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Food Medicine Dual Herb for Metabolic Syndrome

Food Medicine Dual Herb for Metabolic Syndrome. The Metabolic Syndrome. Body Size  BMI  Central Adiposity. Insulin Resistance. Glucose Intolerance. Hyperinsulinemia.  TG.  HDL-C. Hypertension. CORONARY HEART DISEASE. Reaven G. Diabetes. 1988;37:1565-1607.

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Food Medicine Dual Herb for Metabolic Syndrome

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Food Medicine Dual Herb for Metabolic Syndrome

  2. The Metabolic Syndrome Body Size  BMI  Central Adiposity InsulinResistance GlucoseIntolerance Hyperinsulinemia  TG  HDL-C Hypertension CORONARY HEART DISEASE Reaven G. Diabetes. 1988;37:1565-1607

  3. Prevalence of the NCEP Metabolic Syndromeby Age Men Women 44% 44% 24% 23% Prevalence, % 8% 6% 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70 20–29 20–70+ Age, years Ford ES et al. JAMA 2002;287:356-359.

  4. Food Medicine Dual Herb • 丁香 八角茴香 刀豆 小茴香 小蓟 山药 山楂 马齿苋 乌梢蛇 乌梅 木瓜 火麻仁 代代花 玉竹 甘草 白芷 白果 白扁豆 白扁豆花 龙眼肉决明子 百合 肉豆蔻 肉桂 余甘子 佛手 杏仁沙棘 牡蛎 芡实 花椒 赤小豆 阿胶 鸡内金 麦芽 昆布 枣(大枣、酸枣、黑枣) 罗汉果 郁李仁 金银花 青果 鱼腥草 姜(生姜、干姜) 枳子 枸杞子 栀子 砂仁 胖大海 茯苓 香橼 香薷 桃仁 桑叶 桑椹 橘红 桔梗 益智仁 荷叶 莱菔子 莲子 高良姜 淡竹叶 淡豆豉 菊花 菊苣 黄芥子 黄精 紫苏 紫苏籽 葛根 黑芝麻 黑胡椒 槐米 槐花 蒲公英 蜂蜜 榧子 酸枣仁 鲜白茅根 鲜芦根 蝮蛇 橘皮 薄荷 薏苡仁 薤白 覆盆子 广藿香

  5. Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce(玉竹) Radix Puerariae(葛根) Indian Buead(茯苓) Portulaca oleracea L.(马齿苋)

  6. Radix Puerariae Reduces Lipids Levels in HFD Induced Obesity Mouse

  7. Compounds from Green Tea Lowers Serum Lipids

  8. 苦丁茶功效 • Ilex kudingcha C. J. Tseng(苦丁茶)Folium llicis Latifoliae(冬青科冬青属) • 高血压、高血脂、动脉硬化、糖尿病、肥胖症、结肠炎、便秘、痔疮和各类口腔炎症 • 保健身体、延年益寿。被称为“长寿茶”、“美容茶”

  9. Kuding Tea inhibits adipocyte Differentiation

  10. Kuding Tea Blocks Body Weight Gain in DIO Mouse

  11. Kuding Tea Reduces Size of adipocyte in DIO Mouse

  12. Kuding Tea Improves Insulin Resistance and Lowers Serum Lipids in DIO Mouse

  13. Kuding Tea Reduces Lipids Accumulation in Liver of DIO Mouse

  14. Kuding Tea Reduces TG Levels in Liver of DIO Mouse

  15. Kuding Tea Improves Metabolis Syndrome of Obese Mouse

  16. Kuding Tea Inhibits Later Stage of Adipocyte Differentiation

  17. Kuding Tea Changes Gene Expression in WAT and Liver of DIO mouse

  18. Kuding Tea Dose not Act on PPARs

  19. Kuding Tea Contains LXR beta Ligands

  20. 谢谢

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