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A ccess A bility S ervices Exam Procedures 2014. Exam Team. To Receive Exam accommodations. Duplicate Forms. It is in your best interest to have all arrangements made well in advance of upcoming exams, thus reducing last minute running around which can increase exam stress.
Duplicate Forms It is in your best interest to have all arrangements made well in advance of upcoming exams, thus reducing last minute running around which can increase exam stress.
If you are taking an on campus course that has an online test: • Check box number 1 on the duplicate form and ask the professor to adjust the length of time to meet your accommodation • If you wish to write online tests with AccessAbility Services you must inform the Exam Coordinator of this when you return your signed duplicate form in order for us to arrange a space for you. • You do not need to submit the Centre for Extended Learning Request for Accommodation Form, only the Duplicate Form.
Time Lines • Duplicate forms must be signed and returned to NH1132 at least 7 working days prior to your first midterm test for each course -white copy for our department -yellow copy for your instructor • If accommodations are only for finals, forms must be returned 2 weeks prior to the end of classes. • If circumstances change and you decide to write with the class, without your approved accommodation, you must inform both our exam coordinators and your professor of this decision via email a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the exam.
Centre for Extended Learning (CEL) Procedure Complete and submit the on-line Centre for Extended Learning Request for Accommodation Formto Marianna Denes. * Without this form, we cannot arrange your accommodations with the Centre for Extended Learning. The list of student's names requiring accommodations for CEL courses is forwarded to CEL each Friday and updated on their system the following week. In order to receive your accommodations you must have submitted this form one week prior to your first on-line quiz, test, etc. If a home proctor is required, download and submit theProctor Declaration formto the Centre for Extended Learning.
Centre for Extended Learning If your condition changes or accommodation is no longer required, please update both the Centre for Extended Learning and your AccessAbility Services advisor. Students registered with AccessAbility Services, writing their final with our department should not choose “Waterloo” as their centre and not change the centre if they see “invalid value”. Once the exam schedule is released you will see AccessAbility Services as the location of your exam. AccessAbility Services students are notified 2-3 weeks prior to the final exam by Marianna Denes of their exam location and time. Quest will show the following message: “If you are registered with the AccessAbility Services for this term, AccessAbility Services will be in touch to provide your final exam date and time details”. Please Note: CEL final exams are not scheduled to be written during the final 2 days of the Registrar’s formal exam period.
Note Taker Accommodation If you require a note taker as part of your accommodation it is your responsibility to follow up within two lectures with your professor to: • Get the note taker’s contact information • Let your professor know that you will not require the services of the note taker. If your professor was unable to recruit a note taker after two lectures, please contact your AccessAbility Services Advisor. If you decide to drop the course please email your: • Professor • AccessAbility Services Advisor • Exam Coordinator – Hank Edwards
Academic Advisors Students in all faculties studying at either an undergraduate or graduate level need to: • know who their academic advisor(s) is/are • meet with this person as necessary to discuss academic goals and approved academic accommodations such as a reduced course load Engineering Students 1st year - Meet with the Associate Director 1st year Engineering Upper year - Meet with your Engineering Associate Chair
Where do you find the Exam regulations that we must abide by? Registrar’s Office – Exam Regulations AccessAbility Services abides by final examination policies and procedures as governed by the Senate.
Consequences of a Late Arrival Daytime Exams • Students are expected to be on time for all of their exams. • All tests/exams will be held at the same time as your class other than an evening exam which will start at 6:00 p.m. Evening Exams • If you have an emergency which results in a late arrival you must notify the exam coordinators at ext. 32292 in order to ensure that there is a proctor available to proctor your exam. • If you have a class that conflicts with your exam start time you must make arrangements ahead of time with the exam coordinators to accommodate your exam start time.
Exam Regulations You must display your student ID on the desk. PERMISSIBLE Pens, pencils, erasers Items listed on the examination cover sheet NOT PERMISSIBLE Bags, purses, knapsacks etc. Hats/caps Wireless or electronic devices of any sort USB keys, CDs or DVDs Policy 29: Smoking is not permitted in an examination room at any time. Students may not leave the proctored area for a smoke break.
Exam Regulations - Academic Offences Honesty is the best policy - Consider Your Actions • Cheating on an examination is an academic offence punishable by disciplinary action (Policy 71). • If a proctor has reasonable grounds to suspect that cheating has occurred, the proctor will: • Confiscateall of the evidence available • Inform: • the course instructor • Rose Padacz, director • your advisor • the exam coordinator
Exam Regulations The exam form permits you to write with accommodation at the same time as your class with the following exceptions: • All evening exams start at 6:00 p.m. regardless of the scheduled start time (i.e.: if your midterm starts at 7:00 p.m. you will write at 6:00 p.m.). • Your class schedule interferes with the 6:00 p.m. start time (i.e.: a lab). In this instance, prior notification is required for alternative time arrangements made with our exam coordinators. • When writing an evening Final exam at 6:00 p.m. you must remain in the proctored area until 8:30 p.m. – university policy.
Date Changes If in discussion with your instructor arrangements are made for you to write at a different time than the rest of your class, it is your responsibility to: • obtain written permission from your instructor (duplicate form, note, or e-mail) • follow up with your Advisor • forward this permission to the exam coordinators, hedwards@uwaterloo.ca. The written permission must clearly state the course code, instructor’s name, and the date and time agreed upon for the exam. Please Note: Your faculty may require the completion of a “Request for Deferred Final Examination Form” so check with your academic advisor or supervisor in your faculty.
A Reminder • When writing a final exam you must remain in the proctored areauntil one hour after the class has started writing according to University regulations. • The only exception occurs when you have a signed note from your instructor giving permission to leave when finished. • Plan ahead for those times when you have to remain in the proctored area; bring a magazine or novel to enjoy reading after your exam is finished.
Proctored Area Permissible Activities Items Not Permissible Read Enjoy a snack Relax Work on an assignment Review for an upcoming exam Cell phone (please turn it off & leave it in your bag before you start your exam) Electronic devices of any sort including any device with internet capabilities Not Permissible Please note: we will not assume responsibility for any theft or damage of your own electronic devices of any sort. Leaving the proctored area without permission from your proctor.
Medical Alert Due to allergies & environmental sensitivities: • Exam areas are scent free environments. • Avoid the use all scented products which can aggravate health problems for those with asthma, allergies and other medical conditions. • No products containing nuts are to be brought into the exam areas for snacks. • Due to others with latex allergies, it is essential that you thoroughly clean up all eraser crumbs from your exam area and throw them in the garbage.
Pre Exam Preparation – Your Responsibilities • Arrange with your instructor and/or TA to contact you during your exam to discuss any possible questions that may arise. Remind (e-mail or call) your instructor of this arrangement prior to your exam. • Make sure that you know where the class is writing for midterms & finals, how much time your classmates have to write the exam and what aids you are allowed to use e.g.: calculator, crib sheet, textbook. It is your responsibility to: • check the binder in the reception area, NH 1132, two days in advance of writing any exams to ensure that your Waterloo student ID number is on the schedule.
Exam Day • Arrive on time and inform the proctor that you have arrived, giving your identification, course name and number. • Take a seat and wait until you are called to your specific exam spot. • Enter the exam area quietly so as not to disturb students already writing. Each student is seated individually. Although you may experience a slight delay in start time, you will always receive your full allotment of time.
Getting Started • Read the cover page for instructions. • Look over your exam for discrepancies such as a missing page. Notify your proctor immediately if: • you notice discrepancies with your exam • you need scrap paper • you need to go to the washroom– remember to notify the proctor of your return • you are ill • you are ready to print your exam Questions – Clarification • Some professors have a no question policy. • Your proctor cannot answer exam questions. • If you need clarification or a question answered we cannot guarantee that your professor can be reached. • Please write: “My answer is based on this assumption…….” You can follow up with your professor during office hours.
University policy (pg. 8) regarding illness during an exam: • A student who becomes ill during the writing of an examination and is unable to continue should ensure, before leaving the site of the examination, that the proctor in charge is notified of the situation. In addition, the student must notify the course instructor and supply the medical documentation specified above within 48 hours after the partially completed examination. • If a student completes an examination, even though he/she is ill, the grade obtained in the course will normally stand. Subsequent petitions for an exception to academic regulations on the grounds of illness may be considered if accompanied by the documentation specified above. The student’s department or Faculty may take the illness into consideration, and possibly alter academic standing, but the grade will not normally be altered. • False claims of illness and/or the submission of false supporting medical documentation constitute an academic offence that will result in disciplinary action under Policy #71. http://www.registrar.uwaterloo.ca/exams/ExamRegs.pdf
Contract I attended the Exam Procedures Session at AccessAbility Services on _____________________covering procedures for alternate exam arrangements. My signature indicates that I fully understand and agree to the above information. _______________________ Student’s Signature _______________________ Department Signature _______________________ Date