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Engage your Facebook community in research

Engage your Facebook community in research. A business case for social media. About NIPO Software. NIPO Software is the premier global software partner for the market research industry 20,000 daily interviews Used by both large and small company’s Worldwide helpdesk support coverage.

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Engage your Facebook community in research

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Engage your Facebook community in research A business case for social media

  2. About NIPO Software • NIPO Software is the premier global software partner for the market research industry • 20,000 daily interviews • Used by both large and small company’s • Worldwide helpdesk support coverage Serving our customers worldwide for over 30 years

  3. Proven solutions Ourworldrenownedtelephonic data collection solution offers you the flexibiltyand power you are lookingfor. Lookingfor a steady online solution? Our CAWI module would do the trick foryou! • Door to door, malls, difficulttoreachareas, no internet connection? Our offline NIPO CAPI solution is whatyou are lookingfor!

  4. Customers

  5. The Facebookpotential Overview

  6. The MR challenge social media tackles • Engage generation Y to participate in surveys • Use the appropriate media for younger target groups • Do not miss out on potential respondents • Use social communities for sample recruitment • Offer modern research solutions to engage with a brand’s customers • Use existing (customer) Facebook communities • Move away from over-surveyed panels • Social media platforms offer wide potential of fresh respondents

  7. Business to Consumer Business to business Most important social media channels NIPO Software focus Facebook Twitter LinkedIn for now...

  8. Engage your fans Demo

  9. How it works

  10. Post a message on the ABN AMRO fanpage with the link to the survey app 1

  11. As with any other wall post, the message has the potential to appear in the news feed of your fans 2

  12. As with other facebook apps, participants are requested to grant access permissions to their profile data. This is customisable dependent on project/survey requirements* 3 *Generally speaking, requesting access to ‘deeper’ levels of user profile information will require a greater pre-existing level of trust between user and the brand. It is a careful balance that needs to be struck to avoid increasing ‘dropout’ or ‘refusal’. For review on a project by project basis

  13. Image and wording is customisable on a project by project basis Get email to allow to contact directly in the future Access profile info to check if respondent really is a fan of ABN AMRO As with other facebook apps, participants are requested to grant access permissions to their profile data. This is customisable dependent on project/survey requirements 3

  14. Partipants complete survey in the facebook environment 4

  15. The opportunities How to deploy this

  16. 1 5 Some business opportunities Invite respondents via Twitter or facebook in stead of email for all web surveys on NIPO Software Create viral studies in which respondents invite friends to participate in a survey via Twitter or facebook 2 3 Use facebook or Twitter to attract new panel members 4 Research facebook fans of customers or twitter followers Follow-up on social media conversations – Webcare (twitter immediate, facebook via SurveyDirect Enrich existing panel systems with information harvested from social media profiles 6

  17. Thank you.

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