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Come to Colorado. …for its history and beauty. Here’s why…. Big game hunters lived in Colorado as long as 15,000 years ago. People have been in Colorado for a very long time. Anasazi Indians lived in the Cliff Dwellings in the Mesa Verde area from around the year 1 to the year 1299.
Come to Colorado …for its history and beauty. Here’s why…
Big game hunters lived in Colorado as long as 15,000 years ago. People have been in Colorado for a very long time. Anasazi Indians lived in the Cliff Dwellings in the Mesa Verde area from around the year 1 to the year 1299. The Ute Indians are the oldest continuous residents in Colorado. They have lived in the Rocky Mountains in southern Colorado since around 1500. Seven different Indian tribes called Colorado home. They were the Ute, Kiowa, Comanche, Pawnee, Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapahoe.(1)
Colorado became the 38th state of the United States of America in 1876
The Columbine flower was declared the state flower on April 4th, 1899(2) In my opinion the Columbine flower is the most beautiful flower I have ever seen.
The Lark Bunting became the state bird on April 29, 1931. They come in April and inhabit the plains and fly south in September. The Lark Bunting is a very pretty bird and I hope you like it too.(2)
The state song of Colorado is “Where the Columbines Grow” byA.J. Fynn. It was adopted as the state song on May 8, 1915. (2) Where the snowy peaks gleam in the moonlight,Above the dark forests of pine,And the wild foaming waters dash onward,Toward lands where the tropic stars shine;Where the scream of the bold mountain eagleResponds to the notes of the doveIs the purple robed West, the land that is best, The pioneer land that we love. Tis the land where the columbines grow, Overlooking the plains far below,While the cool summer breeze in the evergreen trees Softly sings where the columbines grow.
The state flag was adopted on June 5, 1911 and the flag has my two favorite colors on it: blue and red. (2)
Famous People in Colorado Scott Carpenter was the second American to orbit the earth and he was born in Boulder, Colorado. He was born in 1925 and he is still alive today. (3) Chief Ouray was a Ute Indian born in 1833 and died in 1880. He decided to learn Spanish, English, and he spoke the Ute and Souix languages as well. He was a great man. He tried to help his people make peace with the Americans..(4)
The Unsinkable Molly Brown. Her husband struck it rich in a silver mine in Leadville, Colorado and he gave her the money. In the movie titled “The Unsinkable Molly Brown,” it tells the story that she went to Europe and she didn’t think she wanted to come back, so she wrote him a letter saying I might be divorcing you. He wrote back saying, “take off your ring.” She thought he was saying yes to the divorce but then she discovered he had enscripted “I’ll never say no to you,” in the ring. She got on the first boat for home. That boat was the Titanic. An iceberg ripped a hole in the bottom of it and the Titanic sank. Molly Brown got in one of the lifeboats and kept the others in the lifeboat alive and in good spirits. That is why she is called the “unsinkable Molly Brown.”
John Elway was born in 1960. He started playing baseball and football and he was very good at both of them. He took the Broncos to five Super Bowls and they won two of them. He is also still alive today. He is running car dealerships all over Colorado. (5) Clara Brown was born in 1800 as a slave in Virginia. She was freed in 1859 and by 1866 she had accumulated $10,000 by establishing the first laundry in Leadville, Colorado. She was the first black woman to travel across the Great Plains during the Gold Rush. She spent the rest of her life looking for her lost family (four children.) She eventually found one daughter and grandchild before she died in 1885. (6)
Employment: Major Industries The major industries are mining, tourism, oil, agriculture, finance and manufacturing. There are gold and silver mines, people can go skiing, camping, and white water rafting, in agriculture there are wheat farms and cattle and sheep ranches, and there are also oil wells on the plains. (7) There are schools where people can get work, car dealerships, train stations, up in the mountains there are ski and snow boarding resorts, the federal industry in Denver is where people can get lots of different jobs as well as all the others.
Education in Colorado There are five different ways for a kid in grades kindergarten through 12th to get an education. Here they are: public school, charter school, private school, online school and home school. A public school is run and paid for by the state. A charter school is paid for by the state but run by private teachers and parents. A private school you have to pay to get into it and it is completely run by the school. An online school is paid for by the state and is run by the school, but parents are the onsite teachers. A home school is run by the parents - the curriculum and everything. When you get out of high school you can go on to college.
There are lots of community colleges in Colorado such as Pikes Peak, Arapahoe, Front Range and Red Rocks. After two years you can get an Associate’s Degree. Then there are Universities where you can get a Bachelor degree after four years of school, a Master degree after about six years of school and a Doctorate degree after about seven to eight years of school. Some of the universities are Colorado School of Mines, University of Northern Colorado, Colorado State University, University of Colorado, and Western State University. My dad, Erik, attended the Colorado School of Mines.
Government and Geography The governor of Colorado is Bill Owens. Our state capital is Denver. Two laws are that you are not allowed to speed or drive drunk. Those are good laws because they help keep people safe and alive. There are 64 counties in our state.(8) Our most famous attractions are Pikes Peak, Rocky Mt. National Park, Mesa Verde, the Royal Gorge, Longs Peak, and Dinosaur National Monument.
Ethnic Cultures and Races in Colorado Most people in Colorado (82.8%)are white (Caucasian.) There are 3.8% Black (African American.) Only 1% are American Indian (Native American) which is pretty low when you consider that there used to be tribes of Indians all over the state. All the people from Asian countries are 2.2%. People that are Hispanic (from Mexico, Central and South America) total 17.1%.
There are many different types of sports for everyone including elderly and here they are. The Rockies play baseball. The Broncos is our football team. The Colorado Avalanche is our hockey team. The Nuggets is our basketball team. And the Rapids are our soccer team.
Colorado offers all kinds of recreational activities Like – snowboarding, biking, skiing, white water rafting, kayaking and horseback riding. There are many different things you can do in Colorado
Colorado: Best Place in the World This state has the best scenery in the world.
Colorado’s waterfalls are in the mountains and my favorite waterfall is on the left because of its beautiful blue color.
And even more animals Some animals eat others. Like a cougar hunting elk.
Beautiful Plants of Colorado. Beautiful colors of Colorado.
You Must Visit Colorado for its Beauty Beauty of Colorado.
Colorado has a rich history, many different types of sports and recreational activities, has lots of jobs and many different cultures live here. I’d like to invite you to Colorado for its beauty and its history and I hope that you will come to Colorado.
Jason Akia April 21, 2006 Colorado History Final Project M28-32 References • http://www.colorado.gov/dpa/doit/archives/history/histchron.htmhttp:/ • /www.colorado.gov/dpa/doit/archives/history/symbemb.htm#Flower • http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/htmlbios/carpenter-ms.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_Ouray • http://www.johnelway.com/ • http://www.cogreatwomen.org/brown-clara.htm • http://www.enchantedlearning.com/usa/states/colorado/ • http://www.colorado.gov/governor/ • http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/08000.html