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SB 743 and New Models for Estimation of VMT

This presentation provides an introduction to SB 743 and the revised draft guidelines for VMT modeling, induced demand modeling considerations, and modeling VMT mitigation measures. It also discusses the next steps in the SB 743 process.

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SB 743 and New Models for Estimation of VMT

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SB 743 and New Models for Estimation of VMT Erik Ruehr, VRPA Technologies, Inc. Chair, California SB 743 Task Force Institute of Transportation Engineers – Western District ITE SF Bay Area Modeling Workshop April 28, 2016

  2. Outline Introduction to SB 743 Summary of Revised Draft Guidelines VMT Modeling Considerations Induced Demand Modeling Considerations Modeling VMT Mitigation Measures Next Steps in SB 743 Process Comments/Questions

  3. Introduction to SB 743 • SB 743 Passed in Fall of 2013 • Governors Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to Write New CEQA Guidelines for Transportation Analyses • Reduced Emphasis on Roadway Capacity/Level of Service (LOS) Analysis • Increased Emphasis on Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) or Similar Measures • Purpose is to Encourage Smart Growth, Multimodal Travel and Infill Developments and Reduce Vehicle Travel • Draft SB 743 Guidelines Prepared by OPR in August 2014 • Revised Draft SB 743 Guidelines Prepared by OPR in January 2016

  4. Summary of Revised Draft Guidelines • VMT is performance measure. Auto delay is excluded • Tour-based analysis preferred over trip-based analysis • Don’t mix tour and trip-based methods in same analysis • Retail developments re-route trips. Focus on net change • in VMT. • Don’t truncate VMT analysis at jurisdictional boundaries

  5. Summary of Revised Draft Guidelines (cont.) • VMT Thresholds • Residential: VMT/capita 15% below regional average or city average • Office: VMT/employee 15% below regional average • Retail: Net decrease in VMT. Local-serving retail exempt. • Mixed Use: Evaluate each component separately and take credit for internal capture • Other Projects: To be determined by lead agency • Development in areas assumed to be vacant in RTP/SCS are significant

  6. Summary of Revised Draft Guidelines (cont.) • Other Threshold Considerations • Land Use Plans: Consistent with RTP/SCS and VMT/capita and employee lower than regional average • RTP/SCS: Meet SB 375 targets and reduce VMT/capita • Rural Projects Outside MPO’s: Thresholds may be determined on a case-by-case basis • More stringent thresholds acceptable

  7. Summary of Revised Draft Guidelines (cont.) • Transportation Projects • Exempt Projects: Auxiliary lanes, roundabouts, turn lanes, local streets, collector streets • Induced travel analysis • Sketch planning methods described for induced travel using elasticity (e.g. 0.8% increase in VMT per 1.0% increase in lane miles) • VMT Threshold: Increase of less than 2,075,220 VMT/year (5,685 VMT/day)

  8. VMT Modeling Considerations (Land Development Projects) • VMT = Trip Generation x Trip Length • Regional or Subarea Travel Model May Be Appropriate for Many Projects • Modeling VMT May Be Difficult for Small Projects and Projects Outside Model Areas • CalEEMod and Similar Models often Estimate Trip Length at County-wide Level • Potential Use of Statewide Model • Table-Based Solutions May Be Appropriate • Transportation Profession Will Collectively Need to Determine What Level of Accuracy is Acceptable in VMT Modeling

  9. Induced Demand Modeling Considerations • Induced Demand is growth in travel demand (VMT) due to land development projects located to take advantage of reduced travel times. • This requires forecasts which are out of scope for regional travel demand models. • OPR suggests expert panels and sketch modeling techniques based on elasticity of demand.

  10. Modeling of Potential VMT Mitigation Measures • OPR recommends use of CAPCOA report. • Decrease in VMT due to transit, bicycle, pedestrian improvements may need to be estimated. • Other strategies such as paid parking and tolling may also be of interest.

  11. Expected Next Steps in SB 743 Process Revised Draft Guidelines and Public Review Period? Final Guidelines/Incorporation into CEQA/Local Thresholds Early Opt-In Period for Implementation Required Implementation (Statewide) Websites OPR: www.opr.ca.gov Check: CEQA / Alt Transportation Metrics (SB 743) ITE: www.westernite.org Check: Legislation Around the District

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