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ALDE Strategic Programme for the European Commission 2009 -2014. Press conference of Guy Verhofstadt, President of the ALDE Group Strasbourg, 15 December 2009. 5 main priorities for the ALDE Group. Tackling the economic and financial crisis by a sustainable recovery
ALDE Strategic Programme for the European Commission 2009 -2014 Press conference of Guy Verhofstadt, President of the ALDE Group Strasbourg, 15 December 2009
5 main priorities for the ALDE Group • Tackling the economic and financial crisis by a sustainable recovery • Rethinking the budget introducing own resources • Taking climate change seriously with an environmentally integrated society • Fighting for freedom and fundamental rights • Promoting a coherent Europe strategy in the world
Our economy • Robust and ambitious "EU 2020" strategy • “Open method of coordination” is not enough • “EU 2020” needs legally binding instruments • A single financial supervisor for micro- and macro-prudential supervision • Opposition to anti-competitive practices and 'economic protectionism‘
Our market • Competitive and liberalised EU internal market for energy • Achieving a competitive single market for communications. • Completion of the internal market for transport • Implementation of SMEs strategy
Our climate • 30% emissions reduction commitment • Clear strategy of implementation • Binding EU targets for the energy efficiency in buildings • The reform of the Common Agricultural Policy that is efficient, competitive and responds to the imperatives of climate change
Our citizens • Defend fundamental rights and freedoms • Directive to safeguard media pluralism • EU Asylum policy that is credible and enacts solidarity between Member States • A common legal migration policy
Our external action • The EU External Action Service that safeguards the community aspects in the EU's external action • Robust EU human rights agenda • EU commitment to tangible progress in the ongoing WTO negotiations • Ensure that the negotiations with the candidate countries continue • The EU should actively support the internal reform processes in the candidate countries
Our resources • Introduction of ‘own resources’ • Initiate debate that involves Council, the European Parliament and national parliaments • Make Stability and Growth Pact enforceable