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Girl’s Summit-October 12, 2007. Iowa Juvenile Home/State Training School for Girls-Profile. Training School Admission. For a delinquent, a girl must commit a crime that qualifies through criteria established in the Code of Iowa for Training School Admission
Girl’s Summit-October 12, 2007 Iowa Juvenile Home/State Training School for Girls-Profile
Training School Admission For a delinquent, a girl must commit a crime that qualifies through criteria established in the Code of Iowa for Training School Admission Generally, this includes 3 of the 4 noted below: 1)15 years or older 2)Crime against a person-aggravated misdemeanor or felony
Training School Admission-continued 3) Prior delinquency adjudication 4) Prior Treatment Placement Special considerations are noted for other felony violations and youth under 15
State Training School for GirlsDelinquent Youth Crimes - FY 07
FY’07 female admissions=9158%--CINA42%--DelinquentFor CINA girls, Toledo is a placement of last resort for chronic, high risk acting out behavior that includes:
running awayuse/abuse of substancespromiscuous behavior/poor boundaries in relationshipsaggression toward otherspoor peer relationshipsdifficulty in following adult expectationsself-harm and suicidal gestures
lack of understanding in connecting actions w/ consequencespoor school attendancepoor educational performancestrained family relationships or absence of familymultiple placements out of home
WHO are the girls @ Toledo?Behaviors get our girls to Toledo; it is only through an understanding of what lies UNDER that behavior that we can help girls find success and hope for their future
Long term-system involved:Out of Home Placements: FY’07Delinquent---4.9CINA---10.3(does not include shelter or detention)
CINA FEMALES RACE RACE CINA FY 07 DEL FY07 CAUCASIAN CAUCASIAN 47% 75% BLACK BLACK 21% 47% OTHER OTHER 4% 6% Age: FY’07CINA---15 years, 9 monthsDelinquent---15 years, 11 monthsEthnicity: FY’07
Education: FY’07CINA---67% Special EducationDelinquent---33% Special EducationOn average, Toledo girls are 2- 3 years below grade placement
Significant mental health needs, regardless of CINA/Delinquent status:1)attention deficit-results in problems in school/difficulty in relationships/poor impulse control2)post traumatic stress-signifies trauma/abuse3)substance abuse-signifies trauma/abuse/maladaptive coping/addiction
4)borderline personality-drives instability in thought/mood/behavior-difficulty w/ relationships5)depressive/mood disorder-drives withdrawal, isolation, depression/often leads to self harm/suicidal gestures6)histrionic personality-drives instability in regulating emotions-difficulty in relationships
Medication: CINA-70% (3.1meds each) Del. -61% (1.2 meds each)These kind of diagnoses tell the story of girls’ lives. Whether CINA or delinquent, our girls at Toledo come from family systems that are broken. Deficits in families translate into deficits in children. Common family dynamics for our girls include:
Family Dynamics:single parent family/incarceratedparent/terminated parental rights substance abusedomestic violenceinconsistent parentinglack of routine and consistent expectationsrequirement of age inappropriate responsibilities
lack of problem solving skillspoor modeling of socially appropriate behaviorsexual abuse/physical abuselack of boundaries in relationshipslack of healthy intimacy and connectedness w/ others
What Do We Do?In order to see permanent change, we must treat the whole person. This requires a partnership that provides a safe, structured and predictable living environment coupled w/ a treatment approach that recognizes what happened in your PAST is what drives how you behave today.