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I l l i n o i s S t a t e B o a r d of E d uc a t i o n. A ccessibility and Accommodations Presented by Christy Hild, Educator Leadership Cadre. I t ’ s n ot a bou t th e t e s t….
IllinoisState Boardof Education Accessibility and Accommodations Presented by Christy Hild, Educator Leadership Cadre
It’snotabout thetest… It’saboutwhatisrightforstudentsto be college andcareerreadyina globalsociety Collegeand Career Ready PARCCisbeingwrittentomeasurestudentmastery towardswhatwe value aboutthe Common Core Standardsandteachingandlearning
Assessment Overview • Mid-Year Assessment • Performance-based • Emphasis on hard-to-measure standards • Potentially summative • End-of-Year • Assessment • Innovative, computer-based items • Required • Performance-Based • Assessment (PBA) • Extended tasks • Applications of concepts and skills • Required 2 Summative Required Assessments From these administrations, districts are provided, “College and Career” or “On-Track” determination 2 Non-summative Optional Assessments/Flexible Administration • Diagnostic (2-8) and Formative (K-1) Assessment • Early indicator of student knowledge and Non-summative • Speaking And Listening Assessment • Locally scored • Non-summative, required
Grade 8 ELA Sample Task • Today you will read excerpts from two novels about characters who are learning to survive in the wilderness. The first excerpt is from the novel Brian’s Winter by Gary Paulsen, and the second excerpt is from the novel Call of the Wild by Jack London. As you read these excerpts, you will answer questions and think about how the texts reveal theme and character. After you read, you will write an analytical essay about the excerpts. • Read the excerpt from Brian’s Winter and answer the questions. • Then the bear came. • Brian had come to know bears as well as he knew wolves or birds. They were usually alone—unless it was a female with cubs—and they were absolutely, totally devoted to eating. He had seen them several times while picking berries, raking the bushes with their teeth to pull the fruit off—and a goodly number of leaves as well, which they spit out before swallowing the berries—and, as with the wolves, they seemed to get along with him. • That is to say Brian would see them eating and he would move away and let them pick where they wanted while he found another location. It worked for the bears, he thought, smiling, and it worked for him, and this thinking evolved into what Brian thought of as an understanding between him and the bears: Since he left them alone, they would leave him alone. 1 2 3
Grade 8 ELA Sample Task What doesthe word placatinglymeanas itis usedin paragraph 2? inawarningtone inanannoyingmanner inanattempttobe agreeable* inawaythat expressesdiscomfort 10
Grade 8 ELA Sample Task Inthe excerptfromBrian’sWinter,Briancomestoamajor realization at theend ofthe passage.Whichstatementbest describeshis realization? Heneeds toavoidconfronting wildanimals. Heneeds toprepare for the perilsof winter.* Heneeds tocreateabetterwaytostore food. Heneeds tofind a new, safershelter.
Grade 8 ELA Sample Task Whichdetailbest supports the answerinPartA? “The bear…turned backtoransackingthe camp,looking for where thatdelicioussmellhad comefrom.” (paragraph15) “Hewouldhave tofindsomewaytoprotecthimself, someweapon.” (paragraph19) “Hekeptputting wood on the fire, half afraid thebear wouldcomeback.”(paragraph20) “…he had missedthe warningsthatsummerwas ending…andwhatwascomingwouldbe the most dangerousthinghe had faced…”(paragraph21)*
Grade 8 ELA Sample Task Createasummaryof the excerptfromBrian’sWinterbydragging fourstatementsfromthelistand droppingtheminchronological order intothe tabletitled“Summary.”Note thatnotall statementswillbe used. Brianissoreashegetsintohisbagthatnight. Brianattemptstoscareawaythebearthatwakeshimup.* ThebearismorepowerfulthanBrianthinks. Brianbelievesthathehaslearnedtoco-existwiththebears.* Briantakesaseriousrisk. Brianthinksaboutsolutionstohismajorproblem.* ThebeartossesBrianandeatsthescrapsofBrian’s meal.* ThebearlooksatBrianandwalksaway. Thebearsitsbackandsniffstheair.
Grade 8 ELA Sample Task Whichstatementbestreflectsathemeof the excerptfromCall of theWild? Survival is unlikelywhen oneisnew toanenvironment. Survival requiresadapting toone’s surroundings.* One cannotrelyon otherswhenlearning tosurvive. Advanced preparationis necessaryfor survival.
Grade 8 ELA Sample Task Whichtwo detailsfromthe articlebest supporttheanswer in PartA? “Here andthere savagedogsrusheduponhim,buthebristledhis neck-hairand snarled(forhewaslearning fast),and they let himgo his way unmolested.”(paragraph1)* “Againhe wanderedthroughthe great camp,lookingforthem,and againhereturned.”(paragraph2) “He sprangback, bristlingandsnarling,fearful ofthe unseenand unknown.”(paragraph2) “Buckconfidentlyselecteda spot,andwithmuchfuss andwasted effortproceededto digahole forhimself.” (paragraph3)* “Itwas a tokenthat he was harking back throughhisownlifeto the livesofhis forebears…” (paragraph4) “…hesaw thewhite campspread outbeforehimand knewwhere he was…” (paragraph4)
Grade 8 ELA Sample Task • You have readexcerptsfromtwonovelsfocused on survival in • thewilderness. • Theseexcerptsare from: • Brian’sWinterby GaryPaulsen • Callof theWildby JackLondon • Consider howthemaincharacterineachexcerptreactstothe incidencesthatoccur,andwriteanessay inwhichyouanalyze how eachcharacter’sthoughts andactionsreveal aspectsof his personality. • You do notneedtocompareandcontrastthecharactersfrom thetwotexts.Youmayconsider eachoneseparately.Besure to includeevidencefromeachexcerpttosupportyouranalysisand understanding.
Additional Sample Items • Sample items for each task type are available for grades 3-11 in both ELA and Math • http://parcconline.org/samples/item-task-prototypes
PARCC Accessibility System * For students with disabilities, English learners, and English learners with disabilities
AccessibilityFeatures Division of StudentAssessment
Accessibility Features for All Students • Tool, support,scaffold,orpreference activatedbyanystudent • UniversalDesignfeatures • Onscreen, inatoolbaror a menu
Accessibility Features – Turned On in Advance • Small number of students requiring additional accessibility • The types of accessibility features are identified in advance through an individual plan
Accessibility Features Demonstration Example of “answer masking” *NOTE: NOT a PARCC item. Not on the PARCC delivery platform.
Accessibility Features Demonstration Example of “line reader tool” *NOTE: NOT a PARCC item. Not on the PARCC delivery platform.
Administrative Considerations for All Students • Use of testing spaces other than regular classrooms • Testing session varied • Small groups • Frequent breaks • Adaptive seating
Presentation Accommodations • Alter the method or format of the test administration
Response Accommodations • Allow use of alternative methods to provide answers to test items
Timing and Scheduling Accommodations • Extended time • Changes in test administration
Unique/Emergency Accommodations • Unique situations • Emergency situations • Small number of students 33
Accessibility and Accommodations for Field Test • Not all accessibility features or accommodations will be available during field testing. • The following slides outline what will be available on the Field Test. • Some accessibility features and accommodations will not be available on all devices.
Available Accessibility Features • Answer masking • End-of-Year for certain grades • Color contrast • Performance-based Assessment and End-of-Year for certain grades • Flag items for review • Others as described in PARCC materials
Available Presentation Accommodations • Additional assistive technology devices • Specifics about devices will be available soon • Text-to-Speech • Performance-based Assessment and End-of-Year for certain grades
Available Response Accommodations • Calculation device on non-calculator sessions • External device • Speech-to-text • External device
Decision-making Process • Five-step process to determine accessibility and accommodations • Expect all students to achieve • Learn about accessibility features and accommodations • Select accessibility features and accommodations • Administer accommodations • Evaluate and improve accommodations use