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Get ready for Research Days with a comprehensive guide on poster requirements, abstract submission instructions, and helpful hints for successful presentations. Learn how to navigate online submissions and present your research effectively.
2008 TTU/HHMI SSO Research Workshop Saturday, January 26, 2008 Merket Alumni Center Sponsored by Texas Tech University undergraduate research programs: Howard Hughes Medical Institute Science Education Program Honors College
TTU/HHMI Scholar Service OrganizationResearch Workshop – Today’s Schedule 2:00-4:00 Refreshments and Research Days Training • Research Days Information • Welcome & Schedules – Edwin Shapard • Presentation Tips – Kweku Hazel • Poster Requirements – Noe Zavala • How to make a poster – Kelsey Doerr • Abstract Submission Training – Josh Pierce • Student Poster Sessions & Mock Evaluations • Instructions & Closing – Mattie Wilson
TTU/HHMI Scholar Service OrganizationResearch Days Research Days Information
TTU/HHMI Scholar Service OrganizationResearch Days Event Schedule Student Research Days Event Schedule Click open file
TTU/HHMI Scholar Service OrganizationResearch Days Online Abstract Submission Instructions
Online Abstract Submission Instructions • Navigate to the following URL: http://www.ciser.ttu.edu/hhmi/researchdays • Click “Submit Your Abstract” from sidebar navigation menu Abstract Submission due Date:on or before 5:00p.m., Friday, March 7
Online Abstract Submission Instructions • Use your TTU eRaider account to login to the system. You must enter your eRaider username in the following format: TTU\username Abstract Submission due Date:on or before 5:00p.m., Friday, March 7
Online Abstract Submission Instructions • Make sure that the following information is correct. Please note that if you do not have a sponsoring program listed, please select “Sigma Xi” from the select box. Abstract Submission due Date:on or before 5:00p.m., Friday, March 7
Online Abstract Submission Instructions • Now, you are ready to enter your abstract. You may either copy/paste you abstract or re-type the text in the text area. Each field has a built in set of tools to format your text. Moving your mouse pointer over the button will display a text description of what function the button performs. The abstract title will be used to list your abstract on the web site. Enter your complete abstract (including the title) in this box. Abstract Submission due Date:on or before 5:00p.m., Friday, March 7
Online Abstract Submission Instructions HELPFUL HINTS FOR SUCCESS: • In some situations, your formatting will be lost if you cut and paste from another program. This is because all formatting must be converted to HTML markup which may change the layout of your abstract. SO PLEASE BE SURE TO DOUBLE CHECK YOUR ABSTRACT!!!! • If you cut and paste from Microsoft Word, a popup will ask if you would like to clean up the formatting. Click “OK” to continue. Abstract Submission due Date:on or before 5:00p.m., Friday, March 7
Online Abstract Submission Instructions HELPFUL HINTS FOR SUCCESS: • After having entered all of your text, click “Save Abstract” to save your abstract. • You can preview your abstract by selecting the “Preview Abstract” button. . • If you wish to not participate in Research Days and want to remove your information completely from the database, click the “Cancel Submission” button. Once you have done this, you will have to start the entire process over if you wish to submit an abstract. Abstract Submission due Date:on or before 5:00p.m., Friday, March 7
TTU/HHMI Scholar Service OrganizationResearch Days Poster Requirements
Online Abstract Submission Instructions Poster Presentation Requirements • Your poster MUST fit in a 4 ft. x 4 ft. space. Most poster printers print 40 inches wide, but do not print more than 48 inches tall. • One-piece posters cost Free - $150 and individual sheet posters cost less; you may do either kind. Discuss this with your mentor; most mentors are able to pay for your poster out of department or grant funds if needed and will give you advice on where/how to have the poster made. • Make sure your mentor guides you in preparing your poster. If you do not get much help from your mentor, ask an experienced student or someone in your lab. • Your poster must be approved by your mentor. • Bring your own push pins (you may need a small hammer to get the pins in the display boards) or velcro strips to display your poster. • Be sure to put your poster in the numbered space allotted to you on the schedule!
TTU/HHMI Scholar Service OrganizationResearch Days Helpful Hints for Presentations Developed by TTU/HHMI Scholars 1996-2008
Helpful Hints for Presentations – Before a Presentation Before a presentation: 1. Discuss difficult topics related to your presentation with your mentor long before the presentation and read relevant articles 2. Presentation sections (adjust relative to your discipline): • Title (use large font, eye-catching and visible from across a room) • Introduction/Problem under investigation • Materials and Methods • Results • Discussion and/or Conclusions • Acknowledgements (do not forget sponsor programs like TTU/HHMI, mentor, etc.) 3. Align sections in a logical, flowing format. 4. Proofread before your final draft. 5. Use a large, clear font, which can be seen easily by your audience, across the room if oral, and several feet away if a poster.
Helpful Hints for Presentations – Before a Presentation (cont) Before a presentation (continued): 6. Use pictures if you have them, especially your study organism or topic. 7. Show only important figures, so as not to overwhelm. Describe other results in the text. Tellthe audience what you want them to notice about a figure (i.e. the most important aspect of this graph is the relationship shown here). 8. Pick a color scheme and be consistent. For posters, light paper with high contrast letters. Dark background with light letters for power point (red is not a good color for power point). 9. Posters should be comprehensive and concise, since it will be displayed without your presence, but don’t try to include everything. 10. A poster section page or slides for an oral presentation should cue you as to the topics and not contain everything you want to say. 11. Wear business or business casual clothes for your presentation (colored shirt and slacks for guys and a dress or slacks for girls).
Helpful Hints for Presentations – During a Presentation During a presentation: • Relax! Be calm, confident, engaging, talk slowly and enunciate well • Present in a logical and aesthetically pleasing format • Try to present without a script or notes; do not read directly from your information • Do not stay on any one section or slide for too long, keep it flowing • When using a laser pointer for oral presentations, use 2 hands (it will shake less) • Explain why your research is exciting/interesting • Remember your “clueless” audience, define technical words and acronyms • If asked a question you do not know, answer “I don’t know”; you are not expected to know everything. • End with the big picture, importance, how does this fit into a larger project, etc.
TTU/HHMI Scholar Service OrganizationResearch Days How to Make a Poster Click to open file
TTU/HHMI Scholar Service OrganizationResearch Days Student Poster Sessions
Poster Presentations There will be two poster sessions. Please stand by one poster until the next session begins. If you need to talk, do not do so near a poster. Thanks! View Evaluation Form
Poster Presentations TTU/HHMI Program Presenters Nick Bergfeld “Isolations and Characterization of VCEA Gain-of-Function (GOF) Mutations that Functionally Interact with OPRM in Escherichia coli” Sarah Bulin “The effects of CRF in the antipredator behaviors of juvenile Bufospeciosus” Sara Coleman “International research experience in microbiological and immunological techniques: a sabbatical in Europe” Simone George “Developing a microfluidic system for cell culture” Noemi Guerrero “Genetic screening for the mutations affecting ERF3 expression and sensitivity to salicylic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana” Kweku Hazel “Evaluating radial arm maze as an assessment of memory in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease” Seethal Johnson “CRES (Cystatin-related epididymalspermatogenic) protein is amyloidgenic” Kelly Ochoa “Examination of the mutagenicity of RDX and its N-nitroso metabolites using the Salmonella reverse mutation assay” Chris Seman “Artificial closed loop control of the carotid baroreflex” Edwin Shapard “Use of Caenorhabditiselegans as an alternate host to study virulence of B. dendrobatidis” Jeremy Weaver “Genetically characterizing the Cuban crocodile in an effort to identify hybrid individuals in US zoological institutions and in the wild”