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Learn about the various types of swimming pools, maintenance practices, dosing systems, and water treatments to ensure optimal pool conditions. Discover dosing control methods, recommended systems, and essential chemicals for pool upkeep.
INDEX • Swimming poolscategories • Swimming poolmaintenance • Pools WaterTreatments • Chemicals dosing andcontrol • Dosing plants installation:examples • Recommended dosingsystems
SWIMMING POOLSCATEGORIES • There are 3 different types of swimming pools: • public • semipublic • private • All can be either outdoor orindoor.
SWIMMING POOLSCATEGORIES Public Outdoorpools Semipublic (hotel) Indoorpools Private
SWIMMING POOLMAINTENANCE A swimming pool is an easy-to-monitor system, because it is such a "closed ring". Apart from make-up water replenishments, made to recover the amounts lost forcibly (evaporation) or deliberately (to lower the level of impurities), water circulation occurs up to 6 times in 24 hours, keeping parameters to the standardlevels. A swimming pool represents also the example of a complex system in which the pollution degree is frequentlychanging. Duetothe«elements»that,inashortperiodoftime,enterandexitit.. (example: children during a swimming lesson).
SWIMMING POOLMAINTENANCE • Water is one of the most common means by which bacteria and viruses transmissionhappens. • Thisriskbecomesmorerelevantinpublicplaces,swimmingpoolsinparticular, • due to people presence. • For this reason, in a swimming pool water has to be continuously under control, in order to guarantee respect for the standard level of the most important parameters: • PH • Cloro • Redox(ORP) • The swimming pool dosing system is connected to the recirculation pump. The hydraulic circulation should be continuous, starting from a minimum of 3 cycles per day.
SWIMMING POOLMAINTENANCE Recirculation timing shouldbe:
SWIMMING POOLMAINTENANCE • Swimming pool fundamental controlsare: • pH • Measurement of the hydrogen ions concentration (H+) pH range: 0 <— acid —> 7 <— alkaline —>14 • ChlorineConcentration • Reading is done with the amperometric cell (ions reading) • It can be carried out also with acolorimeter • Redox Potential (alternative to Chlorineconcentration) • ORP (mV)measurement • Chlorine concentration is proportional to the Redoxpotential.
EXAMPLE Na+ + CLO- (SodiumHypochlorite) In this case, Chlorine concentration is proportional to Oxygen concentration and to Redox potential: chlorine concentration can be measured by Redoxpotential.
POOLS WATERTREATMENTS • There are different kinds of swimming pool watertreatments. • Here below, we listed the mostcommon:
CHEMICALS DOSING ANDCONTROL pHControl Acid = Hydrochlorid Acid (HCl) or Sulphuric Acid(H2SO4) PH-Minus is its commercialname Liquid Product. It is possible to decrease pH value in thepool.. Alkaline = Soda(NaOH) PH-Plus is its commercialname Liquid Product. It is possible to increase pH value in thepool.
CHEMICALS DOSING ANDCONTROL • ChlorineControl • SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE(NACLO) • Liquid Product. Chlorine concentration is measured by Amperometric Cell or Redoxinstrument. • CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE(CA(CLO)2) • Powder product. Chlorine concentration is measured by Redox instrumentor • AmperometricCell. • The product must to be diluted for dosing with our pumps.
CHEMICALS DOSING ANDCONTROL CHLORINATEDISOCYANURATES Product powder, Chlorine concentration is measured by AmperometricCell. The product must to be diluted for dosing with our pumps. SALT CHLORINATORUNIT It produces Free Chlorine through salt diluted inwater. Chlorine concentration is measured by Redox instrument or AmperometricCell.
CHEMICALS DOSINGAND CONTROL CHLORINE DIOXIDE(CLO2) Gaseus Product. Chlorine concentration is measured by Amperometric Dosing with our products is notpossible. Chlorine alternative control OZONE (O3) Gaseus Product. Concentration is measured by Redoxinstrument, but gas pipeline. Dosing with our products is notpossible. UV SYSTEM It sterilizes water through ultraviolet rays gamma Uv-c, without product.
CHEMICALS DOSINGAND CONTROL HYDROGEN PEROXIDE(H2O2) Liquid product that destroys viruses through Oxygen. Concentration measurement by Oxygen sensor with Nexus Series controller and with Elite ph/o2 system are bothpossible. SecondaryControls FLOCCULATIONPRODUCT Liquid product. Volumetric Pump. This product reducestorbidity. ANTI-ALGAEPRODUCT Liquid product. Dosed weekly by the pump. It reduces theplant
DOSING PLANTS INSTALLATION • There are two different construction methods of a swimmingpool: • With compensationbasin • Withouth compensationbasin
SWIMMING POOL WITHCOMPENSATION BASIN PHPUMP INJECTION CL PUMP INJECTION Pompa Flocculante Anti-algae injection Filter COMPENSATION BASIN Correct point to measure chlorine and phvalues Recirculation pump
SWIMMING POOL WITHOUTH COMPENSATIONBASIN PhPump injection Cl Pumpinjection Skimmer Anti-Algae injection Correcto pint to measure Chlorine and Phmeasure Filter Ricirculation pump Floculantpump
RECOMMENDED DOSINGSYSTEMS Depending on the characteristics of the pool, different dosing systems are recommended. ELITE.ph/Rx SERIES