a piece helps butter, which is rubbed on the place concerned. Stinging or cutting the skin portion concerned can likewise lead to success.

    69. AVUSTURYA The leech therapy The leech sucks approx. 30 minutes. One should let the animals in peace suck and under no circumstances when sucking disturb. Likewise should not be under any circumstances smoked in the environment. Sucking should not be artificially interrupted. At the end of sucking the leech of alone drops. Sometimes it happens that the animals suck after that are so slow-acting that they remain hanging on the patient. Into such to fall it helps to drive with a putty under the front suction cup and take so the leech off. Please you make sure however that them the leech thereby not crimpings around vomiting the leechs, and thus a possible infection to prevent. For this reason also no salt may be used for removing the leechs. Subsequent treatment The Nachbluten should not be prevented, it increases the effectiveness of the therapy and the entstauende effect. In addition thereby the wound is cleaned from the germs. The Nachbluten usually lasts up to 12 hours by day the treatment should the patient physical efort avoid. The wounds should be controlled in the next days up to healing.

    70. AVUSTURALYA Treating Diseases Vascular Disease Cardiovascular Disease Alopecia Arthritis Diabetes Ear and Hearing Problems Endometriosis Eye Diseases Gum Disease Hepatitis High Blood Pressure Infantile Cerebal Palsy Kidney Disease Migraines Skin Diseases Skin Grafts Sports Injury Venous Disease

    71. About Mehdi International Counsellor & Life Coach Mehdi is renowned for his experience in mainstream and spiritual areas to facilitate and identify problematic situations.  Helps resolve issues through unique and profound understanding and exceptional methods of communicating and teaching, which has proved invaluable over the years.  Acknowledging everyone's personality and background is unique, Mehdi assists people to determine and achieve personal goals.  He teaches methods of processing individual action plans; develop strategies and importantly, how to attain insight of empowerment. Master of Body, Mind & Spirit Mehdi's exceptional understanding in this beautiful and diverse area is enjoyed and admired by many.  His extraordinary life is filled with a multitude of unique experiences, giving him deep insight of how the body, mind and spirit are all interlinked for a divine purpose.  Through this powerful connection, Mehdi successfully helps people seeking healing and spiritual enrichment.

    72. Creator of 'Tools for Life', Australia's Best Selling Life-Changing Series of DVDs Using a lifetime of experiences, Mehdi works closely with his wife and a dedicated team to continue producing and directing his unique and successful series of DVDs called 'Tools for Life'.  These DVDs provide everyday people with easy-to-follow techniques and tools to help understand and deal with difficult situations in life, as well as inspirational ways to implement important changes through meditation. Leech Therapist Mehdi brings his experience in leech therapy from the Middle East, where leeches were used for generations to assist and heal numerous diseases.  In Australia, Mehdi is known for being the first leech therapist to use his methods of treatment in cardiovascular and vascular disease, the developed world's leading cause of death.

    73. Columnist Mehdi shares the importance of understanding a deeper level of our inner-self, which enhances our relationships with others, our family and raising our children.

    74. Mehdi and his wife Tracy Today, Mehdi lives in Australia, enjoying time with his English wife and extended family; a proud husband, father and grandfather.  Born in 1955, Mehdi has travelled extensively, helping countless people throughout the countries he has lived in. He has a natural ability to recognize and help individual situations, which is instinctive with his principles of changing and saving lives. Mehdi's parents recognized his unique ability of identifying people in need as early as 5 years old during holidays to his elderly grandmother in Hamadan, during Iran's harsh winter months. Mehdi struggled in difficult weather conditions to collect water for his grandmother from the closest stream situated more than a kilometer away and after delivering her supplies, he would take it upon himself to return to the same area over the following weeks to help other elderly people he noticed having trouble and offered to carry their water back to their homes. During family vacations, Mehdi is often recognized and approached for help.  He generously puts aside time to assist in transforming and restoring familes, providing healing, spiritual restoration and direction for happier, healthier lives. 

    75. AVUSTURALYA Leech Therapist - New Addition to Life Clinic Hirudotherapy & Healing Sydney, Australia Suzie Griffiths is a language lecturer by profession. Today, she is a qualified Leech Therapist, trained under the supervision of Mr. Mehdi Jaffari. Life Clinic Hirudotherapy & Healing is proud to introduce Suzi as part of the team in treating people with this wonderful Natural Therapy.

    76. Background Suzi made an appointment to see Mehdi after suffering injuries from a car accident in 1999, where her car was written off. For approximately 11 years, Suzie suffered constant pain in areas of her back and neck region due to the effects of whiplash. After trying many avenues within Sports Therapies and Natural Therapies, Suzi found these only brought short term relief, requiring further treatments, which she found a very exhausting process. "After beginning Leech Therapy" Suzie explains, "I noticed a significant improvement during the first week. My circulation improved enormously, as well as noticing a huge reduction of pain in my back and neck area".

    77. "Leech Therapy improved my overall vitality, also enhancing my skin in the reduction of blemishes. Two months later during my yoga classes; my instructor remarked I was a lot more flexible and stronger. [My teacher was unaware I had undergone Leech Therapy]." "Medicinal Leeches quickly target the area of pain, injecting a natural anesthetic to reduce pain and discomfort, as well as providing many other beneficial enzymes to the body. I found the benefits long lasting and decided to enquire about Mr. Jaffari's Leech Therapy courses. I am very excited that I have undertaken and passed the courses available under Mr. Jaffari's clinic, enabling me to help others."

    78. Sincerely, Suzi Griffiths BADipEd Languages

    79. ENDONEZYA Jl. Dr. Makaliwe I/16 Grogol Jakarta Barat 11450 Telepon : (021) 5670146 HP : 0816-786055 Email : info@klinik-hirudo.comPRAKTEK : SENIN - SABTU JAM : 9.00 - 14.00

    80. TARIH’DEN IKI YAPRAK… If it were not for leeches, there would be no Pasteur Institute. On October 19th 1886, 46-year-old Louis Pasteur was getting ready to present a paper on silkworms to the Academy of Sciences, when he fell victim to heamiplegia. He could no longer speak and his whole left side was paralysed. The most prominent doctors of the time hurried to his bedside, including the famous Doctor Gabriel Andral, of the Academy of Medecine.Doctor Andral prescribed the application of 16 leeches behind Pasteur’s ears.This treatment will immediately give him back his power of speech and the use of his left side. A little while later, Pasteur will fully recover, thanks to the treatment with leeches. Kaynak : Ricarimpex (http://www.leeches-madicinalis.com)





    85. BIR MAGAZIN… Demi Moore kan emen sülüklerle gençlesiyor 46 yasindaki Demi Moore, Hollywood standartlarini bile asan gençliginin sirrini açikladi. Avusturya’da sülük terapisi gördügünü söyleyen Moore, “Her zaman saglikli yöntemleri tercih ettim” dedi.

    86. 30 yasindaki oyuncu ve TV yildizi Ashton Kutcher’la evli olan Moore, birçok yildizi gölgede birakarak Hollywood standartlarini asan gençlesme çabalari için, “Saglikli olmayan hiçbir seyi yapmiyorum, her zaman en sagliklisini tercih ediyorum” dedi. Moore, Letterman’a Avusturya’da sülük terapisi gördügünü söyledi. Eski Misir’da doktorlar tarafindan kullanilan ve çok yaygin olan sülük terapisinde, sülükler vücuttaki kirli kani emerken, vücuda bazi enzimler zerkediyor. Bu enzimlerin vücuda sifa verdigi iddia ediliyor. Tedavi sirasinda sülükler vücuda iyice yapisiyor ve tamamen doyana kadar vücuttan ayrilmiyor. Doyduktan sonra ise yuvarlanarak düsüyor. Demi Moore, ilk seansta dört sülük kullanildigini belirtti ve memnun kaldigi tedaviyi yenilecegini ifade etti.

    87. Hasta Haklari ve Hirudoterapi HASTA HAKLARI YÖNETMELIGI’nin 27.Maddesi ve TIBBI DEONTOLOJI NIZAMNAMESI’nin 6. ve 11. Maddeleri’ne göre; Klinik veya laboratuar muayeneleri sonucunda bilinen klasik tedavi metodlarinin hastaya fayda vermeyeceginin sabit olmasi ve daha evvel deney hayvanlari üzerinde kafi derecede tecrübe edilmek suretiyle faydali tesirlerinin anlasilmasi ve hastanin rizasinin bulunmasi sartlari birlikte mevcut oldugunda, bilinen klasik tedavi metodlari yerine baska bir tedavi usulü uygulanabilir.

    88. Hz. MUHAMMED’in (sav) BIR SÖZÜ: SÜLÜK, BIR SIFA KAYNAGIDIR. Kaynakça: [1]Nihaye 3/290; Harbi 3/1217,1221; S.Kübra9/346 E.Davud merasil s.182; F.Kadir 3/495,Hadis Mürseldir. E.Nuaym vr.35b,72a; IEbi Seybe 6/424.[2]-Bagdadi s.83-84. [3]- I.Kayyim s. 354-55. info@dogalsaglik.org

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