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ABOUT SEWA The Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) was founded by Smt Ela Bhatt as a labour union in Ahmedabad in 1972, with just 600 head loaders, street vendors and home-based stitchers. Since then it has grown continuously, increasing in its membership and including more and more different occupations within its fold. Today, SEWA has more than 17 lakh dues-paying members in 10 states of India. SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
ABOUT SEWA BHARAT SEWA believes in the joint action of strength and development and has furthered more than 112 co-operatives & worker organisations. Today, it is a banyan tree forest of organisations where poor women workers are the owners, managers and users SEWA Bharat is a federation of SEWA member organisations with the mandate to highlight issues concerning women working in the informal economy and to strengthen the capacity of the organisations that serve the interests of these women. SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
ROLE OF SEWA BHARAT ORGANISING AND CAPACITY BUILDING: Organize women to increase their bargaining power ensuring that their voices are heard and engineer trainings and workshops for the purpose of honing their skills MICROFINANCE: Help women in their work towards capital formation at the household levels by providing them the necessary financial tools i.e. continuous savings, credit etc EMPLOYMENT GENERATION: Skill training, improved livelihood and market opportunities for women workers and adolescent girls SOCIAL SECURITY: Increased access of women workers to social protection entitlements, including health, insurance, child care and pensions ADVOCACY AND NETWORKING: Women workers’ concerns are brought to the forefront with the ultimate goal of increased recognition of their rights and entitlements by organizing campaigns visible to the public eye. SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
SEWA BHARAT IN UTTARAKHAND More than 75% of its population of 1.01 crore* comes under the category of ‘rural’. Women, who account for 41% of the population, work tirelessly for 16 hours in agricultural fields braving rough weather, wild animals and the unleveled terrain. With rampant alcoholism in the state, women often have to resort to hiding their earnings in order to be able to hoard savings. 75 % Map for indicative purposes only * According to the 2001 Census SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
FINANCIAL SERVICES: CONSPICUOUS BY THEIR ABSENCE Owing to the high altitude, poor connectivity with roads, thinly spread population, bank services in such areas are often very limited. In order to bridge the chasm between rural areas and banking services, SEWA in collaboration with the State Bank of India (SBI) began a unique initiative of financial inclusion in 2009. SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION MODEL • The SEWA-SBI financial inclusion model employs local women and provides linkages between banks and previously unbanked areas. Women are appointed asCustomer Service Point (CSP) if they meet the following requirements pre-determined by SEWA: • In need of employment • Must have Class Xth school education • Comfortable with traveling to the bank of the and unbanked areas SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION MODEL • State Bank of India issues a Business Correspondent Code to the CSP. CSPs provide a spectrum of bank services like: • Opening of Zero balance account • Deposit savings • Cash withdrawal • Remittance • Loan application • Government schemes distribution • MGNREGA SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION MODEL A Little World, the technology provider, then generates a unique CSP ID and leverages a Point of Sale (POS) Machine. With these machines, the CSPs reach out to unbanked areas and through the medium of these POS machines; the customer identification (fingerprints, voice-recording, and customer photographs) is recorded. Once the data has been entered, it is linked to an account and subsequently, the customer details are uploaded to the Mumbai server through GPRS Technology used in the SEWA-SBI Financial Inclusion Programme SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION MODEL After the pre-requisites are fulfilled, each customer is issued a SEWA-SBI identity card with her photograph and a unique customer ID cardenabling banking facilities. Customer ID card SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION: UNIQUE MODEL • The uniqueness of this programme stems from the following: • Through this programme, the bank comes to the customers instead of the customers having to go to the bank investing time and money. • Unlike most Business Correspondents, SEWA finances the POS machines; transaction deposit amount in Bank pays them an assured salary and expenses. SEWA does not take security deposit from them. This is the only way the poor supports the poor. • SEWA is providing livelihood to such women who connect thousands of villagers to the Banking services. She is available to collect a sum of Rs 10/- too. • 90% of our ‘No Frill Accounts’ are active and not idle. So these accounts are fulfilling the needs of the poor. • At an average, a CSP links 750 people with the financial services of this programme. SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION: ASSOCIATED BENEFITS • The rural population of Uttarakhand primarily consists of the elderly, women and young children. Men regularly venture out to the cities looking for better employment opportunities. Agriculture, albeit difficult, alongside animal husbandry have been the main occupations of these women. For long, the state has struggled retain these people through local employment and income generation. Through this unique model, employment generation for women has grown manifold and the gap between financial inclusion and financial stability has narrowed. SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
ACHIEVEMENTS OF SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION PROGRAMME • Working in 16 blocks of the 4 districts of Almora, Bageshwar, Pithoragarh and Champawat, 2012 saw 5524 new accounts being opened out of which: • 3, 571 were POS accounts, 1, 706 manually opened • 91 were RD accounts • 156 were FD accounts • 104 loan (96 agriculture loan) accounts with Rs 73 lakhs disbursed. • Total 28 bank saathis were employed for this.
ACHIEVEMENTS OF SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION PROGRAMME The Vodafone Foundation, in association with the Digital Empowerment Foundation launched the Women & Innovation for Mobile (WIN) Award, in 2011, to honor and recognize innovative mobile applications and solutions benefitting women users in the category of Education, Health, Family Welfare, Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship. The Grand Jury deeply appreciated the innovations of the SEWA-SBI Financial Programme and the positive impact it had on the women workers and emerged as the Finalist of the awards. SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
ACHIEVEMENTS OF SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION PROGRAMME In March 2013, a landmark achievement came in the form of successful pension distribution through the channel of this programme. Without having to liaison with concerned departments tirelessly, beneficiaries directly had their pension sums transferred to their SBI bank accounts. A total of Rs 1, 50, 000 was transferred to 25 such accounts.
PENSION DISTRIBUTION THROUGH BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT MODEL 1 For the elderly, Pension shoulders the responsibility of ensuring a decent standard of living. Pivotal for their survival, pension schemes are often caught in red tape delaying its timely delivery making the situation grim for the elderly. In March 2013, Joint Magistrate, Ranikhet, Dr Ahmed Iqbal inaugurated the pension distribution routed through the Business Correspondent Model of SEWA-SBI. 2
PENSION DISTRIBUTION THROUGH BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT MODEL 3 Pension Distribution was, then, facilitated by opening zero balance accounts and transferring pension directly to their accounts Without running from pillar to post, pensioners are assured of timely delivery of their pension scheme helping them lead a secured life. 4
ACHIEVEMENTS OF SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION PROGRAMME With the success of the recent pension distribution service, SEWA-SBI Financial Inclusion Plan will also be used for the purpose of Direct Benefits Transfer of Central Government Schemes in the districts of Bageshwar.
WAY FORWARD: SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION PROGRAMME Apart from making financial services accessible to the rural poor, the SEWA-SBI Financial Inclusion Programme aims to act as a channel for easy, swift, graft-free route of cash transfer for over 300 schemes like those of widow pension, MNREGA, Jan ShikshanSansthan, handicap pension among several others. The recent disbursement of old age pension through this model is a humble beginning to a long drawn journey. SEWA-SBI Financial Inclusion Programme aims to maximize benefits and minimize inconveniences for its members. SELF EMPLOYED WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION (SEWA) Bharat
SEWA-SBI FINANCIAL INCLUSION PROGRAMME Thank you! www.sewabharat.org https://www.facebook.com/SelfEmployedWomensAssociation