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MUSC1010 – WEEK 3

MUSC1010 – WEEK 3. Adobe Audition. Mixing Waves and Phase. Figure 1 - Two simple waves in phase. Figure 2 - Two simple waves out of phase. Figure 3 - two simple waves combining to form a complex wave. Interaction of Waves from Two Sources.

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MUSC1010 – WEEK 3

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  1. MUSC1010 – WEEK 3 Adobe Audition

  2. Mixing Waves and Phase Figure 1 - Two simple waves in phase Figure 2 - Two simple waves out of phase Figure 3 - two simple waves combining to form a complex wave

  3. Interaction of Waves from Two Sources • Waves that are ‘out of sync’ (out of phase) can cancel each-other out. This is not an issue when using headphones because the waves don’t get a chance to interact before you hear them. Phase considerations are important if your recording is played through speakers. • Have you noticed when attending an outdoor concert with a large sound system, that as you walk across the audience area the sound changes significantly? This is due to the interference patterns of sound waves. (Java Applets programmed by Paul Falstad) • The only place where the waves are in phase regardless of the frequency is along the line equidistant from the two sources.

  4. Phase in CD recordings Phase variation is used commonly in pop music recordings to enhance their sense of spaciousness, and to create contrast between different sections. For example the vocals in chorus sections are often out of phase while in the verses they are in phase. If the bass frequencies are out of phase it is likely that a lot of the impact of the bass will be lost under normal listening conditions. Two sine waves out of phase

  5. Hard Limiting Hard limiting compresses the waveform aggressively, limiting the amplitude to a given threshold. Visually the process seems to cut off the peaks at the threshold. Most hard limiters incorporate an automatic normalisation process which then boosts the overall gain. A good hard limiter can “cut off the peaks” without significantly altering the sound of the recording. The more aggressively you hard limit your recording the louder you can get it to sound. Varying degrees of hard limiting and other forms of compression are why some recordings in similar genres seem to have different volumes.

  6. The complete Voiceover part of the assignment should look something like this;

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