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Improve communication efficiency with. „. Welcome to this video from Ozeki . Th is video provides some useful tips on how to make the most out of your communication system with Ozeki Phone System XE Windows-based VoIP PBX. . 1 / 13. tip 1. Shift work from humans. to machines. 2/13.
Improvecommunicationefficiency with „ Welcometothis video fromOzeki. This video providessomeusefultipsonhow to make the most out of your communication system with Ozeki Phone System XE Windows-based VoIP PBX. 1 / 13
tip1 Shift workfrom humans to machines 2/13
” Shift work from humans to machines = Send SMS automatically at a predefineddate and timeusingyourdatabase Youonlyneedtoclickonthe ‘Send’ buttoninyour SMS application and OzekiPhone System XE willsendyour SMS automaticallytotheappropriate mobile telephonenumbers. 3/13
” Shift work from humans to machines = Make automated phone calls at a predefineddate and timeusingyourdatabase Youonlyneedtoclickonthe ‘Send’ buttoninyourVoIPapplication and OzekiPhone System XE willinitiatephonecallsautomaticallytothepropertelephonenumbers. 4/13
tip2 Get feedback 2/13
” Feedback in phone call = use touchtone (DTMF) keypress forexploitingthebenefits of an InteractiveVoiceResponse (IVR) menu Justbuild an IVR menusystemintoyour PBX andautomatethehandling of thecustomerqueriesusing DTMF signalsby saving time and money. 6/13
” Feedback in SMS = get delivery report or reply SMS tofind out if your (oryourcustomer’s) messagehas arrivedornot Be surethatyour SMS has arrivedbyreceivingdeliveryreports.Letyourpartnersknowthatyouhave gottheirmessagesbysendingthem an automatedreply SMS. 7/13
tip3 Acton feedback 8/13
” Act on feedback = Store feedback in database toconvertincomingdataintousefulinformation With Ozeki Phone System XE you can store all your partners’ feedback in your database, providing a great way to react to them oranalyse the results. 9/13
” Act on feedback = Say ‘Thank you’ with an SMS toletyourpartnersknowyouhave receivedtheirvaluablemessage Afterreceiving an SMS it is a greatopportunitytosend back an automatedreply SMS totheoriginalsendertoletthem knowyoureallyappreciatetheir feedback. 10/13
” Act on feedback = Call somebody else automatically totransferincomingcallstothe most competentcolleague Handleincomingcallsefficientlyby building an IVR menusystemintoyour PBX. Thisway, youcaneasilyfind out yourpartners’ needs and forwardtheircalltothe most appropriate operator. 11/13
Downloadit NOW „ www.ozekiphone.com 13/13