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Self-Tuning Memory Management of A Database System. Yixin Diao diao@us.ibm.com. Memory pools. DB2 Self-Tuning Memory Management. DB2 UDB Server. Technical problems Large systems with varying workloads and many configuration parameters Autonomic computing: systems self-management.
Self-Tuning Memory Management of A Database System Yixin Diao diao@us.ibm.com Sigmetrics 2008 Tutorial: Introduction to Control Theory and Its Application to Computing Systems
Memory pools DB2 Self-Tuning Memory Management DB2 UDB Server • Technical problems • Large systems with varying workloads and many configuration parameters • Autonomic computing: systems self-management Memory pools DB2 Clients Agents Disks • Challenges from systems aspects • Heterogeneous memory pools • Dissimilar usage characteristics • Challenges from control aspects • Adaptation and self-design • Reliability and robustness SIGMETRICS 2008: Introduction to Control Theory. Abdelzaher, Diao, Hellerstein, Lu, and Zhu.
Measured Output 1 Resource Allocation 1 Resource Consumer 1 Load Balancer 0.16 Resource Consumer N Saved System Time (xi ) Resource Allocation N 0.14 BenefitPerPage (yi ) 0.12 Measured Output N Resource 0.1 savedTime 0.08 OLTP simPages 0.06 0.04 Benefit (sec/page) 0.02 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Entry size (Page) Memory Pool Size (ui ) Load Balancing for Database Memory Load Balancing • Fairness optimal ? • Common measured output ? SIGMETRICS 2008: Introduction to Control Theory. Abdelzaher, Diao, Hellerstein, Lu, and Zhu.
Regulatory Control Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions Constrained Optimization Constrained Optimization and Regulatory Control Saved Disk Time ( xi ) Saved System Time (xi ) Overall Mem pool 1 (x1) BenefitPerPage (y1) Mem pool 2 (x2) Mem size 1 (u1) MemoryPool1 Mem size 2 (u2) Optimal memory allocation SIGMETRICS 2008: Introduction to Control Theory. Abdelzaher, Diao, Hellerstein, Lu, and Zhu.
Dynamic State Feedback Controller • State space model • Control error • Integral control error • Feedback control law SIGMETRICS 2008: Introduction to Control Theory. Abdelzaher, Diao, Hellerstein, Lu, and Zhu.
Linear quadratic regulation (LQR) J = [eT(k) eTI(k)] Q [eT(k) eTI(k)]T + uT(k) R u(k) Define Q and R regarding to performance Benefit Pool Size Ts=12449 Ts=15703 Ts=24827 Incorporating Const of Control into Controller Design Remove these pages Memory Pool A before Disk write dirty pages to disk after Memory Pool B before OS allocate extra memory Major cost: write dirty, move memory, victimize hot • Cost of transient load imbalances • Cost of changing resource allocations SIGMETRICS 2008: Introduction to Control Theory. Abdelzaher, Diao, Hellerstein, Lu, and Zhu.
Response Time Benefit Interval Tuner DB2 Clients Step Tuner Entry Size MIMO Control Algorithm Y Memory Statistics Collector Greedy (Constraint) Model Builder Accurate N Fixed Step 4-Bit (Oscillation) Entry Size DB2 Memory Pool Response Time Benefit Adaptive Controller Design Local linear model Decentralized integral control SIGMETRICS 2008: Introduction to Control Theory. Abdelzaher, Diao, Hellerstein, Lu, and Zhu.
7000 6000 • DSS workload: various query lengths Time in seconds 5000 • DSS workload: index drop ConfigAdvisor settings Ts = 26342s 4000 STMM tuning Ts = 10680s Execution time for Query 21 (10 stream avg) 3000 avg = 6206 Reduce 63% 2000 Some indexes dropped avg = 2285 1000 > 2x improvement avg = 959 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Order of execution squid.torolab.ibm.com Machine: IBM7028-6C4 CPU: 4x 1453MHz Memory: 16GB Disk: 25x 9.1G Experimental Assessment • OLTP workload: multiple (20) buffer pools Response time benefits Memory sizes Increase TP from ~100 to ~250 Throughput SIGMETRICS 2008: Introduction to Control Theory. Abdelzaher, Diao, Hellerstein, Lu, and Zhu.
Comparing Control and Optimization Techniques Control-based approach Optimization-based approach Local linear model Gradient method Decentralized integral control Projected gradient (quasi-Newton) Step length (modified Armijo rule) Constraint enforcement (projection method) Strictly applies constrained optimization Less dependence on the model Similarity in a simplified scenario Differences in design considerations • “Pure” average vs. convex sum • Pole location vs. Armijo rule • Steady-state gain vs. Hessian matrix SIGMETRICS 2008: Introduction to Control Theory. Abdelzaher, Diao, Hellerstein, Lu, and Zhu.
Effect of noise (multiple runs) More robust and better uncertainty management Faster convergence, but more sensitive to noise Simulation Study: Comparison with Optimization Approach Control-based approach Optimization-based approach Memory size WL change Without noise (single run) Total saved time Control intervals SIGMETRICS 2008: Introduction to Control Theory. Abdelzaher, Diao, Hellerstein, Lu, and Zhu.
Summary • DB2 self-tuning memory management • Interconnection, heterogeneity, adaptation and robustness, cost of control • Constrained optimization with a linear feedback controller • Experimental assessment for OLTP and DSS workloads SIGMETRICS 2008: Introduction to Control Theory. Abdelzaher, Diao, Hellerstein, Lu, and Zhu.