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Wayne Curry is a leading German Shepherd dog breeder and trainer based in Rochester, WA and also the owner of Kraftwerk K9, a dog breeding and training facility.
With decades of experience in dog training and breeding, Wayne Curry is regarded as an expert on German Shepherd dogs. He owns a dog training and breeding facility in Rochester, WA. Wayne Curry also provides a wide range of kennel services to the customers like grooming services, long-term stay and even an optional exercise program.
Wayne Curry is also a national champion and a successful world championship competitor. His facility Kraftwerk K9 is known for providing exceptional customer service and Wayne has many loyal customers because he is honest in his business dealings. Wayne Curry is assisted by his Operations Manager John Padillo who is National Schutzhund Competitor and P.O.S.T. Certified Detection Dog Handler. Whether a person wants to buy a German Shepherd pup or dog, or supplies for his pet, everything is available at Wayne Curry's Kraftwerk K9.
A customer of Kraftwerk K9, Jeff Castiac from California said, "Dear Wayne, Here is a quick photo of Miles from Kraftwerk K9. He is such a cutie and a fun addition to the family. Everyone who sees him is very impressed with both his coloring and size. He gets along great with the other dog and cat. He is also very determined, if given the chance to eat he will take their meals too! We are very excited to see how he does with training in the next month or so. We appreciate all the help and the great pup you sent us."
About Wayne Curry Wayne Curry is a leading German Shepherd dog breeder and trainer based in Rochester, WA and also the owner of Kraftwerk K9, a dog breeding and training facility. He is a successful world championship competitor and national champion. Wayne Curry offers puppies, older puppies, trained dogs, and a wide range of products for dog care and training at Kraftwerk K9.com. Please browse through http://www.kraftwerkk9.com for more information.
CONTACT:Wayne CurryKraftwerk K9, Inc. 11303 183rd Ave. SW Rochester, WA 98579 PH: 360.273.6125 (Toll Free): 877.572.3895 FAX: 360.273.4198 info@kraftwerkk9.com