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Haz Ahora viernes el 6 de junio 2014 . Pon tu diario en la mesa por favor. Yo Puedo …. Repasar los puntos mas importantes del segundo semestre Agenda: Do Now / Return papers / lost and found / take home your stuff please! Reminders Burning question review
HazAhoraviernes el 6 de junio 2014 • Pontudiario en la mesa por favor
YoPuedo… • Repasar los puntos mas importantes del segundosemestre Agenda: • Do Now / Return papers / lost and found / take home your stuff please! • Reminders • Burning question review • Stations (5 stations left x 7 mins each) • Return textbooks today or test day! • Journals are due today.
Reminders / Webcodes • Books must be checked in or you will be fined. • Study abroad options • Rotary • Trip to Spain next summer? • Café makeups – if you missed a day of the café, (or aren’t happy with how little you spoke), we get to eat lunch together sometime this week or next www.phschool.com Jdd-0604 (6A) sandal verbs Jdd-0605 (6A) Other reflexive verbs Jdd-0608 6A test prep Jdd-0613 (6B) verbs like gustar Jdd-0614 (6B) present perfect Jdd-0617 6B test preparation Jdd-0704 (7A) negative Tu commands Jdd-0705 –7A impersonal se Jdd-0707 - 7A test prep My website: https://t.teachers.io/theresetucker or go to www.bengalfrosh.com
Conditional tense – “I would” & future “I will” • Take the infinitive (or the irregular stem) and add the correct ending to it. • For conditional, use [ía, ías, ía, íamos, íais, ían]. • >> En mi vacacion ideal, iría a Espana y comería paella. Conocería a Raphael Nadal y bailaríamostoda la noche. Haríamoscosasmuydivertidaspero no jugaríamos al tenisporquequerríahacerlo. • For the future, use {é, ás, á, émos, eis, án}. • >> Este verano, yovisitaré a misabuelos en Minnesota y pasarétiempo con mis amigos. Yoiré a Missoula para jugar al béisbol y mi equipojugará en el campeonato. Nosdivertiremos mucho y siganamos, !nospondremosmuyemocionados!
-IR Stem changing sandal verbs in the preterite In the present it’s a shoe, but in the past, niyonitú!
Tarea • Summer is coming! Check out www.duolingo.com – it’s free, hooked to facebook so you can compete and practice with your friends and has a placement test, so you don’t have to repeat what you already know! Don’t lose what you’ve learned over the summer!
Examen • Café 50 points • Reflection 10 points • Exam 105 points (about 70 questions) • 2 audios • 2 readings • Verbs like gustar • Volverse / Ponerse (“get” verbs) & other reflexive verbs • Present perfect (haber + participle > he comido, has dicho etc.) • Future & Conditional (comeré, comería) • +/- Tu commands / Impersonal Se (No seas tonto! Se estudia) • Vocabulary from all chapters
Stations • 7-8 mins / station – groups of 3 max • Gustar & impersonal SE • Other reflexive verbs – “get” verbs • Present perfect & irregular participles • +/- tu commands • Class evaluation • Vocabulary • Packet check & Cheat sheet extraordinaire / Audio • Future & conditional tense
Present Perfect – what someone has done. Use present tense form of haber + past participle. To form the participle, drop the ending of the infinitive, add –ado for AR verbs and –idofor ER and IR verbs. (Don’t write here please!) Object and reflexive pronouns with the present prefer go immediately before the form of haber. (example of reflexive: Yo me he divertido. Tú te has enamorado de Bob. Example of objectpronouns: A él, le han gustado los efectos especiales. ¿Has visto la película? Si, la he visto.) PRACTICE: • Write 7 sentences describing what you HAVE DONE this year. What have you learned, what have you written, what have you seen, who have you spoken to, have you eaten anything new, etc. • Write a sentence for each of the 8 irregular past participles as well. • If you have questions or are uncertain, please check pg. 331 in your book or ask me.
Preterite of –ir stem-changing verbs (Sandal Verbs) In the preterite, -ir verbs like preferir, pedir, and dormirstem-change only in the Ud. and Uds. forms. E > I or O > U. Reír is a small exception in that the e in the stem drops in the Ud. and Uds. form: reí, reíste, rió, reímos, rieron Verbslike preferir: divertirse, mentir, sentirse Verbslike pedir: competir, despedirse, repetir, seguir, servir, vestirse Verbslike dormir: morir Verbslike reír: sonreír PRACTICE: • Conjugate the preterite of preferir, pedir and dormir on the whiteboard 4 times without looking at the above. • Conjugate divertirse, sentirse, competir, seguir, & morir on the whiteboards 1 time each (or more if you need it) • If you have questions or are uncertain, please check pg. 302 in your book or ask me.
Other Reflexive verbs These reflexive verbs reflect a change in mental, emotional, or physical state “gets” or “becomes” Write the meaning of the following reflexive verbs in your notebook (Not here! Save paper!). Remember that these are reflexive verbs. (Ex. Él se puso furioso.) PRACTICE: Write 4 sentences for each of the verbs above. One about you and someone else in the present and one about you and someone else in the past. If you have questions or are uncertain, please check pg. 305 in your book or ask me.
Packet check/ audio / cheat sheet Check your packet for errors or mistakes. Make sure what you think you know is correct! Take a picture with your phone (or copy) the cheat sheet extraordinaire on the back of the last two pages of the packet. It’s every grammar point you need to know! Draw the grid below on your whiteboard & then listen to Track 9 (track is 3 mins).
Vocabulary – chapter 6A, 6B, and 7A • Vocabulary – chapter 6A, 6B, and 7A • PRACTICE: • Pg. 316, 342 & 370 (Repaso del Capítulopages) • Quiz your partner or yourself on the vocabulary listed on the pages above.
Commands • For positive Tú commands, use the Usted / él / ella form. For irregular positive tú commands, remember Vin Diesal has ten weapons, eh? (ven – venir, di – decir, haz – hacer, ten – tener, ve – ir, pon – poner, sé – ser) • For negative tú commands, drop the –o from the present tense yo form and add the opposite vowel (-es for AR verbs, -as for ER and IR verbs). Remember to remember if the verb is a stem-changer in the present tense (ex. Calentar > no calientes) • -car, -gar, -zar verbs have a spelling change: • c changes to qu (picar > no piques) • g changes to gu (pagar > no pagues) • z changes to c (almorzar > no almuerces) • Irregular negative tú commands: dar (no des); estar (no estés); ir (no vayas); ser (no seas) • PRACTICE: • Your messy little brother is going to be watching over your stuff this weekend. Write 7 positive and 7 negative commands telling him what to do and what not to do. • If you have questions or are uncertain, please check pg. 356 in your book or ask me.
The impersonal se • Used when we talk about things in a general sense in English, or when we would say you or they, one or people in English. What is it served with? How do you make that? It is forbidden to do that. Normally you can’t eat at school. Con qué se sirve? Cómo se hace? Se prohibe hacer eso. Normalmente, no se puede comer a la escuela. • Use se + the Ud./él / ella form when talking about infinitives or a singular subject or the Uds. / ellos / ellas for a plural subject. • PRACTICE: • Escribe cinco preguntas sobre las cosas que se pueden, se permiten, y se prohíben hacer en la escuela. Después, pregúntale a otro estudiante si se pueden hacer las actividades o no. • Ex.: En el gimnasio, ¿se puede correr? Si, se puede correr pero se prohíben perros. • If you have questions or are uncertain, please check pg. 360 in your book or ask me.
Verbs like GUSTAR These verbs always use an indirect object pronoun (me, te, le, nos, les) and are all formed: indirect object pronoun + verb (gustar / gustan) + subject. Otherverbslikethisinclude: encantar, gustar, importar, interesar, aburrir, doler, fascinar, molestar, parecer, quedar. The two forms of the verbs that are most commonly used are the Ud./él / ella form and the Uds. / ellos / ellas forms. A él, le encanta el basquetbol. A ellos, les gustan los deportes. Note that basquetbol and deportes are the subjects of the examples and le and les are indirect object pronouns. (to him, basketball is loveable / to them, sports are pleasing). A + pronoun is often used to clarify or for emphasis. They agree with the indirect object pronoun. PRACTICE: • Do Actividad 11 & 13 on pg. 329 in your book. Check the back of this page for the answers after you have done the exercise 11 and use the prompts for act. 13. • If you have questions or are uncertain, please check pg. 328 in your book or ask me.
Future & Conditional tenses To form the future tense (I WILL DO THAT), drop the H off of HABER from the present perfect, add what’s left to the end of the infinitive and add an accent (to all but the nosotros form) To form the conditional tense (I WOULD DO THIS), add the ER/IR verb ending of the imperfect to the end of the infinitive. Irregular stems are in three groups and are irregular for both the conditional and the future tenses: PRACTICE: • Write 7 sentences about what you and your classmates will do when you go to college. Use the future tense and regular and irregular stems. • Write 8 sentences about what you would do if there was an earthquake during school. Use the conditional tense and regular and irregular stems.
Homework • Study!