Bhakta KabiBhimaBhoinkaJibani Odia Book BhimaBhoiwas a popular poet, composer and singer. Humanity and liberation of the world based on the philosophy of Mahima Dharma were the central theme of his poetic creations. His assertion "mojeevanapachhenarkepadithau, jagatauddharaheu" (let my life rot in naraka if necessary, but let the world be redeemed) showcases his dedication to the upliftment of the societally deprived while being a clear reflection of socio-economic conditions in the State, during his lifetime.While scholars have studied the life and poetry of BhimaBhoi, research chairs have recently been established at Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences - Deemed to be University (in April 2018) and GangadharMeher University in 2019, to research the impact of BhimaBhoi's life and philosophy in Odisha.