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Semalt Expert: How To Fight Against Malicious Cyber Attacks

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Semalt Expert: How To Fight Against Malicious Cyber Attacks

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  1. 23.05.2018 Semalt Expert: How To Fight Against Malicious Cyber Attacks In the 21st Century, the security of websites and web applications has proved to be a primary concern in the digital world. All companies engaged in doing business using technology are vulnerable to the said challenge. Some businesses are already victims of Cyber Attacks whereas others continue to operate in an increasingly dangerous online platforms full of hackers. Frank Abagnale, the Senior Customer Success Manager of Semalt Digital Services, aims to alert internet businesses on how to prevent Cyber Attacks of their web applications or websites. Additionally, important tips that a company can execute in enhancing their security measures are also highlighted. In this connection, it is paramount to understand that even bigger and established companies can be affected by the hacking. For example, Zamota was hacked early this year, and its con?dential information and users' database were wrongfully used by hackers. So how can you protect your website from Cyber Attacks? To begin with, use updated applications and software. Almost all site owners have heard about Magento, Joomla, and WordPress that have update options that require a click of a button to download or install the latest plugins https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1120.html 1/2

  2. 23.05.2018 and versions. In this regard, site developers and users are cautioned against choosing low rated plugins since attackers might have deliberately created them aiming at hacking websites. The CMS (Content Management Systems) communities such as WP (WordPress) and Magento have so far worked relentlessly to secure sites. Moreover, these platforms continue to release security patches regularly that makes websites more robust for online security. One of the most vulnerable areas is host management. However, online businesses are advised to use managed hosting solution. The hosting company takes care of security updates while using the package. Thus, businesses can always remain secure from hacking. Password protection and alert is the second security step for websites. Online users should create and maintain strong passwords made up of special characters, alphabets, and numerals so that nobody can crack them easily. On the same note, sites owners and users can install some Google associated products that prevent stealing of passwords by other online web applications or sites. For instance, Chrome browser provides an extension called "Password Alert", which can be downloaded and installed freely on almost every machine. Thirdly, run tools on the site that prevents DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service). DDoS is an emerging trend for attackers and spammers to send fake traf?c on a particular website hence making its content unavailable. The huge amount of traf?c that makes a site unavailable is sent from multiple sources. Essentially, it is a potential risk to all systems globally that are infected and compromised with Trojans and attackers targets one system at a time. Google has a product called Google Shield Project to protect new websites from DDoS malicious attacks. The service is available for free use by small online newsrooms, new sites, and independent journalists. Finally, use a dedicated web hosting server. A dedicated server is more secure than shared web hosting server with several sites at a time. It prevents a site owner from malicious attackers who use vulnerabilities of one site to hack other websites hosted on the server. Consider using web hosting services that provide web applications ?rewalls for their hosting servers. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1120.html 2/2

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