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ICF Zurich Logo. Serienlogo. Namenseinblender. STEFFEN BECK. Seiteneinblender. HOMERUN The story of Jesus, the priest and the prostitute. Seiteneinblender.
Namenseinblender STEFFEN BECK
Seiteneinblender HOMERUN The storyof Jesus, thepriest andtheprostitute
Seiteneinblender WhenoneofthePhariseesinvited Jesus tohavedinnerwithhim, he wenttothePharisee’shouseandreclinedatthetable. A woman in thattownwholived a sinfullifelearnedthat Jesus was eatingatthePharisee’shouse, so shecametherewith an alabasterjarofperfume. The Bible, Luke 7:36-37
Seiteneinblender As shestoodbehindhimathisfeetweeping, shebegantowethisfeetwith her tears. Thenshewipedthemwith her hair, kissedthemandpouredperfume on them. The Bible, Luke 7:38
Seiteneinblender WhenthePhariseewhohadinvitedhimsawthis, he saidtohimself, "Ifthis man were a prophet, he wouldknowwhoistouchinghimandwhatkindofwomansheis - thatsheis a sinner." The Bible, Luke 7:39
Seiteneinblender "Jesus answeredhim, "Simon, I havesomethingtotellyou." "Tell me, teacher," he said. The Bible, Luke 7:40
Seiteneinblender "Twopeopleowedmoneyto a certainmoneylender. Oneowedhimfivehundreddenarii, andtheotherfifty. Neitherofthemhadthemoneytopayhim back, so he forgavethedebtsofboth. Nowwhichofthem will lovehimmore?" Simon replied, "I supposetheonewhohadthebiggerdebtforgiven." "Youhavejudgedcorrectly," Jesus said. The Bible, Luke 7:41-43
Seiteneinblender Then he turnedtowardthewomanandsaidto Simon, "Do youseethiswoman? I cameintoyourhouse. Youdid not givemeanywaterformyfeet, but shewetmyfeetwith her tearsandwipedthemwith her hair. Youdid not giveme a kiss, but thiswoman, fromthe time I entered, has not stoppedkissingmyfeet. Youdid not putoil on myhead, but shehaspouredperfume on myfeet." The Bible, Luke 7:44-46
Seiteneinblender Mylifestory – an obstacleforfaithoran opportunity?
Seiteneinblender "Therefore, I tellyou, her manysinshavebeenforgiven– as her greatlovehasshown. But whoeverhasbeenforgivenlittleloveslittle." The Bible, Luke 7:47
Seiteneinblender Itis not thehealthywhoneed a doctor, but the sick. I have not cometocalltherighteous, but sinnerstorepentance. The Bible, Luke 5:32
Seiteneinblender Being a Christian means "walkingwithJesus"
Seiteneinblender WE NEED JESUS