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Natural Men And Natural Women ORANIZATION

Natural Men And Natural Women ORANIZATION. WHAT IS ?. NMaNWO. The Natural Men and Natural Women Organization (NMaNWO) is a consortium of proactive community environmentalist.

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Natural Men And Natural Women ORANIZATION

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Natural Men And Natural Women ORANIZATION

  2. WHAT IS? NMaNWO The Natural Men and Natural Women Organization (NMaNWO) is a consortium of proactive community environmentalist. Our mission is to improve the lives of disadvantaged citizens through self, economic, community and cultural awareness.

  3. OUR GOALS To enhance the natural skills, abilities and talents of the people we serve. I. With the help of Faith-Based organizations and logic we will increase spiritual and neighborhood revitalization. II. NMaNWO strives to offer mathematic, scientific, linguistic, spiritual and technological broad-base education to disadvantaged families, through the following program components.

  4. Economic Self Sufficiency Awareness Planned Family Spending Neighborhood Computer labs Bridge Builder Azize Girls Club Get Up Stand Up PROGRAMS

  5. High school diploma/ GED Job training Skill Development Resume building / Interviewing Skills Job Sustainment Training Economic Self Sufficiency Awareness Program

  6. Professional analysis of family income 3 Appointments with local Accountant (Any further visits at discounted rate) Spending Plan First Time Home Buyers Workshops Credit Rebuilding Seminars Planned Family Spending

  7. Integrating technology into disadvantaged neighborhoods Free computer literacy classes Skills required for employment in a modern economy. Neighborhood Computer Labs

  8. Mentors Social Skills Cultural Diversity Community Involvement Reinforcing A Positive Self-Image Encourages Continuous Education BRIDGE BUILDER A Summer Program for Children K-12

  9. Nationwide Protest Event Calendar Workshops on Governmental processes, voting processes, State statues, laws and codes Government directory Meet your Representative Get Up Stand Up

  10. Countywide Homework Assistance Education Professionals help with the Tutoring Students may also receive assignments that were missed. HOMEWORK HOTLINE

  11. Fundraiser for the Homework Hotline The event was open to the surrounding communities, and had a wonderful turn out. Event included Poetry, Live band, Fashion show, Art Show, and Nationally acclaimed African Dance Troop Fundraising Events: “Living life like it’s Golden”

  12. Emcee’s Kenneth Alexander and DJ Candice Hosted By Shaka Jasper An Authentic African Dance performed by The African-Caribbean Dance Troop.

  13. A live performance by BlackBerry A Fashion Show by local designers worn by local models

  14. Aims to close the Digital Divide among the Classes Fundraiser to build Neighborhood Computer Labs Teaming up with local school boards and city officials Event will include individual runners; 40 &100 yard dashes and a 4x100 relay. Repre-Sprint Your Community

  15. Kenneth Alexander, CFO/CO Website: www.nmanwo.info e-mail: kenneth@nmanwo.info Natural Men and Natural Women Organization, Inc. 850.531.0001 (v) 850.385.3455 (f) Contact info

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