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Targeted Youth Support and Youth Offending Services. Welcome. Islington Detached Team. Targeted Youth Support. Detached Youth Work: Our service aims to work with young people who may have difficulties engaging in mainstream services, but who often have a range of complex needs.
Targeted Youth Support and Youth Offending Services Welcome Islington Detached Team
Targeted Youth Support Detached Youth Work:Our service aims to work with young people who may have difficulties engaging in mainstream services, but who often have a range of complex needs. This service also includes the Y Team, which operates two mobile youth provisions that can be deployed according to need.
What do we do? • We support young people between the ages of 11-19 to address risky behaviours including substance misuse, crime and anti-social behaviour • We help remove barriers for young people to engage in mainstream services and provision • We help enable young people achieve their potential and succeed in education, training and employment • We carry out risk assessments to safeguard individuals and ourselves and to make sure that we perform our duties in a safe manner
More of what we do • We make contact with young people in settings of their choice • We assess the needs of the young people and produce, implement and review support plans • Weconduct one-to-one sessions and group work as dictated by wishes or necessity • We provide detached youth work projects and offer advice in informal settings on a range of issues such as drug awareness, sexual health, job searches, health, fitness, counselling • We collect, maintain, record relevant information and keep it confidential
Our overall aims are to reduce... • First time entrants into the Criminal Justice System • Anti-social behaviour and crime amongst young people • Teenage Pregnancy and STI’s • Young people Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) • Young people involved in drug and/or alcohol abuse
The Y Trucks Part of our work centres around two fully kitted-out trucks that can best be described as a mobile youth service on wheels. Each truck has internet access, a mini kitchen for cooking classes, a large flatscreen TV and drugs resources and information. We go into neighbourhoods where there are young people who may be involved in anti social behaviour and crime and advice them on further education, healthy lifestyles and protecting themselves against crime and drugs use Our clearly visible presence helps reduce anti-social behaviour and criminal activities We help reinforce the fact that work is being done within the community We can easily be deployed to go where ever the hotspots maybe We become a point of contact for young people at risk
Street Work We target hard to reach groups with great success. Our flexibility and mobility makes it possible to develop positive relationships with those young people who are not using centre based provision. We help them recognise their value as individuals, the power they have to influence their situation and their future with our help and taking advantages of the services at their disposals We are their advocate, signpost them to positive activities and other organisations to keep them off the street We gather intelligence i.e. London riots, and can share this information with other professionals The street work feeds our individual day work
One to One Work There are times when it is more appropriate to speak one to one about very personal issues or when a young person struggles to cope in a group. We create an environment where the young person can safely and voluntarily discuss their feelings, problems, hopes, and things that are important to them without the fear of being ‘judged’ We listen to them and at the very start we set out boundaries so that they know exactly what can be kept confidential and what can’t. We offer a supportive space for learning and for relationship developing to take place Unlike statutory agencies we are available when the young people need us on their territory - not between 9-5 behind the desk in an office. We support statutory agencies by being the vital link for those young people who for instance don’t turn up for their appointment with the relevant agency representative. We meet young people in the street, re-engage with them We work with agency referrals, i.e. the BRONZE group
Not in EducationEmployment or Training (NEET) In our sessions on the Y Truck we provide individual support to young people in their progression from NEET to EET. We offer support on CV writing, job application forms, information on job/apprenticeship, personal issues, individual and group information on drugs and alcohol, sexual matters. We utilise iPads in which all the Islington services updated information is uploaded and give the young people the option of applying for job/apprenticeships on the spot It is also an educational and curriculum resource to turn learning into a ‘cooler’ activity Outcomes: Increased self-esteem, self-confidence, personal achievement, employment potential and by the visual presence of the Y Truck we reassure the community that work is being delivered to the young people.
Come Correct Come Correct is part of the London- wide free condom scheme for young people under 21 The project is funded by the NHS and co-ordinated by Brook London We provide access to free condoms, confidential advice and information on sexual health issues We identify the areas i.e. estates, parks and on the streets where there is a need for our service and we go and distribute free condoms
Working with Dispersal Orders Via community meetings we have had an input in working with partners to help discuss the pros and cons of having a dispersal order in a particular area. This particular order has the power to disperse groups of two or more individuals where there is reasonable grounds for believing that their presence or behaviour has resulted or is likely to result in a member of the public being harassed, intimidated or distressed. We intervene on the following level personal This order can give escort power to be used against any under-16. community/cultural It stimulates multi-agency problem solving, fosters community consultation, and the role of the community in supporting social cohesion. Residents feel more confident about going out in the area. policy/structural It complies with the local authority initiative to get partners and community together. It complies with governmental initiative to reduce crime and disorder CONS Where targeted at groups of youths, these orders can antagonise and alienate young people who may feel unfairly stigmatised for being in public places. The problem is shifted to other places, sometimes just for the duration of the order. It can offer a respite but invariably fails to address the wider causes. It makes it difficult for us to keep track of where the young people have moved to
Community Alcohol Partnership Islington has the second highest number of hospital admissions for alcohol - specific conditions in under 18’s in London A Community Alcohol Partnership (CAP) has been set up in the Caledonian Road area to tackle under age drinking The CAP brings together organisations such as Islington Council, Schools, Youth Services, Trading Standards, Schools, Alcohol Services, Police, Local Retailers
Detached TeamYouth Counselling Service This free service is aimed at young people between 11-19 or up to 25 if they have learning difficulties or a disability. We are based in various strategic locations. Young people approach us or are referred by schools/colleges, local Police, Victim Support Unit, Drug & Alcohol Team, Gang Prevention, YOS. We cover issues like: Bereavement, anger management, self esteem & relationships issues, bullying, sexual abuse, family/teachers/friends conflict, anxiety, self-harm, criminal behaviour, parental or own drug & alcohol abuse, risk of exclusion from school. We offer initial assessments, counselling interventions and onward referrals, group work, rapid response and crisis intervention to young people and consultations to colleagues.
Links with other agencies Islington Detached team (IDT) works closely with a range of agencies to offer the best service to young people and the local community We work with the Borough Intelligence Unit BIU, Bronze Panels, Community Safety, Team Cally and Police/local Safer Neigbourhood Team’s SNT We are able to use intelligence from a range of source’s to offer direct support to young people and their immediate families We are able to be advocates for young people, being a witness to the best that they are able to do Young people are often misunderstood and seen in a negitive light We aim to represent them in a postive way, offering the sometimes unseen positive side of their personalities
Current West Team Sessions Monday 6 - 9 pm Bemerton Estate Tuesday 5 - 8 pm Bemerton Estate Wednesday - Work with Individuals Friday 5 - 8 pm Paradise Park
Truck at Bemerton Recent session
For further information on the Islington Detached Team Please contact
Christine Kyriacou Targeted Youth Support and Youth Offending Services Children Services Tele: 020 7527 5695 Mob: 07825 098416 Email:christine.kyriacou@islington.gov.uk The Detached Youth Work Manager