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What Is Raw Dog Food And How To Introduce Raw Food To Dog

Raw dog food is made by using different meat, fruits, veggies, dairy products, etc. When transitioning from a processed to a raw dog food diet, you must take several precautions, so your dog's health doesn't suffer.<br>

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What Is Raw Dog Food And How To Introduce Raw Food To Dog

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  1. Home / Blog Details What Is Raw Dog Food And How To Introduce Raw Food To Dogs? What Is Raw Dog Food And How To Introduce Raw Food To Dogs? By Admin 28 Nov 2022 Should you get your dog raw food? Is raw dog food the solution to all your puppy's eating problems? What should be the intake amount of raw food? These all are the most burning questions among dog lovers. Raw food is everywhere now, and the trend to feed your dog raw food has lasted for ages now. Common health conditions in dogs include allergies, digestive problems, and weight issues. Switching to raw dog food might solve all your dog's common health problems. Pets owners who have switched to raw diets for their dogs have seen drastic improvements in the health of their pets. There can be many reasons to feed such a diet to your dog, one being it's entirely "natural." A natural Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com

  2. diet means your dog is getting nutrients from the original sources, i.e., from where they should get them, which leads to an overall improvement in your dog's health. So, are you considering transitioning to a raw food diet for your dog and have many burning questions regarding the transition? In that case, this is the place that will answer all your questions. What's the reason why everyone is so obsessed with raw dog food diets? What does the diet contain? How to introduce raw food to dogs? Let's answer all these questions through this guide! What Is Raw Dog Food Or Dog Raw Food Diet For Dogs? A raw dog food diet is made up of muscle meat, ground or whole bone, organ meats, fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products like yogurt, and raw eggs. Raw food can come in different types, such as dehydrated, homemade, or store-bought. As per raw dog food diets advocates, your dog may experience the following benefits such as: healthier skin better dental health shinier coats small size stools more energy As it sounds, raw feeding means making your dog's diet full of raw foods, i.e., meat, vegetables, fruits, etc. How many options are there to feed the dog? Such a type of question is common for people who are using raw diet food for the first time. Although people use many combinations to provide their dogs with raw food, there are mainly only two popular and recommended dog feeding techniques. The first one is "BARF" (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) which includes 60% to 80% raw meaty bones (such as wings and backs, poultry necks) and 20% to 40% meat, veggies and fruits, dairy, eggs, and a major combination of supplements. The second is the "prey-model" diet, which follows a set pattern of how a natural diet should look for a dog straight from the wild. This diet includes 80% muscle meat, 10% bone, and 10% organ meat. How Much Dog Raw Food To Feed Your Pets? Like other dog owners, do you also worry about how much raw dog food to feed your pet? Not to worry, as Kleeket LLC experts are here to help! You must switch to a raw diet for your pet as it promotes a healthy lifestyle for them. The raw diets are full of nutrients, natural, and also highly delicious that your pet will wholeheartedly enjoy. We want to help you decide on the amount of raw diet, so your pet can get the best out of it. Furthermore, we will also guide you on the entire journey of raw diet food. Tailoring The Dog's Raw Food Amount For Your Pet Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com

  3. How can you tailor a diet plan for your pet? A right raw diet containing all the essential nutrients and other raw materials for your pets can vary based on different reasons. You can use this standard info to get started: Your pet's current weight, breed, and age. Whether they are neutered Lastly, what weight do you prefer for your pet? Out of all these, your pet's age will play the biggest role in setting up the perfect raw diet. In case you don't already know, diet demands are much greater in dog puppies. An adult male dog of the same breed will have lesser diet demand compared to the same breed puppy. Dog Puppies Raw Diet For an average dog puppy, you can add up to 10% of meat of their body weight to their daily diet. As the puppy enters adulthood, its body's demands for meat also decrease. A six-month-old dog will prefer having 5% to 7% of meat in their daily diet. Furthermore, adult dogs only require an intake of 2% to 3% of meat of their body weight per day. Your older pets will have a much lesser demand for meat, i.e., 1% per day. The demand for average meat per day can increase if the dog is highly active or working. Calculating the percentage of your dog's daily meat needs is pretty easy. You can follow this example: For a dog of 12 kg weight and six months of age, the recommended amount of raw meat per day is 5% to 7% of body weight. You simply have to multiply the weight amount by the recommended meat per day, i.e., 5%. Also, you must remember to add a zero to the answer value. By doing this, you will get the meat amount of 600g. Follow the same method for the 7% recommended meat amount, and your answer will be 840g. So, if your puppy is six months old and has a weight of 12 kg, the recommended meat amount to be fed daily will be 600 to 840 grams. Although this was a general example, if your dog has different age and weight, which is the most likely case, you can contact Kleeket for a free consultation. When you buy raw dog food from us, we help our clients know how much they should feed their dogs on a daily basis. How To Make A Transition From Kibble To Raw Dog Food? We know it can be difficult for your dog to transition from a kibble diet to a BARF raw diet. Also, before you transition between these different diets, there are some things that require your consideration. Since your dog is already consuming a highly-processed diet, there is a chance their digestive system may not like the instant switch to raw food. When your dog has built up toxins from having a processed diet for a long time, you need to give its stomach some time in order to detoxify these toxins. You can start by lessening the kibble amount in their diet and adding raw food to that removed portion. You must follow this until your dog's stomach is able to detoxify the toxins from the body completely. Don't be surprised if your dog suffers from soft stool or an upset stomach during this time. It's simply a sign of the body adjusting to the new raw food. Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com

  4. To facilitate this diet change process smoothly, Kleeket says to stick with only one protein type for your dog's diet. You must stick to this idea for at least the first week, although this may change if your dog has diarrhea after those seven days. Just a reminder, don't try to expect much at the start of the diet change. You must give your dog some time to get comfortable with its new diet. You must let your dog's digestive system get comfortable by waiting one week to make further changes in its diet. As time passes, your dog will be able to adjust to the protein you added to his diet during the first week. After that, you can go for the second source of protein in your dog's diet. Now, you are free to do some mixing of meats to provide your dog with the best raw diet they deserve. Mixing different meats is a great idea since consuming different types of proteins is quite helpful for your pet's health. You must let the same process run for around two months, so your dog gets comfortable with the raw diet. You can follow these practices when making a transition from kibble to a dog raw food diet: Before we start with different phases, you need to pick a protein your dog is familiar with. Let it thaw in the fridge for around 24 to 48 hours before serving it to your dog. Phase 1: Start the transition by cutting down the original food by 20% and letting only 80% of it stay in the bowl. Now, put the 20% raw dog food inside the bowl instead of the old food. Phase 2: For the next part, you need to distribute 50% old and 50% raw dog food to your dog. Stick with this phase for three to five days at best. Phase 3: Now, you can increase the serving of raw dog food to 80% and let the old food stay only 20% inside the food bowl for your dog. Like before, follow this phase for three to five days. Phase 4: Lastly, you can transition to 100% raw dog food without your dog facing any side effects from the diet change.     Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com

  5. How To Introduce A Raw Diet To Dogs By Replacing Cooked Food? Changing from a cooked to a raw diet is also common among dog owners, and you must do this change gradually and slowly. However, this transition will be much faster since your dog is not having a processed diet. Although your dog is not having a processed kibble diet, its body will still take some time to adjust to this new diet. In addition, there are many cooked diets that come with fillers like rice and pasta, which will take time to get detox from your dog's body. You can take the help of our mentioned phases to adopt a raw diet for your dog gradually. While few dogs can make the transition faster, expect different results for your dogs, as the transition can differ from dog to dog. How To Get Started With A Raw Dog Food Diet? Switching from old food to raw dog food can take some time, but you can still make the transition smooth if you use the right strategies and have enough patience. So, to make the change easier for your pet, it's best to start with a single protein only. The best source of protein can be chicken, as it comes with the soft bone and is easily digestible. Week 1: Starting With Raw Meats Raw meat is how you start the transition process for your pet. Usually, there are two ways to introduce raw food to your pet: Gradual Feeding: First Option Gradual feeding is a great way to make your pet comfortable with its new food. For starters, we recommend starting by only adding half of the amount of the recommended dog food for day one. Keep increasing the amount with each passing day, i.e., on day two, you can increase the amount by 2/3, and on day three, you can start with the full amount. How many times you want to feed your pet depends on how much your pet needs and if that works for you. For example, if your pet is satisfied with one meal, then that's totally fine. There is no need to increase or decrease that amount under normal situations. Also, remember each pet has its own pace to turn toward raw food. If your pet is unable to accept the new food even after one week, then you should only use one protein for the time being. When you think you and the pet are ready for the next step, you can increase the amount of raw dog food. Dog Raw Food Combinations: Second Option If you want to transition as slowly as possible, then choose the second approach. In this option, you use both commercial pet food and raw food for the first few days of the transition. You can start by introducing a mined meal for the first day in the morning. Later in the day, you can give the same old food to your pet. With time, you Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com

  6. can increase the amount of raw food while decreasing the old amount. This way, your dog will be ready to eat a completely raw food diet with ease. The transition can take up to three days. Also, remember not to mix both the food together. The digestion can get a hit if you do that. Ensure to keep both foods separate while avoiding mixing them. Week 2: Making The Addition Of Fresh Protein Sources After making your pet comfortable with the raw chicken or any other meat during the first week, your goal for next week will be to add new protein sources to your diet. It is generally good to offer a mixed diet to your dog in the morning. You can use a combination of beef as well as chicken to make the diet healthier for your dog. For the evening diet, try to use only one protein source, which can be chicken or another. You must do this to make your pet comfortable with a different protein diet. And also, through this, you can notice what your pet doesn't like. It's a great way to make your dog adjust to the newly introduced diet without harming its digestive system. You will see some changes in your dog, which is pretty normal with the change of diet. Make sure not to worry since it's part of the transition. Keep using a different diet while taking a week's break to figure out what your pet likes and make the best diet for them. Week 3: Start Mixing With you and your dog entering the third week, your dog is ready to enjoy boney meals in its raw dog food diet. For this diet switch, you can start with the chicken carcass. There is a great way to know if your dog's body is coping well with the change in the diet consisting of bone feeding. In order to know, you need to take a look at their poop. If you notice bones in their poop, it means their digestive system is not yet ready for the diet change. You can switch back to normal meat meals if that's the case. However, you can start giving your pet boney meals once you think they are ready for it. Week 4: Making A Complete Transition To A Dog Raw Food Diet It takes around four weeks to make a complete transition to a raw dog food diet. As your dog enters the fourth week, it will ease eating various diets made of meat and other mixtures. Finding 100% meat dog raw food options will take some time, but it's better you take your time since it's about your dog's health. Since your pet is already comfortable having soft boney meals, your next step should be providing them with harder bones like lamb ribs. However, ensure that your dog's next meal should have more bone-less meats to balance both diets after every bone meal. Your dog is both bone meal ready and whole meat meals ready, like trout or rabbit. As the fourth week comes to an end, your dog's digestive system will adjust to the raw dog food completely. You have introduced your dog to different meals containing bone and nonbone diets in these four weeks. In addition to that, they are also familiar with whole and minced meats. Rushing the transition will not do any good Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com

  7. for your dog. If it takes time, let it take time. Repeat the same week unless your dog is ready for the full raw dog food diet. What Should You Consider When You Switch To A Raw Dog Food Diet For Different Life Stages? Are there any concerns you should be aware of before transitioning to raw dog food? Do you have a puppy, or healthy adult, or maybe a senior dog with some health issues? Well, let us answer for things you should know when you consider transitioning to a raw diet for your dog. First Life Stage: Puppies If your dog is still a puppy and hasn't eaten a processed diet for longer, making them adjust to the raw diet will be much faster compared to adult or senior dogs. Also, average puppies have a healthy working digestive system, making the transition process faster. But still, make sure to do the transition gradually. Although they will be able to adjust to the new diet in two days instead of taking multiple weeks, starting slow is still recommended. Second Life Stage: Adult Or Healthy Dogs A healthier young adult can easily make a transition to raw dog food thanks to their healthy digestive system. However, it is still recommended to take things gradually. At the same time, you must also monitor their stool and make changes per the dog's needs. Third Life Stage: Senior Dogs As dogs age increases, they develop various health issues since their immune system becomes much weaker compared to when they were adults. Due to this, you need to take the transitioning process much slower, as they will not be comfortable with the new raw dog food. Senior dogs are not too robust, and because of that, their digestive system becomes more sensitive and fragile to new diet changes. For them to adjust to this diet change, it can take up to several weeks and even months. In most cases, your senior dog will have only processed food as part of its diet since birth. As this food's harmful ingredients accumulate in your dog's body, it will take a lot of time for the body to detox it. Therefore, the experts recommend a slower transition to raw dog food for senior dogs. Because of gradual change, their body will have enough time to detox the harmful ingredients of the old food. What Changes To Expect During The Dog Raw Food Transition Period? (Potential Side Effects) Transitioning from processed to raw food can change a puppy's health. However, these side effects are quite common and are not at all severe for your dog's well-being. Let's discuss some common changes in your dog during this adjusting period. Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com

  8. Detox Process The detoxification process is quite common among dogs who are making a transition from processed food to a raw diet. The process will happen through the dog's skin and bowels. Common side effects or symptoms dogs usually face during the process include: Dry skin Dog poop containing mucus Running eyes Too much coat shedding Changing skin conditions Such symptoms are common and can become worse for some pet owners. However, don't worry since it is a positive sign showing your dog is getting rid of build-up toxins in its body. Give your dog some time to build up new healthy cells replacing the unhealthy ones. Lesser Water Intake Drinking less water is common among dogs that have just started eating raw food. Since a raw food diet has a large amount of moisture inside it, dogs require less compared to when they have processed diets. The Stool May Look Different A change in stool can be observed when your dog switches to a raw diet. Through this unusual stool, they will push out the toxins from their body. As a result, their stool after detoxification will become firmer and smaller. Why Feed Raw Dog Food, Or What Are The Reasons To Feed Raw Food To Your Pets? If you are thinking of adding a raw dog food diet, you should know there are numerous benefits that make it a perfect choice for your dog. Here are some benefits and reasons to feed raw food to your pets: Easy-to-digest food: The natural raw diet can be easily digestible, which provides enough nutrients for your dog's body. Healthy coat and skin Less body odor Decrease poop amount Lower Allergies Enhanced functioning of the immune system More energy Increased hydration Better weight management Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com

  9. Help to clean teeth naturally Where To Get Or Buy Raw Dog Food? After knowing so much about raw dog food, your next question would be where to buy raw dog food. There are many online sellers that provide a regular supply of raw dog food. However, how you will judge the food quality is something that you should know about. To get a regular and safe supply of raw dog food: 1. Check whether the seller is trustable. 2. Secondly, check if they have any testimonials on their site. 3. See how they have presented their product to the website visitors. If the product ingredients and benefits are listed on the website with many customer reviews, then that's the place you must go to grab the best and safe deal on raw dog food. Kleeket LLC is one of the places that value customer time and money. We are consistent in providing the best quality raw dog food at reasonable prices. Our experts have personalized the raw food according to what is best suited to all types of dogs. What's more, get a free consultation over what amount of raw dog will be best for your dog and how you can make the transition more smooth. Want to connect with the best provider of raw dog food? Contact here: Our Address: 29225 188th AVE SE, Kent - WA, 98042 Email Us:order@kleeket.com Call Us: (425)329-9996 Want to know more about what goes into raw dog food? Make sure you follow our blog posts from time to time. F.A.Q Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com

  10. How Can I Introduce My Dog To A Raw Food Diet?  Although there are many ways to introduce your dog to a raw food diet, many prefer starting by feeding a small portion of the raw mined meal to their dogs. You can start like that by giving a small portion of meat in the morning, followed by the old food meal later in the day. Keep increasing the raw food amount with a gap of 3-5 days until it turns 100% raw. When To Start Giving Your Dog Raw Food?  Can I Switch Straight To Raw Dog Food For My Dog?  Is The Combination Of Dry And Raw Dog Food Ok For My Dog?  Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com

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