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Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA) Alternate Assessment READING AND MATHEMATICS. Nebraska Department of Education Statewide Assessment Office Special Education Office. Jan Hoegh, Assessment jan.hoegh@nebraska.gov Carla Osberg, Special Education carla.osberg@nebraska.gov.
Nebraska State Accountability (NeSA)Alternate AssessmentREADING AND MATHEMATICS Nebraska Department of Education Statewide Assessment Office Special Education Office Jan Hoegh, Assessment jan.hoegh@nebraska.gov Carla Osberg, Special Education carla.osberg@nebraska.gov
Introduction to NeSA-AA • Important Information about NeSA-AA Testing -Before Testing -During Testing -After Testing • Closure Agenda
Purpose of the NeSA Alternate Assessments Federal Rule- 34 CFR Part 200 “Too often in the past, student with disabilities were excluded from assessments and accountability systems, and the consequence was that they did not receive the academic attention they deserved. These regulations are designed to ensure that schools are held accountable for the educational progress of students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, just as schools are held accountable for the educational results of all other students with disabilities and students without disabilities.” (ii)(A) “Alternate assessments must yield results for the grade in which the student is enrolled in at least reading/language arts, mathematics and, beginning in the 2011-2012 school year, science…” Introduction
Why does Nebraska have the NeSA-AAR and AAM? • IDEA 2004: Sec. 612 (16) (A) “All children with disabilities are included in all general State and district-wide assessment programs.” • Rule 51 004.05 Participation in Assessments 004.05A “School districts shall include all students with disabilities in all general state and district-wide assessments programs, including assessments described underSection 612 (a)(16)(A) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 with appropriate accommodations and alternate assessments where necessary and as indicated in their respective individualized education programs.” What about the Alternate Writing Assessment? Introduction
Introduction http://www.education.ne.gov/sped/assessment.html
Identification of appropriate students: • Accesses curriculum and instruction closely aligned to Nebraska standards with extended indicators. • Possesses significant limitations, both in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills. • Requiresextensive, pervasive, and frequent supportsin order to acquire, maintain, and demonstrate performance of knowledge and skills. Before Testing
Demonstrates cognitive ability and adaptive behavior that prevents completion of general academic curriculum, even with extensive modifications and accommodations. • May have an accompanying communication, motor, sensory, or other disability. Determined by the IEP team only. Must be reviewed and determined each year.
Before Testing • Determine Appropriate Accommodations • Determine appropriate accommodations to support student learning throughout the year. • From those accommodations, select the ones that will support the student during NeSA testing • Compare selected testing accommodations with the NeSA Approved Accommodations document to validate their use • DACs notified when changes are made. • www.education.ne.gov/sped/assessment.html • www.education.ne.gov/assessment/NeSA.Accommodations.htm
Before Testing Writing the IEP Rule 51 007.07A7 requires the IEP of the student taking an alternate assessment to include a statement of why “the child cannot participate in the particular regular assessment.” Reasons and support information should be based on the selection guidelines.
Before Testing Instruction is base on . . . State Standards with Extended Indicators Discovering the Facts about Extended Indicators
Before Testing • Districts reported Alternate Assessment status in the fall NSSRS submission before the last Friday in September. • Students that were flagged in the NSSRS as taking the Alternate Assessment will be sent both the NeSA-AAR and the NeSA-AAM. • IF a district determines that a student should be administered the Alternate Assessment in one subject but not in another, the district should contact the Statewide Assessment Office. • Districts may add students prior to the testing window. -in NSSRS prior to December 8 -in CAL after December 8 or later
Before Testing Districts should familiarize all test administrators with key dates . . . • Mid-March: Alternate Test materials arrive to district’s DAC • March 28 –May 6: Testing Window • By May 6: Online Submission of Student Answers • By May 11: Return ALL test materials to NDE
Before Testing School Test Coordinators should conduct an orientation session for Test Administrators . . . • Test Schedule - be certain that all test administrators understand key dates. • Administration Preparation – test administrators are to have received and studied the 2011 NeSA-AA test manuals prior to test administration. • Test Format – test administrators should understand the format of the NeSA-AA tests. • Test Security – all test materials must be kept secure at all times prior to and during test administration.
NeSA-AA Format • Paper/pencil administration • Includes: • Teacher’s Manual • Student Test Booklet • Answer Sheet (one for each student) During Testing
NeSA-AAR • 25 selected response items (all grade levels) • Five embedded field test items • NeSA-AAM • 25 selected response items (grade 3) and 30 selected response items (grades 4-8 and grade 11) • eight embedded field test items • One-on-one test administration • Test administrator records student responses on an answer document During Testing
All grades have same answer sheet format. • Four answer options are possible on most items. NeSA-AA Answer Sheet 1 2 3 No Response 1 2 3
During Testing A brief demonstration . . .
Student responses are submitted into the online system (CAL). • Student response submission process is completed AFTER test administration. • A student ticket is used to access the online recording site. • Online submission must be completed by the last day of the testing window (May 6). During TestingSubmitting Student Responses
After Testing • Return of Materials • Test administrators should return all test materials to the District Assessment Contact. • -test booklets (administrator and student) • -answer documents • Materials MUST be returned to the Nebraska Department of Education by May 11 according to directions provided in the Test Administration Manual.
After Testing • The 1% Rule and AYP • 1% Rule is not on participation in NeSA-AA. • 1% Rule is based on the number of students scoring “Meets the Standards” an “Exceeds the Standards” on the NeSA-AAs. • NDE does the following calculation: • The total # of students scoring “Meets and Exceeds Standards” ÷ the district enrollment (last Friday in Sept.) in grades 3,4,5,6,7,8, and 11
The District Superintendent is notified (e-mail and letter) if the district exceeds the 1%. • Districts may apply for an exception to the 1%.. • Two options: • Small districts with only a few students (“small” is REAP eligible). • In a community where school, community, or health programs draw large numbers of families with students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. (This option requires the district to provide justification ). • Exception application forms are included in the letter and must be returned to NDE by the Superintendent within a • designated time period.
IMPORTANT!!! A reduction in performance rate does not change the performance reported to the parents.
Find additional information on NeSA Alternate Assessments at: http://www.education.ne.gov/assessment/index.html http://www.education.ne.gov/sped/assessment.html Find additional information on the 1% Cap at: http://www.education.ne.gov/sped/assessment.html
Jan Hoegh, Statewide Assessment jan.hoegh@nebraska.gov Carla Osberg, Special Education carla.osberg@nebraska.gov