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B_2: Contributions to B Physics

Explore the impact and achievements of the B_2 collaboration in physics research at Super B factories, covering goals, proposals, luminosity projections, key measurements, and New Physics discoveries. Learn about the rich physics topics, potential discoveries, and detailed physics case studies at Super B factories. The B_2 collaboration fosters active communication and valuable collaborations between multiple institutions, driving progress in the field. Discover how Super B and SuperKEKB aim to push the boundaries of physics research with innovative approaches and equipment. Get insights into the significant achievements and future applications in physics research related to Super B factories.

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B_2: Contributions to B Physics

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  1. B_2: Contributions to B Physics • Introduction • Achievements in FY2006 • 2007 Application • Summary A. Stocchi (LAL Orsay), G. Wormser (LAL Orsay), M. Hazumi (KEK), T. Iijima (Nagoya) May 09, 2007 FJPPL07, KEK

  2. 1. Introduction • Goal of B_2 is to study the physics case at super B factories. • Physics reach at 50-75/ab • Phenomenological implications • New ideas (e.g. Bs studies on Upsilon(5S)) • Two proposals for Super B factories • High current + crab crossing  SuperKEKB (KEK, Japan) • Low b and low e + crab waistSuperB (Italy) • FJPPL B_2 is a valuable collaboration b/w two activities • Active communications in FY2006 through • Informal meetings (two in Orsay) • Workshops (BNM2006, CKM2006, CERN flavour workshops)

  3. BNM-I (Sep. 2006) 100 participants 49 talks in two days !

  4. CKM2006 (Dec. ’06, Nagoya, Japan) Panel discussions on Super B factories organized by B_2 group

  5. SuperKEKB overview Peak luminosity : 8 1035/cm2/s (~50  present world record from KEKB) Integrated luminosity: 50/ab (~100 present world record from KEKB)

  6. SuperB: new approach based on ILC FF and DR Crossing angle = 2*17 mrad ILC DR & FF DR damping time as PEPII-KEKB 1.5 times DR bunch charges Same ILC-IP betas Crossing angle and “crab waist” to minimize bb blowup Design based on recycling allPEP hardware, Bends, Quadsand Sexts, and RF system. Low DE and wall power. SuperB Contributors (Basic concepts): BINP: KEKB: LNF:Pisa:SLAC

  7. Integrated Luminosity Projection for SuperKEKB Cf. 75/ab at SuperB (Italy) Physics case with 50/ab 100  current statistics 1000  Ldt for first observation of CPV in B g J/ K0 BaBar and Belle Wonderful physics with this luminosity

  8. 2. FY2006 Achievements • Common physics case at a Super B Factory • CERN Yellow report on “Flavour physics in the era of the LHC”. • Two separate documents • SuperB CDR (submitted to INFN) • SuperKEKB physics book (will be posted soon) • Conclusion: • Very rich physics topics and a large discovery potential with 50-75/ab • Many key measurements accessible only at a clean e+e- environment • Just a few examples to illustrate the Super B physics case follow:

  9. New Physics (NP) to save EWSB, to supply DM, to save GUT, SUSY, ED, LHT, ... ENP not far from MZ + Beyond CKM Quark Flavor Physics Vub Vud Vus Vcs Vcb Vcd Vtb Vtd Vts dark flavor ? Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix

  10. Super precise measurements at SuperKEKB • If “dark flavor” discovered • Direct detection of new physics in the flavor sector, i.e. revolution in flavor physics • If TeV NP found at LHC, SuperKEKB will measure off-diagonal parameters of NP. • If “dark flavor” not discovered • NP below 1TeV severely constrained even assuming Minimal Flavor Violation (MFV) • MNP > 1.5TeV for large tanb, MNP> 0.6TeV only for small tanb • NP at energy scales inaccessible at energy frontier also constrained (CERN flavor workshop yellow report in preparation)

  11. Examples of physics studies at SuperKEKB • Are there new CP-violating phases ? • Are there new right-handed currents ? • Are there effects from new Higgs fields ? • Are there new flavor violation ? • Is there new flavor symmetry to explain the CKM hierarchy ? 1) tCPV in B0gfK0, h’K0, KsKsKs 2) tCPV in B0gKsp0g 3) Bgtn, mn, Dtn 4) tgmg (example from the lepton sector) 5) Unitarity triangle with O(1)% precision tCPV: time-dependent CP Violation Key measurements to answer questions above. Unique at an e+e- B factory (difficult at a hadron machine)

  12. SUSY as an example • b g s time-dependent CP Violation (tCPV) Method: Compare S(fK0) with S(J/yK0) SM prediction: DS S(fK0)-S(J/yK0)  0 New CP-violating phase can enter O(1) effect allowed even if SUSY scale is above 2TeV.

  13. New CP Violation in b g s: SuperKEKB projection 2.6s (2006) from sin2f1 B gfK0, h’K0, KsKsKs projection for SuperKEKB SM prediction total errors (incl. systematic errors)

  14. BgfK0 at 50/abwith present WA value J/K0 fK0

  15. MFV (e.g. mSUGRA) ? Gauge-mediation ? Big impact on SUSY breaking scenario fK0 Region for 5s discovery Big impacts on other NP also

  16. LFV from CKM LFV from PMNS LFV in t decays and new physics 107 BR (tmg) SuperB M1/2 These evaluations are made for SuperB and do not agree with those given in SuperKEKB :disussion undergoing LVF and Littlest Higgs Model

  17. Full Reconstruction Method • Fully reconstruct one of the B’s to tag • B production • B flavor/charge • B momentum Equivalent to “single B meson beam” ! Decays of interests BXu l n, BK n n BDtn, tn B e- (8GeV) e+(3.5GeV) Υ(4S) p full (0.1~0.3%) reconstruction BDp etc. B Powerful tools for B decays w/ neutrinos

  18. Higgs-mediated NP in MFV at large tanb Similar formula in MSSM. Excl. 2s Bln MH (TeV) BDln Similar to Btn tanb 2ab-1 MH~0.4-0.8 TeV for tanb~30-60 SuperB MH~1.2-2.5 TeV for tanb~30-60

  19. In SM Today SuperB+Lattice improvements r = ± 0.0028 h = ± 0.0024 r = 0.163 ± 0.028 h = 0.344± 0.016 about 10 times better (not all measurements yet included…)

  20. Easily killed with Br(BSg K+K-) New idea for f2: B gpp H.Ishino, M.H, M.Nakao, T.Yoshikawa, hep-ex/0703039 S(B0gp0p0) with external photon conversion 8-fold  2-fold ambiguity 50/ab New ! no non-resonant systematics

  21. SuperKEKB projection for f2 50/ab rp pp 5/ab rr df2=1º (50/ab) (w/o Sr+r-)

  22. Run at the U(5S) Possible with the same luminosity Bd(B+) and Bs are produced and can be separated Dominated contribution ~95% BsBs Bs*Bs Bs*Bs* BdBd Bd*Bd Bd*Bd* * Bd,B+ produced with factor 6 less than at U(4S) * Integrated quantities ASL and ACH at less than 0.5% Even a run at 1ab-1 will give less 1% error. BB from B*B produced in C=+1 after BBg decay  some sensitivity to S term in time integrated CP asym. For more details see E. Baracchini et al. hep-ph/0703258

  23. a few ab-1 for 5s discovery; <1 yr running

  24. Major Achievements Expected at SuperKEKB: An Image New CP-Violating Phase in bgs with 1 degree precision CKM Angle Measurements with 1 degree precision Discovery of BgKnn Precise meas. of D mixing Discovery of New Subatmic Particles Discovery of new CPV phase in B gfK (for present WA) sin2qW with O(10-4) precision Discovery of Bgmn Observations with U(5S), U(3S) etc. Discovery of BgDtn Discovery of CP Violation in Charged B Decays “Discovery” with sigfinicance > 5s Discovery of Direct CP Violation in B0gKp Decays (2005) Discovery of CP Violation in Neutral B Meson System (2001)

  25. 3. 2007 Application • Our activities in the last fiscal year lead to the submission of two documents that describe the physics case and possible experimental facilities of a super B factory working at a luminosity of 1036/cm2/s. • The goal this year is to organize a joint workshop between two communities to further sharpen common physics cases and to make comparison between two approaches for the accelerators and the detectors. • We will encourage participations from both communities and also theorists who are interested to physics at a super B factory. • During the preparation of these documents mentioned above, we have found some areas of common interest, which include Bs physics on Upsilon(5S), and we intend to profit of this network to continue the collaboration for further studies. Furthermore, we intend to launch a joint study to optimize the detector/accelerator design parameters from physics point of view.

  26. 2007 Application: Members

  27. 4. Summary • FJPPL B_2 in FY2006 achievements • Common physics case for Super B factory • CERN yellow report on “flavour in the era of the LHC” • SuperB CDR (submitted to INFN) • SuperKEKB physics book (will be posted soon) • FJPPL very useful to carry out joint studies • Informal meetings in Orsay • Workshops (two in Japan, two in Europe) • FJPPL B_2 in FY2007 • More people get involved ! • More new ideas • Rich phenomenology in B physics allows us to bring new ideas • Joint effort for detector/machine optimization through physics studies

  28. Backup Slides

  29. 13 countries, 57 institutes, ~400 collaborators Two asymmetric-energy B factories PEP-II at SLAC 9GeV (e-)  3.1GeV (e+) peak luminosity: 1.121034cm-2s-1 Belle BaBar KEKB at KEK 8GeV (e-)  3.5GeV (e+) peak luminosity: 1.711034cm-2s-1 11 nations, 80 institutes, 623 persons world record

  30. ~ 1 Billion BB pairs Integrated Luminosity KEKB + PEP-II >1000/fb !! 710/fb (Jan 07) KEKB for Belle July 2006 391/fb (Jan 07) PEP-II for BaBar

  31. FY2006 Application • The success of the present generation of B factories, BABAR at SLAC and Belle at KEK, has triggered many questions on the future of this field. What is the discovery potential of possible luminosity upgrades ? What is the physics case of such Super B factories ? What is the best accelerator and detector for a Super B factory ? • This project is lead by experts who have been playing central roles in the present B factories, and aims at answering questions raised above through collaborative efforts of study groups in France and Japan. • To this end, we will organize several workshops or meetings where study groups from France, Japan and also from a wide range of countries get together. The main workshop will be the 4th CKM workshop which will be held in December 2006 in Japan. In addition to that, we plan to have a couple of additional meetings in Japan for a dedicated purpose. One of that will be held at KEK in September to discuss “B factory and New Measurements (BNM)”. Main topics include physics on Upsilon(5S) and at other energies, new ideas and new detectors for Upsilon(4S) running. The other is a workshop dedicated for a Super B factory and will be held just before the CKM workshop.

  32. S. Stone Super B factory and LHCb Sensitivity Comparison ~2020 LHCb 100 fb-1 vs Super-B factory 50 ab-1 SuperB numbers from M Hazumi - Flavour in LHC era workshop; LHCb numbers from Muheim Bs • LHCb • Super B Common No IP Neutrals,  Preliminary

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