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Welcome Engineering Student Leaders!. Engineering Student Life. The Cockrell School of Engineering (CSE) greatly values the contributions engineering student organizations and their student leaders make to the UT Austin engineering community.
Engineering Student Life • The Cockrell School of Engineering (CSE) greatly values the contributions engineering student organizations and their student leaders make to the UT Austin engineering community. • Engineering Student Life (ESL) is dedicated to providing services needed to support these organizations and their student leaders, as well as a variety of developmental programs for engineering students. Created at the request of student leaders in the Cockrell School in 1999, ESL is a unique office at The University of Texas at Austin and in the United States. • It is the first and only full-time student development office within an academic unit at UT Austin. • Out of over 300 engineering schools in the US, only two other schools have similar offices. • When ESL opened in August 1999, there were 34 engineering student organizations. There are now almost 70!
Engineering Student Life …developing leaders…building community. • Guiding Principles • Whenever possible, ESL works to create an environment that: • Provides open access for students to participate and take on leadership roles, • Empowers student leaders to make decisions on behalf of their group, • Develops strong, caring relationships with the campus community, and, • Supports diverse activities by avoiding duplication. • ESL Goals • The goals of ESL are: • To provide opportunities for engineering students to develop skills in leadership, communications, teamwork and ethics, • Create a sense of community in the Cockrell School, and, • Involve engineering students in the life of the Cockrell School.
Engineering Student Life Staff Glynda Groth-Putnam Director Susan Higginbotham Assistant Director Kate Rogers Student Assistant Clarke Rahrig Student Assistant
Engineering Student Life Office: ECJ 1.224 Phone: (512) 232-5778 FAX: (512) 232-6443 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm 1:00pm to 5:00pm http://www.engr.utexas.edu/studentlife Glynda Groth-Putnam gggroth@mail.utexas.edu Susan Higginbotham shiggy@mail.utexas.edu
Engineering Student Life …developing leaders…building community. General Programs: • Engineering Fall Gathering • Engineering Spring Safety Day • Graduate Leadership Series • LeaderShape-Texas and Catalyst • Life Skills Workshops • ParkFest • Ramshorn Retreats • Student Leadership Awards
ESL serves as the Cockrell School’s liaison to the almost 70 engineering student organizations, providing: • Leadership Development and Training - Accounting, Budgets & Travel - Corporate Relations - Teambuilding - Faculty/Staff Advisors - Conflict Resolution - Programming • Student Leaders Conference • Monthly Presidents’ Meetings • “This Week in Engineering Student Life” • Presidents’ E-mail Listserv • Presidents’ List • ECJ 1st Floor Glass Cases • Banner Spaces • Transition Retreat • EXPO Student Life Fair
Expectations of CSE Student Organizations It is one of the missions of the Cockrell School to educate leadersof the future in technology, industry, business and other professions, who will thrive in a globally competitive environment. CSE student organizations play a vital role in this mission! CSE student organizations should remember that at all times they are not only representing their group, they are also representing the Cockrell School and the University of Texas at Austin. This is not only on the UT Austin campus but in the greater Austin community, the state of Texas and beyond, serving as global ambassadors for the Cockrell School and the University of Texas at Austin.
CSE student organizations are expected to: • Follow CSE and UT Austin policies and practices, • Comply with federal, state, and local laws, • Make group decisions that reflect CSE and UT Austin goals and student needs, • Offer broad access to all students, • Offer programs that are targeted primarily to students, • Fundraise in line with CSE and UT Austin policies and practices, • Manage organization funds wisely and ethically with sound accounting practices, • Maintain autonomy from off-campus entities, and, • Be professional and courteous at all times when communicating with both on and off-campus persons.
Remember… While the Cockrell School encourages and supports its student organizations, CSE, University of Texas at Austin and UT Regents Rules must be followed at all times. Navigating these and the UT Austin bureaucracy can be challenging but ESL is ready to assist you! _________________________________________________________ Don’t know?? Don’t assume!! ASK ESL!! __________________________________________ In addition to ESL staff, ESL webpages can also provide you the most essential information necessary for being a leader of a CSE student organization. Starting Point: Resources for CSE Student Organizations http://www.engr.utexas.edu/studentlife/resources
Becoming a Student Leader Leadership is a matter of abilities and skills that are learned. Being a student leader is a privilege and a responsibility. At all times, however, it is important to remember that you are a student first! More info on BECOMING a student leader: http://www.engr.utexas.edu/studentlife/resources/training Being a Student Leader Getting elected/appointed is just the first step! From teambuilding to conflict resolution, from program planning to budget management, successful group leadership requires effective and positive use of time, resources and relationship skills. More info on BEING a student leader: http://www.engr.utexas.edu/studentlife/resources/training
E-mail Publicity & “This Week in Engineering Student Life” • CSE student organizations registered with ESL may request to publicize their meetings and events through the ESL weekly e-newsletter, "This Week in Engineering Student Life." It is e-mailed every Monday morning during long sessions to all CSE students, faculty and staff. • “This Week…” features: • Weekly calendar of CSE student organization meetings and events • Brief articles about said meetings and events • “This Week…” Deadline: Fridays, 10:00am for following week • CSE student organizations may also request to use the Cockrell School’s bulk e-mail system on a limited basis to promote and advertise special events and programs of their respective organizations. • More information and on-line submission: • http://www.engr.utexas.edu/studentlife/resources/policies/email
Presidents’ E-mail Listserve This list is administered by ESL for presidents of CSE student organizations. It is the official and primary means of communication with CSE student organization presidents. To subscribe to the Presidents’ e-mail list: Send an e-mail to Susan Higginbotham, ESL Assistant Director at shiggy@mail.utexas.edu This will put you on the Cockrell School of Engineering’s student organizations presidents’ e-mail list. To send e-mail to the list, type the following in the “To” space: Sec-presidents@utlists.utexas.edu It will go to all the presidents of the CSE student organizations, as well as to the ESL staff. After the stated date that your term ends Susan will remove you from the list.
Presidents’ List This list is administered by ESL for public information and is found on ESL’s “Learn about Student Organizations” webpage. It is often accessed by outside entities, such as corporate representatives. Information for the list is taken from your student organization’s information on the Student Activities (SA) website. PLEASE be sure that your organization’s information is kept up to date! Monthly Presidents’ Meetings Monthly business meetings of the student leaders of CSE student organizations with ESL are held during the long sessions, generally the last Monday of the month. Meetings are conducted by ESL Staff working with the Presidents of the Student Engineering Council (SEC) and Graduate Engineering Council (GEC). Student organization presidents are strongly encouraged to attend the monthly meeting. In the event the president cannot attend, s/he may designate another officer to attend in his/her place. Meeting reminders are sent to the Presidents’ Listserve.
Banner Spaces Banner display poles are located on the north end of the pedestrian walkway over Dean Keeton Street between ECJ and CPE/ETC and on the south end of the walkway between ECJ and ENS. More info or to reserve BANNER SPACES: http://www.engr.utexas.edu/studentlife/resources/policies/banner ECJ 1st Floor Glass Cases There are a number of glass display cases on the first floor of ECJ. They are assigned and some are shared with another CSE student organization. Information in the glass cases must be kept current due to the amount of traffic from students, faculty, staff and campus visitors that come through the area. More info on GLASS CASES: http://www.engr.utexas.edu/studentlife/resources/policies
Types of UT Austin Student Organizations • There are two types of student organizations on the University of Texas at Austin campus: • Registered – this encompasses the majority of UT Austin student organizations. • Sponsored - registered student organizations that have a close relationship with a university department, program or office. Out of the almost seventy CSE student organizations there are usually 20 to 25 that are officially sponsored. Only the Student Engineering Council and the Graduate Engineering Council are required to be sponsored.
Definition of SPONSORSHIP • Sponsorship requires support, endorsement, supervision, and the assumption of responsibility for the actions and activities of the sponsored organization. • Sponsorship may not be extended to groups involved in political or religious activities or in projects for private gain. • Sponsored organizations may with prior approval use the official trademarked symbols of the University. In order to be sponsored by The University of Texas at Austin and the Cockrell School a student organization mustcomplete additional steps required by the Office of the Dean of Students – Student Activities (SA). It also requires ESL approval. Check with ESL or SA for more information at: http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/sa/index.php
Cockrell School of Engineering Student Organizations Annual Registration Requirements Required: • Registration with DOS-Student Activities (SA) • *Check with SA for deadlines in Fall & Spring • CSE Student Leaders Conference Attendance • Risk Management Training REMEMBER: University and Cockrell School Sponsorship requires additional paperwork by stated deadlines. Check with ESL and SA for more information.
UT Austin Student Organizations Required Risk Management Training In accordance with State of Texas Education Code, Section 51.9361, the Office of the Dean of Students has developed an annual risk management education program for select registered and sponsored student organizations at The University of Texas at Austin. Affected UT Austin student organizations are mandated by State of Texas law to participate in the program annually. Student Activities' Program Safety Education Services administers the program, which is designed to facilitate compliance with the statute and to help ensure a positive, safe environment for students and student organizations.
Required Risk Management Training (cont.) • Training is offered in the CSE for those engineering student organizations required to participate. CSE student organizations required to take the training will be notified by SA. • SA mandated student organizations representatives must choose ONE of the following two dates (locations on site below) to complete the program: • Thursday, September 29 • 5:00-6:30pm • Friday, September 30 • 5:00-6:30pm For more information or to register for training: http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/sa/pses/rmprogram.php
Student Organizations’ Money • REGISTERED • Per UT Austin rules, all monies raised (dues, fundraisers, etc.) on and off-campus by registered student organizations should be deposited into off-campus accounts at the financial institutions of their choice. • For CSE student organizations, all gift monies must be deposited in a UT Austin account. This is handled through ESL. • Cash and checks are accepted. • Checks must be made payable to “The University of Texas at Austin.” • For GIFT monies registered student organizations must follow all • UT Austin business policies and rules. • Registered student organizations are responsible for their financial records of all income and expenditures.
Student Organizations’ Money (cont.) • SPONSORED • Per UT Austin rules, all CSE / UT Austin sponsoredstudent organizations monies (dues, fundraising, gifts, etc.) mustbe deposited and managed through a University of Texas at Austin account. • For CSE sponsored student organizations this is handled through ESL. • Cash and checks are accepted. • Checks must be made payable to “The University of Texas at Austin.” • Sponsored student organizations are responsible for their financial records of all income and expenditures and must follow all UT Austin business rules.
Two types of CSE Student Organization Accounts: • 30 Account - Registered and Sponsored • - Gift money only • 19 Account - Sponsored Orgs. Only • - Dues, fundraisers, etc. • Balance Sheets (available quarterly and by request) • Deposits • - Dues and Fundraisers • - Gift Money and Thank You Letters • Purchases include but are not limited to: • - Food - Contracts - Travel • - Office Supplies - Project Supplies - Bulk Mail • - Conferences and Competitions - Rec Sports/Texas Union • Reimbursements
30 Account – Gift Money For ALL CSE student organizations, REGISTERED and SPONSORED. ►All GIFTmoneyMUSTbe deposited into this account and is processed through ESL. ►A copy of the thank you letter / e-mail* sent to the donor MUSTaccompany the check beforemoney can be deposited. *If corresponding via e-mail okay to copy Susan. A thank you letter template and sample are available on the ESL website under Corporate Relations. Companies and individuals providing gift money to your organization receive tax credit from the university. A record of this money must be managed in a separate database to ensure government auditor compliance.
19 Account - Sponsored Organizations Only • All SPONSORED student organizations’ money except • gift money MUST be deposited in this account. • This account is strictly for dues or revenue from items sold both on and off-campus by the organization. • All university rules and regulations apply to this account. • Account is tax exempt.
BOTH 30 and 19 Accounts: • No check writing capability. • Funds are tax exempt. • PLEASE NOTE: • ►Overdrafts are notallowedon either account. • ►Money cannotbe transferred between the 30 Account • and the 19 Account. • UT Austin business rules, polices and procedures must be followed on both accounts.
Deposits – 30 Account (Gift Money) All gift checks MUST have a thank you letter attached before it will be deposited into the 30 Account. No exceptions. NOTE: If corresponding through e-mail with donor it is okay to copy Susan on the thank you reply e-mail. While there is no specific format that you must follow, a template and sample thank you letter is provided under “Corporate Relations” under “Student Organization Resources” on ESL’s website. All checks received during the months of December and early January must also include the envelope so the donor will receive tax credit for the correct calendar year. This is determined by the postmark on the envelope, NOT the date on the check. The University Development Office will send the donor their tax credit information.
Dues, Fundraisers, Gifts, etc. • CSE student organizations collect dues from their members and host a variety of fundraisers to support their organization. They also receive donations (“gifts”) from outside entities, such as companies and individuals. • Types of fundraisers include, but are not limited to: • Car Washes • Food Sales (Baked Good, Burger Burns, Fajitas, Ice Cream, Pizza, etc.) • T-shirt Sales During each registration period, student organizations are required to submit to Student Activities a solicitation statement fully disclosing sources and amounts of money obtained through on-campus solicitations. See Student Activities, SSB 4th floor, for more information.
Deposits – 19 Account (Monies Raised – Sponsored only) • To Deposit monies into this account: • Bring checks/cash to ESL office within 24 hours of collecting money. • ESL hours 8 – 12 noon and 1:00 – 3:00 pm. No monies accepted after 3:00 pm. • Checks must be made payable to “The University of Texas at Austin”. • Complete19 Account Deposit Slip in ESL. • Sales tax must be collected on taxable items and reported on deposit slip.
Balance Sheet Balance Sheet– What has been donated; how much has been spent, and to whom. These are provided quarterly, but may be ordered upon request. BF = Balance Forward TR = Transfer EX = Expenditure IN = Income DI = Internal Transfer (Rec Sports)
Types of Purchases • Office Supplies • Project Supplies • On-line Orders • T-shirts / Promotional Items • Ordering Food / Restaurants • Contracts / Rental Agreements • Conferences and Competitions • Bulk Mail • Travel Related Student organizations MUSThave enough money in their account(s) to cover any expenses! Overdrafts are NOTallowed!
Purchasing Procurement Card (“Pro Card”) The Pro Card is a University of Texas credit card. It MUST be used to purchase equipment, materials or supplies for your organization, per the Cockrell School of Engineering Reimbursement Policy effective September 21, 2007. CSE student organization presidents must designate with ESL three organization members who are authorized to check out Pro Cards / make purchases on behalf of their organization. Presidents must e-mail Susan the names and EIDs of their organization’s authorized Pro Card users by September 1stfor fall semester and February 1stfor spring semester. Presidents may change their designated authorized representatives as needed by e-mailing Susan names and EIDS.
Procurement Card (“Pro Card”) cont. • Pro Cards are available to be signed out from the ESL during regular business hours and are limited to four hours. • Note: During busy times (like E-Week and Explore UT) time to be • checked out may be limited. • Cards MUST be returned by approved time, along with receipt(s). No exceptions. • If the Pro Card is not returned on time and the ESL is • not notified that it will be turned in late, the individual • who checked out the card and your organization may • be suspended from future use of the Pro Card!
Procurement Card (“Pro Card”) cont. • When a Pro Card is checked out, it MAY NOT be given to someone else to make a purchase. The person checking out the card must make the purchases and return it to ESL with receipt(s). • Persons checking out the Pro Card may only go to the approved vendor(s) designated at time of check-out. If needing to go to additional vendors after check-out contact ESL. • Purchases made at non-approved vendors will be the financial responsibility of the person checking out the card. • Pro Card purchases must be made in a staffed check-out line. • DONOT use self check-out! • Purchases made with the Pro Card are TAXEXEMPT. • Please note that some vendors (like Wal-Mart and Hobby Lobby) also require use of a vendor tax exempt card. ESL has these cards to use when going to these vendors.
Procurement Card (“Pro Card”) cont. Money from the 30 or 19 Accounts may be used for Pro Card expenditures. REMEMBER: - All Pro Card purchases are tax exempt. - Check your receipt BEFOREleaving the vendor! • Pro Cards AREauthorized for: • Conference registrations • HEB • T-shirts/promotional items • Wal-Mart • Fry’s Electronics • Home Depot • Lowe’s • Pro Cards ARE NOT authorized for: • Restaurants • Hotels • Rental cars • Airline tickets • eBay • PayPal • Alcohol The Pro Card may be used for purchases on some websites. On-line purchases MUST be done in ESL by appointment.
UT Market Facilitates quick, reliable purchases from a broad base of suppliers. Glynda and Susan are the designated, authorized shoppers / buyers for CSE student organizations. CSE student organization presidents must designate with ESL three organization members who are authorized to make UT Market purchases on behalf of their organization. It is strongly recommended that the authorized UT Market purchasers be the same three members who are authorized Pro Card users. PLEASE NOTE: UT Market orders are only placed on Mondays and Wednesdays.
The following suppliers are currently part of the UT Market and the list is expected to expand: • Belco Supply • Campus Computer Store • CDW-G • Dell • Fisher Scientific • Grainger • Invitrogen • LTH • MSC Industrial Supply • Office Max • Qiagen • SHI • Sigma-Aldrich • VWR
Office Supplies • All office supplies MUSTbe purchased at Office Max through UT Market. UT Austin has a contract with Office Max and receives a discount. • Office supplies purchased with personal funds will not be reimbursed. • To place your order: • OPTION ONE: • Browse for products select items for purchase by putting them in a virtual shopping cart, and assign the cart to the president of your student organization for purchase approval. • President sends cart to Susan or Glynda for final approval and ordering.
OPTION TWO: • Decide what items you want to order and write down the item number(s). You may find items in the Office Max catalog, which is available in the SEC office (ECJ 1.222) and ESL (ECJ 1.224) or on the Office Max web site, http://www.officemax.com • Come to ESL with your item numbers and quantities of each item. The ESL will place your order and provide you with a receipt. • Some items are restricted – if you have questions, check with ESL. • Remember - Orders will only be submitted on Mondays and Wednesdays and are usually delivered the next business day to the ESL office. • ESL will notify president of delivery and orders must be picked up within two business days of notification.
Ordering and Purchasing Food – General Meetings/Programs When purchasing food for a general meeting/program: • The on-line “Food Order Form” MUST be completed when food is ordered for any CSE student organization program/event. This form is available onlineon the ESL website. • The Pro Card can be used for food/drinks purchased at grocery stores (but not restaurants) or a student may be reimbursed for these items. If using the Pro Card, student may not use the self check-out register. Remember all purchases are tax exempt. • Be sure that vendor puts your student organization’s name on the order! Ordering and Purchasing Food – Fundraisers When purchasing food for an on-campus fundraiser: The UT Austin Food Safety Rules must be followed. Food Safety Approval must be posted at on-campus events. More information can be found at: http://www.utexas.edu/safety/ehs/food/index.html
Ordering and Purchasing Food - Restaurants When purchasing food at a restaurant (banquets, etc.): • Work with ESL to make arrangements in advance. • The Pro Card may not be used at any restaurant. • Students must pay for food and be reimbursed. • When making arrangements, please indicate the order is tax exempt. • Receipts must be itemized and show proof of payment for • reimbursement.
A word about CONTRACTS… Can I sign contracts on behalf of my student organization/the University? NO! Only an individual with a written delegation of authority from the president of UT Austin may execute and deliver contracts on behalf of the University. A University contract without an authorized signature may be invalid and unenforceable and may create individual liability for the unauthorized signer. (From UT Austin website below – FAQ Page) • Student organization representatives should: • Never commit to an arrangement with a performer or vendor, either verbally or in writing, until you can verify that your organization has funds sufficient to cover ALL expenses. • Never agree to pay an individual by cash or personal check. For additional information see ESL or on-line at: http://www.utexas.edu/business/vp/contracts_agreements/
Bulk Mail The following policy is from the Director of the Office of University Services regarding University Mail Services: University Mail Service owns, operates, and processes all Permit 391 mailings for departments mailing at the First Class Presort or Standard Rate (non-profit bulk mail rate). In order to qualify for these reduced rates the United States Postal Service (USPS) has stated the name of the permit holder must be on the first line of the return address. It should be noted that The University of Texas at Austin is officially listed as the permit holder, and should be listed on the first line of the return address.
Bulk Mail (cont.) Examples of the proper format required by the USPS are: The University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Austin Office of University Services Alec Organization 1 University Station E3500 1 University Station, C2108 Austin, TX 78722-2550 Austin, TX 78712 Engineering Student Affairs can provide mailing labels to CSE student organizations to use for official business of their organization. Theletter to be sent must be approved in advance by ESL. “Label Request Forms” are available outside of the ESL office. All costs related to mailing (paper, printing, postage, etc.) are the responsibility of the student organization.
Reimbursements Per the Cockrell School Reimbursement Policy, dated September 21, 2007: “…the only reimbursements that can be made for personal credit card/debit card purchases are for official travel and official entertainment related expenses / purchases.” This means you may purchase food for your student organization’s meetings, programs, etc. and be personally reimbursed. REQUIRED: Please complete the on-line “Food Order Form” when ordering food! http://www.engr.utexas.edu/studentlife/resources/accounting
Reimbursements (cont.) • In order to be reimbursed: • The ORIGINAL receipt along with proof of purchase must be turned in to receive a reimbursement. • Please remember that the receipt must be turned in to ESL within SEVEN business days of the date on the receipt. • Receipts must be itemized. If an itemized receipt is not available, the requestor must provide a signed memo detailing exactly what was purchased. • If proof of payment is not on the receipt, a copy of the credit card or bank statement showing the charge, or a copy of the front and back of a cancelled check must be provided. • An “Official Occasion Expense Form” and “Reimbursement Form” must be completed and turned in with the original receipt. These forms are available on the ESL web site and outside the ESL office.
Reimbursements (cont.) • Receipts and required forms must be turned in to ESL for • reimbursement within SEVEN business days of the date on the • receipt. • Receipts not received within seven business days of the date on the • receipt will NOT be paid using CSE student organization funds from • either account, 30 or 19. Purchaser will be financially responsible • for the purchase. • Reimbursements usually take three weeks if everything is processed without any problems. • The reason for this is after processing by ESL it has to go through the CSE Business Affairs Office (BAO) and University Accounting in the Tower.
PLEASE NOTE: In the past, too many invoices were received by ESL for payment without a contact student’s name and a CSE student organization indicated. ESL could not identify who the invoice belonged to, and therefore vendors were not getting paid. This behavior reflected poorly on the Cockrell School, our student organizations and the University of Texas at Austin, resulting in the implementation of the stated CSE student organization policies. REMEMBER: The person ordering food on behalf of your organization should ALWAYStell the vendor their name ANDthe name of your student organization and have them put it on the invoice!
Sample Receipts Itemized No Tax