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México. Distrito Federal, México. Mexican Flag. Mexican Flag:. Mexican Government. Mexican Government:. Type: Federal Public Independence: First Proclaimed September 16, 1810; Republic established 1824 Branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
México Distrito Federal, México
Mexican Flag Mexican Flag:
Mexican Government Mexican Government: • Type: Federal Public • Independence: First Proclaimed September 16, 1810; Republic established 1824 • Branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial • Administrative Subdivisions: 31 States and a Federal District • Political Parties: Industrial Revolutionary Party (PRI), National Action Party (PAN), Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), Green Ecological Party (PVEM), Labor Party (PT), and several smaller parties • Suffrage (Right to Vote): Universal at 18 • Congress: Compromised of a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies • (Background Notes: Mexico) • Type: Federal Republic • Independance: First Proclaimed September 16, 1810; Republic established 1824 • Branches: Executive, Legislative, Judicial • Administrative Subdivisions: 31 States and a Federal District • Political Parties: Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), National Action Party (PAN), Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), Green Ecological Party (PVEM), Labor Party (PT), and several small parties • Suffrage: Universal at 18 • Congress compromised of a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies (Background Notes: Mexico)
Mexican Economy • Type: Free Market • Natural Resources: Petroleum, silver, copper, gold, lead, zinc, natural gas, timber • General Exports: $303 Billion (2010 est.); Mexico is 15th in the country ranks compared to rest of the world • General Imports: $306 Billion (2010 est.), Country comparison to the world: 16 • Official GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Rate: $1.004 Trillion (2010 est.) • Real GDP Growth Rate: 5% (2010 est.); improved since -6.5% as of 2009 and 1.5% 2008 • Labor Force (By Occupation): Agricultural- 13.7%, Industry- 23.4%, Services- 62.9% (2005 est.) = 46.99 Million in Labor as of 2010; Country comparison to the world: 12 • Unemployment Rate: 5.6% (2010 est.); Country comparison to the world: • Population Below Poverty Line: 18.2% Using food-based definition of poverty (2008) • (Mexican Economy Overview: CIA World Factbook)
A quincenera is a traditional Mexican ceremony for girls when they turn 15 symbolizing them becoming women • Typical Mexican holidays include Dia de los Reyes Magos, January 6 and 7 (Gift giving for Mexican families including a feast); El Dia Del Amor y La Amista, February 14 (Mexican equivalent of Valentine's Day); Benito Juarez Birthday, March 1 (He was the first indigenous president of Mexico); Cinco de Mayo, May 5 (The day Mexico won the Battle of Puebla against France); Mexican Independence Day, September 16 (Celebrating nation's independence from Spain); Dia de los Muertos, November 1 and 2 (or "Day of the Dead", Mexicans celebrate their dead, usually including dressing up, feasting, and putting out food for the dead); Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe, December 12 (Religious holiday celebrating the day the Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego) • Mexico is a very diverse country idealized for its unique foods, candies, games, traditions, drinks, music, and many other cultural aspects Culture (Mexican Culture)
Major Events *Mexico has gone through a lot in the past with many significant events occuring that connect to present day conditions in Mexico *3 major events were - U.S vs. Mexican war (1846-1848) -The Lost Decade (1982-1992) -The 1917 Constitution
U.S vs. Mexico war (1846-1848) The war was a major event for both the U.S and Mexico. The war came to an end and when the war ended the U.S took nearly half of Mexico's territory they inherited from their previous war with Spain (presently southwest of America). The U.S became "a continental power". "The issues raised during the U.S.-Mexican War are ones that are still valid today: the contradiction between stated ideals and actual practice; the distinction between a "just" and an "unjust" war; the ways citizenship is defined and identified in a multicultural society; and the challenges in building progressive and democratic nations." Americans stole that territory from Mexico. American's cese to realize that if it hadn't have been for the war we would be visitors of Mexico in present day California and Texas. Immigration laws and racial pregidice are still a current problem but wouldn't exist if these areas were still a part of Mexico. The end effect was the treaty of Hidalgo. (U.S.-Mexican War) http://www.pbs.org/kera/usmexicanwar/war/
The war affected the current borders between Mexico and the U.S Borders:
The Lost Decade (1982-1992) Debt Crisis "1982-1992 is sometimes called the 'Lost Decade' in Mexico. The story is a familiar one: having to go to the IMF for money to keep the economy afloat, the PRI found themselves obliged to roll the state back from the arena of capital. This meant bringing the budget deficit under control, removing state subsidies to industry and agriculture, and lowering wages in order to stem the runaway inflation which had been fuelled by the oil mirage. State enterprises were privatised by the fistful, usually offloaded at below market value to PRI cronies. And 1986 saw Mexico finally joining GATT (the World Trade Organisation’s Free Trade Agreement) after years of protectionism: many companies went bankrupt as a result." In between the oil boom and the Lost Decade disaster struck in Mexico, and earthquake in 1985. 1867-2000: A people's history of Mexico (http://libcom.org/history/1867-2000-a-people-s-history-of-mexico)
"The Mexican Revolution was the 20th Century’s first modern social revolution. The war profoundly changed Mexican society and the nation’s economy. It inspired intellectuals, artists and struggling people all over the world with ideals of economic justice. The Mexican Constitution of 1917 was the first in the world to recognize social guarantees and collective labor rights.At the same time, the trauma of Civil war created chaos, displacement and grave social wounds. More than 890,000 legal Mexican immigrants came to the United States seeking refuge between 1910 and 1920. By 1920 Mexicans were the largest immigrant group in Los Angeles."(The Mexican Revolution)
Emiliano Zepata (revolutionary leader) (Mexico Timeline)
The 1917 Constitution "Just like the Revolution, the 1917 Constitution is a vital touchstone in Mexican life, a document that came into existence as a result of prolonged struggle, and is still held in high regard today by many sections of the working class and peasantry. The capitalist class clearly intended the new set of state rules to be a signal that the years of chaos and civil war were over and a new cycle of accumulation could begin." This link shows actual constitution: (http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/mexico/1917-Constitution.htm) Some of the most important articles: 3, 27, and 123 displayed profound changes in Mexican political philosophy that would help frame the political and social backdrop for the rest of the century. It is still used today but the impact of its creation and verifacation by government was the most important factor of the constitutions people. The U.S constitution is the same way, it is still used today and the impact of it being written and put to use changes both of our ways of life.
The government of Mexico is a Federal Republic which has (like the US) 31 states and one capital - Mexico City. The country operates with an elected President, Felipe de Jesus CALDERON hionjosa, who has been president (since December 2006). The government has a legislative branch that has 128 seats and 96 members elected by popular vote to serve six year terms. There is also a Judicial branch which has a Supreme Court of Justice appointed by the President with consent of the Senate, just like the United States. Mexico has a free market economy. It contains a mixture of modern and older industry and agriculture, which is dominated by the private sector. Mexico has free trade agreements with over 50 countries. Recently the economy has expanded competition in seaports, railroads, telecommunications, electricity generation, natural gas distribution, and airports. Per capita income is roughly one-third that of the US. Governmental & Economic Systems
J-Curve: The J-Curve measures a contries' economic welfare by determining the percentage of imports and exports annually.
Bibliography: • (http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35749.htm) • (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/mx.html) • (http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/00633/drinks.htm) • (http://www.latinamericanstudies.org/mexico/1917-Constitution.htm) • (http://www.pbs.org/kera/usmexicanwar/war/) • (http://libcom.org/history/1867-200-a-people-s-history-of-mexico) • (http://www.destinyschildren.org/en/timeline/the-mexican-revolution/) • (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/country_profiles/1210779.stm) • http://www.ipfinannualreport.co.uk/ar08/2_0_dir_rpt/wf_fr/jcurve.html