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You Have A Right To

You Have A Right To. VOTE!. WHO CAN VOTE IN ALABAMA?. A U.S. Citizen Who Lives in Alabama. And is 18 years old or older. . WHO CAN NOT VOTE IN ALABAMA?.

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You Have A Right To

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Presentation Transcript

  1. You Have A Right To VOTE!

  2. WHO CAN VOTE IN ALABAMA? A U.S. Citizen Who Lives in Alabama And is 18 years old or older.

  3. WHO CAN NOT VOTE IN ALABAMA? A Person Who Has Been Barred From Voting Due To A Felony Conviction (If you have fulfilled all the terms of your sentence you can apply for a Certificate of Eligibility.)

  4. WHO CAN NOT VOTE IN ALABAMA? A Person Who Has Been Declared Mentally Incompetent.

  5. How Do I Register? You may obtain information on how to register by calling one of the offices below: • The Board of Registrar’s Office in your county. • The ADMH Advocacy Program at 1-800-367-0955. • The Secretary of State’s Office at 1-800-274-VOTE (8683).

  6. When you permanently move, you must register again.

  7. If you are temporarily away from your home, you may vote by absentee ballot.

  8. After you register, you should get a voter identification card in the mail within two weeks. If you do not, you should contact the Registrar’s office.

  9. Go to your assigned polling place on election day. It will be listed on your voter identification card. VOTE

  10. Do not worry! You can ask for help from the poll workers or you can take someone with you if you want. You cannot ask for help from your employer, union representative or their agents. VOTE

  11. Who Can Vote With An Absentee Ballot? A Voter Who: • Will be absent from the county on election day. • Is ill or has a physical disability that prevents a trip to the polling place. • Is a registered Alabama voter living outside the county. Be sure to check the Deadline for filing an application for an absentee ballot.

  12. What Is Business/Medical Emergency Voting? Applications for emergency voting can be made after the absentee dead-line but no later than 5:00 PM on the day before the election, if the voter: Is required by an employer under unforeseen circumstances to be out of the county on election day for an emergency business trip and did not know prior to the absentee ballot application deadline. Has a medical emergency requiring treatment from a licensed physician. (The physician must certify the situation as an emergency.)

  13. WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! An Absentee Ballot cannotbe counted if the signature on the affidavit is not notarized or signed by two witnesses! It will not be counted if it is mailed in the same envelope with another ballot. Follow the instructions carefully!

  14. Okay, But What Do I Do If … • I am not allowed to vote. • I have problems that are keeping me from voting. On Election Day, while you are having these problems call your Probate Judge’s Office, or the Secretary of State’s Office at 1-800-274-VOTE (8683).

  15. Facts About Your VOTE • How you cast your ballot is your decision. • Each citizen gets one ballot. • You can keep your vote a secret.

  16. If you wish to be a responsible voter, you should: • Learn about the candidates and the offices for which they are running. • Vote for the candidate you choose.

  17. Ask questions if you do not understand. • Ask for assistance if you need or want it.

  18. Respect the privacy of others. (Some people choose to keep their vote a secret.)

  19. VOTE

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