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PTSE & IST Conference July 2012

PTSE & IST Conference July 2012. Andrew Dodman Director of Human Resources . The Future of Technical Support Staff in HE: An Institutional View. Institutional View?. The colloquial & local approach The progressive & professional approach The 2022 dichotomy?. A colloquial & local approach?.

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PTSE & IST Conference July 2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PTSE & IST ConferenceJuly 2012 Andrew Dodman Director of Human Resources

  2. The Future of Technical Support Staff in HE:An Institutional View

  3. Institutional View? The colloquial & local approach The progressive & professional approach The 2022 dichotomy?

  4. A colloquial & local approach? Individuals/teams managed locally Recruiting & selecting individuals into specific jobs that require specialist/ specific skills To retain (at least until the research project is completed)

  5. A colloquial & local approach? Support and success reliant upon local managers/PIs/sponsors within their department Minimal occupational/professional visibility

  6. Is thisapproachsufficient?

  7. Are there broader collective corporate challenges? Skills gap 1/3rd of our technical staff at or beyond NRA by 2022 (intellectual capital loss)

  8. Are there broader challenges? Levels of Staff Engagement? 5% lower participation in staff survey Strong % for flexible working/work-life balance BUT

  9. Are there broader challenges? I am valued for what I can contribute to the University? - 13% lower Co-operation between and within departments - 10% lower Development/career opportunities - 10% lower Engagement with University – 5% lower

  10. Diverse workforce?

  11. Institutional View The colloquial & local approach The progressive & professional approach

  12. A Progressive Approach? Viable with Voice & Visibility Professionalise & up-skill Professional standards/competence Technicians Register Higher Diplomas CLTS HEaTED project CPD

  13. For the employer? Mentoring (“Technical Focus”) Apprentice Technicians Bespoke training & development Embedding within extant mechanisms (recruitment, appraisals, pay/reward, promotion)

  14. For us all? Voice & Visibility Nomenclature Changing the perceptions of the profession…

  15. Personnel?

  16. “Comfort the Afflicted” “Afflict the Comfortable”

  17. HR?

  18. Benefits Building viability, voice & visibility: Individual and collective professional contributions are recognised by the employer and its funders

  19. Direction of travel Disparate individuals Coherent, professional group

  20. What about the context? Economic Challenges: Reduction in public funding National/international competition (uncertainty/fluctuations in student numbers) Diverse/new income streams Downward pressure on costs/Efficiencies Agenda

  21. What about the context? Delivery Challenges: Student experience Teaching excellence Physical infrastructure Technological Challenge: “Revolutionise” R&T and associated processes

  22. “One of the key challenges for the future HE environment is the continued turbulence, instability and increasingly fast pace of change being experienced. In contrast to the relative stability of the historical, predominantly publicly funded model of HE, the future environment looks far less predictable” The HE Workforce Framework 2010 HEFCE

  23. So what does this mean for institutions? A workforce that it agile and flexible to adapt to new conditions and demands

  24. Cross-boundary/ blended professionals Disparate individuals Coherent, professional group Bound by role, task, function, speciality? But the context is changing, uncertain & ambiguous

  25. Cross-boundary/blended professionals? Multi-skilling/Cross-training Soft skills Project based/collaborative roles No longer undertaking one task for one person at any one time?

  26. Cross-boundary/blended professionals? Relations/discourse with others Move within, between & beyond dept Professionalisation to support career development

  27. Cross-boundary/blended professionals? Challenge for employers: How can we become more flexible whilst maximising individual talent?

  28. Institutional View The colloquial & local approach The progressive & professional approach The 2022 dichotomy? In partnership to develop a vibrant and outward facing community of professional technicians

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