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2014 Danube Water Conference: Water Services: From Challenges to Opportunities. Vienna, May 8 and 9, 2014. With the financial support of:. Simultaneous translation available in. Bulgarian Romania Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian/Montenegrin Albania Russian English.
2014 Danube Water Conference:Water Services: From Challenges to Opportunities Vienna, May 8 and 9, 2014 With the financial support of:
Simultaneous translationavailable in... Bulgarian Romania Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian/Montenegrin Albania Russian English
The 2014 Danube Water Conference • Discuss challenges and opportunities in the water sector • 130 Participants from national and local governments, regulatory agencies, water utilities and professional associations in 16 countries in the Danube Watershed • Organized jointly by the World Bank / IAWD Danube Water Program and the GIZ Open Regional Funds • With funding from Austrian, German and Swiss Governments
Words of Welcome Günther Schönleitner, Austrian Ministry of Finance Ellen Goldstein, The World Bank Vladimir Tausanovic, IAWD Ulrike Pokorski da Cunha, GIZ
Housekeeping • Reimbursement for Travel • Meals & Drinks • Cocktail and Posters • Conference Dinner • Group Photograph today after this session, here • Questions on logistics? • Katherine Wagner (IAWD) • Petar Jordanovic (ORF) Program pages 34-35
The Venue • Plenary sessionsin Gustav Mahler • Parallel Meetings in Sigmund Freud, Kraus-Markus • No translations in Sigmund Freud, Kraus Markus Sigmund Freud We arehere! Gustav Mahler Foyer and Registration Kraus-Markus Program page 36
Country Group Discussions • Coordinate place with group facilitator • Meet today 4:30 to 6:00pm (and lunches, informal times) • Agree on key actions, stakeholders as a country group • Return results by tomorrow 1pm Program page 27
Participate Time management Productive use of session time Taking discussions further & deeper Open Dialogue and active involvement Be on time, stick to time allocations Ensuring a successful conference Please keep questions and responses brief and to the point in the sessions Use the breaks
Participate! • Connect to Internet • SSID: NETGEAR59 • Password: luckycurtain267 • Open Pollev.com/2014WDCon your tablet, smartphone or laptop • Questions will change through the conference • Let’s try it! Program page 34
Plenary Session: Transition, Challenges and OpportunitiesChair: Michael Jacobsen • Presentation: The State of the Water and Sanitation Sector in the Region David Michaud, Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist, the World Bank • Opening Statement: DG Environment’s perspective on the water sector challenges and opportunities under Water Legislation and AcquisJeroenCasaer, Team Leader Water Industry, Directorate General for the Environment, European Commission • Dialogue and Open Discussion
Utility Parallel Session: Asset ManagementChair: Vladimir Taušanović • Presentation: Asset Management in practice, the case of Northern HollandPeter Horst, Asset Engineer, PWN • Presentation: Asset Management in practice, the case of HamburgPeter Hoppe, Civil Engineer, Water and Sewerage, Hamburgwasser • Panel Discussion: Challenge in communication between Owner and Operator/different stakeholders PerspectivesIvayloKastchiev, Bulgarian Regulatory AuthorityBaton Begolli, Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Kosovo PredragBjelobrkovic,Public Enterprise “RegionalnivodovodCrnogorskoprimorje”, MontenegroMiodragGluscevic,Standing Conference of Town and Municipalities, Serbia
Utility Parallel Session: Energy EfficiencyChair: Ulrike Pokorski da Cunha • Presentation: EE practices in EU and SEE countries Philipp Feiereisen, Advisor, GIZ • Presentation: Energy efficiency measures in Moldovan utilitiesSergiuGutu, Ministry of Environment, Moldova • Panel discussion: How to ensure the right incentive structure to achieve energy efficiency in WSS utilities? DraganBozic, General Manager, PUC “Vodovodikanalizacija” Novi Sad, SerbiaSilviuLacatusu, Director, Romanian Water Association (ARA)ArgitaTotozani, General Director of Integration, Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Albania
Utility Parallel Session: Commercial PracticesChair:StjepanGabric • Presentation: Experience on sound commercial practices in Sofia and Bulgaria RadoslavRussev, Senior Advisor, Water and Environment, New Europe Corporate Advisory, Bulgaria • Panel discussion: How can good commercial practices (targeted business planning and complementary activities in collection, billing, and customer relationship) improve performance of water utilities in the region? Stefan Vasile, Commercial Director, Apa Nova – Bucharesti, Romania Raimund Paschinger, EVN Wasser, AustriaIulianBandoiu, National Regulator for Public Utilities, RomaniaElisabetaPoci, Deputy Executive Director, Water Supply and Sewerage Association of Albania
Benchmarking Parallel Session: Utility BenchmarkingChair: David Michaud and Philip Weller • Presentation: Utility benchmarking, the European Benchmarking Cooperation casePeter Dane, Manager, European Benchmarking Cooperation, Vewin • Presentation: Utility benchmarking, the experience of SatuMareDănuțiuStegerean, General Manager and Darius Bor, Benchmarking Expert, APASERV SATU MARE, Romania • Panel discussion: How can benchmarking lead to utility efficiency improvement in concrete terms?CoicaDorel Costel, Mayor of Satu Mare, RomaniaAleksandarKrstic, President, IPM, SerbiaSami Hasani, Head of Department,WWRO, Kosovo
Benchmarking Parallel Session: Regulation and Policy MakingChair:ReinhardPerfler • Presentation: Overview and Emerging Evidence of Benchmarking as a Regulatory and Policy ToolRuiCunha Marques, Professor,Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal • Panel Discussion: Regulatory and Policy Benchmarking in Practice: Perspectives from different StakeholdersOlga Romanyuk,Commissioner,National Regulatory Commission for Communal Services, Ukraine AncaCador, Director for Monitoring and Data, National Regulatory Authority on Communal Utilities, Romania Igor Spasovski, President of Supervisory Board, Water Utility Association/Utility, FYR Macedonia
Plenary Session: Hungary, a Reform Case Study?Chair: Laszlo Lovei • Presentation: The Hungarian water sector reform, an overall perspectivePeter Kaderjak, Director, Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research, Budapest, Hungary • Opening Statements: The Hungarian Water Sector Reform, from the perspective of various stakeholdersFerencHizo, Deputy State Secretary for Green Economy, Climate Policy and Key Public Services, Ministry of National Development Gabor Kisvardai, Legal Advisor, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority CsabaHaranghy, CEO, Budapest Waterworks and Secretary General, Hungarian Water Cluster • Panel discussion: What can be learned from the Hungarian reform?
Policy Parallel Session: GovernanceChair: Frank Wiederkehr • Opening Statements: Good governance, from the standpoint of the various panelistsIleana Vasilescu, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Romania Vladimir Simic, Council Member, Water Services Council, Croatia VangjushDako, Mayor, Durres City, Albania Victor Maslak, President, National Water Association, UkraineRobert Burtscher, Senior Advisor, Water and Sanitation, Austrian Development Agency • Panel discussion: Why and how does governance and institution matter for the performance of the water sector?
Policy Parallel Session: FinancingChair: Michael Jacobsen • Panel discussion: How to finance water services with the right mix of Tariffs, Taxes and Transfers, in order to create incentives for utilities to perform at their best, for users to use just the amount of water they need, and for external funding (taxes and transfers) to be used to mitigate affordability issue?Alexander Linke,Kommunalkredit Public Consulting, AustriaSvetozarVeselinovic, General Manager, Belgrade Waterworks, SerbiaKarmenCerar, Ministry of Agriculture, CroatiaValentin Valkanov, Varna Water Company, Bulgaria
Plenary Closing Session: Where are the Opportunities?Chairs: David Michaud and Philip Weller • Summary of sessions: Brief summary of take-aways by chairs of the various individual sessions • Summary of country group discussions: Briefsummary of take-aways from each country discussionOliver Nachevski,ORF • Panel discussion: What have we learned and what can we do better to materialize the sector’s opportunities? Laszlo Lovei, Sustainable Development Director, World BankWalter Kling, Secretary General, IAWDĐuroBukvić, President, NALASAvniDervishi, Chairman, Albanian Regulatory Authority of the Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal and Treatment SectorBalázsMedgyesy,Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hungary