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Air Pollution. TSWBAT: Define air pollution. Identify the six pollutants that harm human health and the environment. Identify the risks of indoor and outdoor air pollution. Identify ways to reduce air pollution. . What is air pollution?.
Air Pollution TSWBAT: Define air pollution. Identify the six pollutants that harm human health and the environment. Identify the risks of indoor and outdoor air pollution. Identify ways to reduce air pollution.
What is air pollution? • The contamination of the earth’s atmosphere by harmful substances • Numerous studies have linked it to a wide variety of health problems, including lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer
Six Pollutants that harm human health and the environment: 1. Ozone – forms at ground level when certain other pollutants react chemically in the presence of sunlight • Ground-level ozone is a major component of smog 2. Particulate matter – small particles found in the air, such as dust, soil, soot, smoke, mold, and droplets of liquid
Six Pollutants that harm human health and the environment: 3. Carbon monoxide – colorless, odorless gas that forms when carbon in fuel is not burned completely 4. Sulfur dioxide – comes chiefly from power plants, especially those that burn coal
Six Pollutants that harm human health and the environment: 5. Nitrogen oxides – highly reactive gases that form when fuel is burned at high temperatures, as in motor vehicles and power plants 6. Lead – metal found naturally in the environment (also in manufactured products)
Air Quality Index (AQI) • An index for reporting daily air quality • Created by the EPA • You can use the AQI to help you avoid unhealthy exposure to air pollution
Temperature Inversion • Occurs when a layer of warm air forms above a layer of cool air • Air cannot circulate and pollutants are trapped in cooler layer • Emphysema is most aggravated by temperature inversion
Climate Change • Earth’s average temperature has risen 1.4 degree F over the past century • Small changes in the average temperature of the planet can cause large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate and weather
Greenhouse Effect • Trapping of heat by gases in the earth’s atmosphere • The gases allow sunlight to enter our atmosphere but block heat from escaping • Without the greenhouse effect the planet would be too cold to support life • The main greenhouse gas we produce is carbon dioxide
Greenhouse Effect • Human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere • Greenhouse gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy • Greenhouse gases act like a blanket around Earth, trapping energy in the atmosphere and causing it to warm = global warming
What can I do at home to reduce greenhouse gases? • Replace light fixtures or light bulbs in them with ENERGY STAR qualified products (save approx. $70 a year on energy bills) • Look for ENERGY STAR products • Heat and cool smartly (change air filters, use programmable thermostats) • Seal and insulate homes • Reduce, reuse, recycle
What can I do at home to reduce greenhouse gases? • Use water efficiently (turn off water while brushing teeth, fix leaky faucets) • Be green in your yard • Purchase green power • Spread the word!
Indoor Air Pollution • Research has found that in many cases, the air inside buildings contains more pollutants than the outdoor air, even in the biggest cities • Common sources of indoor pollution; • Household chemicals • Cleaning fluids • Pesticides • Chemicals used in building and furnishing materials
Sources that cause problems with indoor air quality • Carbon monoxide – produced by fuel-burning equipment, such as stoves, furnaces, and fireplaces • Asbestos – mineral fiber that was used in the past as insulation (can lead to lung cancer) • Radon – an odorless, radioactive gas produced during the natural breakdown of the element uranium in soil and rocks (can cause lung cancer) • Fluorocarbons – found in aerosol sprays that cause damage to the ozone layer
Managing Indoor Pollution • Identify sources of pollution • Home test kits and detectors can help you measure levels of radon and carbon monoxide • Increase the ventilation in your home
Household Toxics http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/3-toxic-things-toss-todayThree Toxic Things in your House to Toss TODAY!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4canDGVMB7w