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General Considerations for the Upgrade of the LHC Insertion Magnets. R. Ostojic CERN, AT Department. LHC Insertion Magnets. Final focus. Matching section. Separation dipoles. Dispersion suppressor. 154 superconducting magnets: 102 quadrupoles cooled at 1.9 K, with gradients of 200 T/m
General Considerations for the Upgrade of the LHC Insertion Magnets R. Ostojic CERN, AT Department
LHC Insertion Magnets Final focus Matching section Separation dipoles Dispersion suppressor 154 superconducting magnets: • 102 quadrupoles cooled at 1.9 K, with gradients of 200 T/m • 52 dipoles and quadrupoles cooled at 4.5 K, with fields of 4 T and gradients of 160 T/m
LHC Magnet Classes • MB – class (MB, MQ, MQM) (8.5 T, Nb-Ti cable at 1.9 K; m-channel polyimide insulation) 1b. MQX- class (MQXA, MQXB) (8.5 T; Nb-Ti cable at 1.9 K; closed-channel polyimide insulation) 2.MQY- class (MQM, MQY) (5 T; Nb-Ti cable at 4.5 K; m-channel polyimide insulation) 3. RHIC – class (D1, D2, D3, D4) (4 T; Nb-Ti cable at 4.5 K; closed-channel polyimide insulation) 4. MQTL – class (MQTL, MCBX and all correctors) (3 T; Nb-Ti wire at 4.5 K; impregnated coil) 5. Normal conducting magnets (MBW, MBWX, MQW) (1.4 T; normal conducting; impregnated coil)
Upgrade of the Matching Sections and Separation Dipoles • The present matching quadrupoles are state-of-the-art Nb-Ti quadrupoles which operate at 4.5 K. • The upgrade of the matching sections should in the first place focus on modifying the cooling scheme and operating the magnets at 1.9 K. • In case larger apertures are required, new magnets could be built as extensions of existing designs. • The 4 T-class separation dipoles should be replaced with higher field magnets cooled at 1.9 K. • The MQTL-class should be replaced by magnets more resistant to high radiation environment.
The LHC low-b triplet Q3 Q2 Q1 TASB DFBX MQXA MQXB MQXB MQXA 6.37 5.5 5.5 6.37 2.985 2.715 1.0 MCSOX a3 a4 b4 MCBXA MCBXH/V b3 b6 MQSX MCBX MCBXH/V MCBX MCBXH/V
Limits of the present LHC triplets • Aperture 70 mm coil 63 mm beam tube 60 mm beam screen b* = 0.55 m • Gradient • 215 T/m operational 205 T/m • Field quality • Excellent, no need for correctors down to b* ~ 0.6 m • Peak power density • 12 mW/cm3 L = 3 1034 • Total cooling power • 420 W at 1.9 K L = 3 1034
Aperture issue • The coil aperture was the most revisited magnet parameter of the low-b quadrupoles. • Aperture of 70 mm defined in the “Yellow Book” (1995, nominal b*= 0.50 m, ultimate 0.25 m). • Subsequent studies showed a need for increasing the crossing angle by a factor of two. • e-cloud instability introduction of beam screens. • Upgrade target remains a b* of 0.25 m (irrespective of magnet technology). • Luminosity increase by a factor ~1.5. • Higher luminosity implies substantially greater load on the cryogenic system. • feedback to the choice of aperture and magnet design.
Enabling operation of the LHCwith minimal disruption • Maintenance and repair of insertion magnets: • Large number of magnets of different type means limited number of spare magnets ready for exchange. • A facility is planned at CERN for repair/rebuild of matching section quadrupoles. • Particular problem: low-beta quadrupoles and separation dipoles • Only one spare of each type (best magnets already in the LHC). • As of 2006, there will be no operating facility for repair and testing of these magnets.
Quadrupole-first layouts Optimize the aperture and length of the quadrupoles according to their position in the triplet. Use of aperture: • Increase the aperture to reduce heat loads (peak and total) • Profit from better field quality to reduce the number of correctors and introduce stronger orbit correctors • Decrease b* to complement other ways of increasing luminosity.
Large aperture quadrupoles Operating current at 80% of conductor limit As the quadrupole aperture increases, the operating gradient decreases by 20 T/m for every 10mm of coil aperture. To get a GL similar to the present triplet, quadrupole lengths need to be increased by 20-30%. The Nb-Ti technology proven for quadrupoles up to 12 m long.
LHC dipoles FRESCA, 10 T, 88 mm D. Leroy et al., 1999 C. Meuris et al, 1999 R&D directions for Nb-Ti quads • Technology and manufacturing issues are well mastered. • Relatively easy extension of main magnet parameters (aperture and length) without extensive R&D. • Focus R&D on magnet “transparency”: • Cable and coil insulation • Thermal design of the collaring and yoking structures • Coupling to the heat exchanger
Summary • LHC contains several generations of Nb-Ti magnets. Extensive experience exists in building magnets of different aperture and length. Upgrading the magnets to a higher class should be considered as a first option. • Nb-Ti (1.9K) technology is a clear choice for upgrading the large number of magnets in the LHC insertions (dipoles and quadrupoles) of the 4 T class. • The availability of spare low-b triplets and separation dipoles is a serious concern. Any proposal for the upgrade must take this issue into account and provide an appropriate solution. • The shortest route for providing new magnets in a time frame compatible with LHC luminosity runs is to use Nb-Ti technology. • Nb-Ti (1.9K) technology has reached its limits for large series production with the LHC main dipoles; improvements for small series are still possible.
Comment • It is generally accepted that a new generation of magnets (Nb3Sn, HTS,…) will be required for the next hadron collider. CERN should take part in a wider effort to develop and demonstrate the feasibility of the new technology. • In the interest of LHC operation, we must have an alternative; Nb-Ti technology can offer an appropriate intermediate solution. • The pitfalls in building Nb-Ti magnets should not be underestimated. There is a need to start design studies and development before LHC construction teams move on to other projects. • Initial experience from operating the LHC with beam is crucial for refining magnet parameters and making sure there are no “unknown unknowns”.