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Information Processing / Forgetting /Memory Construction

Information Processing / Forgetting /Memory Construction. How do we process information?. 3 basic steps: 1. Encoding: getting information into your memory. 2. Storage: Retaining information into memory over time. 3. Retrieval: getting information out of memory storage.

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Information Processing / Forgetting /Memory Construction

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  1. Information Processing / Forgetting /Memory Construction

  2. How do we process information? • 3 basic steps: • 1. Encoding: getting information into your memory. • 2. Storage: Retaining information into memory over time. • 3. Retrieval: getting information out of memory storage.

  3. Think of it like this: storage Encoding retrieval

  4. 3 ways of Processing Information: • 1. Automatic Processing- unconscious process of encoding certain information without effort. • 2. Effortful Processing- encoding that requires attention and conscious effort. • 3. Overlearning- continuing to rehearse information even after it has been memorized.

  5. Think of it like this: Effortful Processing Automatic Processing Overlearning

  6. Effects: • SERIAL POSITION EFFECT: • Sematicencoding- encoding of meaning SelfReference- Effect: enhancedsematicencoding of informationthatispersonallyrelevant.

  7. MnemonicDevices: • A MemonicDevicceis a memorytrickortechnique. • Method of loci- device in whichyouassociateitemsyouwanttorememberwithimaginary places. • Peg- word- system-device in whichyouassociateitemsyouwanttorememberwith a list of wordsyouhavealreadymemorized. • Chunking- organinzingmemoryintomeaningfulunits.

  8. Mnemonic Devices: Peg Word System

  9. Types of Memories: • SensoryMemory: • Isthebrief, initialencoding of sensoryinformation in thememorysystem. • Short-term –Memory: is more permanentthansensorymemory. • Long- TermMmeory: istherealtivelypermanent and limitlessstorehouse of thememorysystem. • FlashbubMemory: a vivid memory of anemotionallysignificantmomentorevent.

  10. When you see this, what do you think of?

  11. Types of MemoriesContinued: • Long TermPutenation- occurswhenthesequence of neuronsthatrepresents a particulamemory. ExplicitMemory: memory of facts and experiences. ImplicitMemory: memory of skills and procedures.

  12. Chart: Long- TermMemories: Implicit: Withoutconsciousrecall Explicit : Withconsciousrecall cerebellum Motor skills, cognitiveskills Facts , general Knowledge & personallyexperiencedevents Hippocampus

  13. Recall & Recognition: • Recall: retrieval , youmustsearchforinfothatyoupreviouslystored. A in a filltheblank test. • Recognition: Identifyitemsyoulearned . As in a multiplechoice test. • ContextEffect –enhancedabilitytoretreiveinfo, whenyou are in anenvoirment similar totheone in whichyouencodedtheinfo.

  14. Sigmund Freud : • (Germanpronunciation: , bornSigismundSchlomo Freud (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939), wasanAustrianneurologistwhofoundedthe discipline of psychoanalysis. • Hisrepressiontheory: • Thetheory of movinganxietyproducingmemoriestotheunconsciousmind. • Freud went on to develop theories about the unconscious mind and the mechanism of nrepression, and established the field of verbal psychotherapy by creating psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient (or "analysand") and a psychoanalyst. Sigmund Freud:

  15. Sigmund Freud: “ When the mind rests , the subconscious whispers”

  16. Types of MemoriesContinuedPart 2: • StateDependenceMemory: samephysical and emotionalstateyouwhere in whenyouencodedtheinfo. PermastoneMemory: longtermmemoriesthat are speciallyresistanttoforgetting and are likelytolast a lifetime. • ProactiveInterfearance: Whenanoldermemorydisruptstherecall of a newermemory. • Retroactiveinterfearance: a more recentmemorydisruptstherecall of anoldermemory.

  17. &….. Misinformationeffect: • Incorporatingmisleadinginformationinto a memory of anevent. • Example: Gossip.

  18. Sources: • www.answers.com/topic/psychology • www.human-memory.net/types.html • www.human-memory.net/types.html • Psychology Textbook: Thinking about psychology , the science of mind and behavior.

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