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You want me to what?. Ruahine’s journey in self-videoing, critical friendships & changes to pedagogy. History. Teacher Inquiry Staff Culture Need for PLD to be transferable Developing leadership Readiness High Expectations.
You want me to what? Ruahine’s journey in self-videoing, critical friendships & changes to pedagogy
History • Teacher Inquiry • Staff Culture • Need for PLD to be transferable • Developing leadership • Readiness • High Expectations Vanessa Pitt- You want me to what? Teacher self-videoing, critical friendships and changes to practice Shifting teacher practice and pedagogyThis presentation will take a look at the elements necessary for school leaders to have in place in order for teachers to make a shift in the way they reflect on and inquire into their practice. The journey of Ruahine staff members will be explored as well as the subsequent changes in practice and in their professionalism that occurred as a result.Finally, it will be demonstrated how BOT reporting, annual goal setting and performance appraisal can all be threaded together to create an authentic context for teacher inquiry.
Big Picture • “To personalise numeracy learning with a focus on effective teacher practice to improve outcomes for students.” • Leadership capability developed • Sustained/improved student achievement results • Evidence of students confidently verbalising their leaning goals (& how to reach them) • Teacher inquiry into their practice (in the area of personalising learning), & identify effective teaching strategies being used and those to be developed • Teachers develop an understanding of how effective teaching practice can be transferred across the curriculum Vanessa Pitt- You want me to what? Teacher self-videoing, critical friendships and changes to practice Shifting teacher practice and pedagogyThis presentation will take a look at the elements necessary for school leaders to have in place in order for teachers to make a shift in the way they reflect on and inquire into their practice. The journey of Ruahine staff members will be explored as well as the subsequent changes in practice and in their professionalism that occurred as a result.Finally, it will be demonstrated how BOT reporting, annual goal setting and performance appraisal can all be threaded together to create an authentic context for teacher inquiry.
Expectations • Individual class targets set and included in annual plan • Teacher reflection – regular, recorded (also used as anecdotal evidence for appraisal and in their reporting to the BOT) • Teacher self-videoing – twice per term (with associated reflective comments) • 2 observations per term by lead team &/or facilitator • Critical friend visits – twice per term (with associated observation notes, discussion notes and reflective comments) • Individual report/presentation to the BOT Vanessa Pitt- You want me to what? Teacher self-videoing, itical friendships and changes to practice Shifting teacher practice and pedagogyThis presentation will take a look at the elements necessary for school leaders to have in place in order for teachers to make a shift in the way they reflect on and inquire into their practice. The journey of Ruahine staff members will be explored as well as the subsequent changes in practice and in their professionalism that occurred as a result.Finally, it will be demonstrated how BOT reporting, annual goal setting and performance appraisal can all be threaded together to create an authentic context for teacher inquiry.
Anticipated Barriers • Critical friend confidence • Comfort in self-videoing and evaluating own practice • Perceived increase in workload
Unanticipated Barriers • Reporting to the BOT Vanessa Pitt- You want me to what? Teacher self-videoing, critical friendships and changes to practice Shifting teacher practice and pedagogyThis presentation will take a look at the elements necessary for school leaders to have in place in order for teachers to make a shift in the way they reflect on and inquire into their practice. The journey of Ruahine staff members will be explored as well as the subsequent changes in practice and in their professionalism that occurred as a result.Finally, it will be demonstrated how BOT reporting, annual goal setting and performance appraisal can all be threaded together to create an authentic context for teacher inquiry.
Teacher comments • “…with the videoing there could be no excuses because Vanessa had already videoed herself.” • “…required an incredible amount of thought and reflection and have been extremely valuable…” • “Feedback from observations and my own personal reflections have underpinned the changes that I have made.” (linking back to DATs) • “….Once I had gotten over being squeamish about my appearance and the sound of my voice I could really see what I was doing, how much I was talking and spoon-feeding my students.” • “…I need to work on asking questions to get my critical friend to think of her own answer – I still want to answer all my own questions and need to take a step back so that she can too (just like I need to do this in class time).” • “The critical friend visits, self-videoing and personal reflections have changed from being a ‘doing it because I have to’ to a real tool in my own professional development. I’m more conscious of how and why I’m doing things and question and reflect on my teaching in all areas.” Vanessa Pitt- You want me to what? Teacher self-videoing, critical friendships and changes to practice Shifting teacher practice and pedagogyThis presentation will take a look at the elements necessary for school leaders to have in place in order for teachers to make a shift in the way they reflect on and inquire into their practice. The journey of Ruahine staff members will be explored as well as the subsequent changes in practice and in their professionalism that occurred as a result.Finally, it will be demonstrated how BOT reporting, annual goal setting and performance appraisal can all be threaded together to create an authentic context for teacher inquiry.