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Must have Accessories for your new car

With a plethora of car accessory options available at dealerships (authorised and after-market), choosing the right add-ons can get confusing. Team-BHP enlists the u201cmust-haveu201d accessories for your new car.

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Must have Accessories for your new car

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  1. Must-have Accessories for your newcar With a plethora of car accessoryoptions available at dealerships (authorised andafter- market), choosing the right add-ons can get confusing. Team-BHP enlists the“must-have” accessories for your newcar. InteriorEnhancement: 1. Mats: Floor mats and a Dickymat. 2. High quality Sun film: This helps to protect the interiors and occupants from theextreme climaticconditions. 3. Seat Covers: We recommend art leather for itsvalue. 4. Audio System installation / upgrade: Ifrequired. 5. Air-freshener: Keeps the interiors smelling fresh. Scroll-type fresheners which fit onthe air-con louvers are very popular andeffective. Safety /Security: 1. Remote-locking security system: Not only for the added security, but alsofor convenience. 2. Steering Grip lock / Gear Lock: Great way of theftprevention. 3. Headlight bulb upgrade: Only if stock bulbs are inadequate. Upgrade headlight bulbsto more powerful ones with the appropriate relay andwiring. 4. Mirror Lock: Some cars require this to prevent theft of standard wingmirrors. PrecautionaryMeasures: 1. Fire Extinguisher: Can save you and your car in the event of an electrical short-circuitetc. 2. Tyre / Puncture repair kit: A must for highwaytravelers. 3. Fog lights: They aid driving in foggy conditions, and provide a life-saving backup ifthe headlightsmalfunction. 4. Comprehensive Tool Kit: Standard tool kits are always minimalistic, so get one that isas comprehensive as a swiss armyknife. 5. Extra fuses: For crucial parts such as the headlight, starteretc.

  2. Tyres /Alloys 1. Tyre Upgrade: Some models of cars come severely under-tyred from the factory.We would highly recommend you to upgrade your tyres to a more appropriate size. You cando this straight from the showroom to get the best exchange price. Link: 2. Alloy Wheels: If the budgetpermits. Others:

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