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Understanding Concurrency Control in Transaction Processing Systems

Explore the vital concepts & mechanisms of concurrency control in transaction processing. Learn about lost update, dirty read, & incorrect summary problems in databases. Dive into transaction states, commit & rollback operations, & SQL commands. Enhance your understanding of multiprogramming.

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Understanding Concurrency Control in Transaction Processing Systems

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  1. Chapter 21 Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts and Theory Chapter 22 Concurrency Control Techniques Chapters 21-22

  2. Chapters 21 & 22Introduction to Transaction Processing& Concurrency Control • links: • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrency_control • http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e25789/consist.htm#CNCPT020 • Transaction processing systems: • Systems with large databases and hundreds ofconcurrent users that are executing database transactions. • Examples: systems for reservations, banking, credit card processing, stock markets, supermarket checkout, • They require high availability and fast responsetime for hundreds of concurrent users. Chapters 21-22

  3. Oracle links • http://www.oracle.com/pls/db112/search?remark=quick_search&word=concurrency&partno= Chapters 21-22

  4. Transactions • Atransaction is a logical unit of database processing that includes one or more database access operations—these can include insertion, deletion, modification, or retrieval operations. Chapters 21-22

  5. Multiprogramming: Computers can execute multiple programs—or processes—at the same time • Interleaved: if single central processing unit (CPU): • execute at most one process at a time , then suspend that process and execute some commands from the next process, and so on. A process is resumed at the point where it was suspended whenever it gets its turn to use the CPU again. Hence, concurrent execution of processes is actually interleaved. Chapters 21-22

  6. Figure 17.1 Interleaved processing versus parallel processing of concurrent transactions Concurrency control in databases: developed in terms of interleaved concurrency Parallel processing:computer systems have multiple hardware processors (CPUs) (processes C and D) Chapters 21-22

  7. READ AND WRITE Items • read_item(X): Reads a database item named X into a program variable. • write_item(X): Writes the value of program variable X into the database item named X. Chapters 21-22

  8. Chapters 21-22

  9. Figure 17.2 Two sample transactions (a) Transaction T1, (b) Transaction T2 Chapters 21-22

  10. Concurrency Control • Why Concurrency Control Is Needed • The Lost Update Problem • The Temporary Update (or Dirty Read) Problem • The Incorrect Summary Problem Chapters 21-22

  11. The Lost Update ProblemThis problem occurs when two transactions that access the same database items have their operations interleaved in a way that makes the value of some database item incorrect. Chapters 21-22

  12. Figure 17.3 (a) The lost update problem Chapters 21-22

  13. The Temporary Update (or Dirty Read) ProblemThis problem occurs when one transaction updates a database item and then the transaction fails for some reason. The updated item is accessed by another transaction before it is changed back to its original value. Chapters 21-22

  14. Figure 17.3 (b) The temporary update problem Chapters 21-22

  15. The Incorrect Summary ProblemIf one transaction is calculating an aggregate summary function on a number of records while other transactions are updating some of these records, the aggregate function may calculate some values before they are updated and others after they are updated. Chapters 21-22

  16. Chapters 21-22

  17. Figure 17.3 (c) The incorrect summary problem Chapters 21-22

  18. Transaction States and Additional Operations • A transaction is an atomic unit of work that is either completed in its entirety or not done at all. • Two Possible Operations on atransaction: • Commit • Rollback Chapters 21-22

  19. Commit • Commit Point • all operations that access the database have been executed successfully • the effect of all the transaction operations on the database has been recorded in the log • Beyond the commit point • the transaction is said to be committed and its effect is assumed to be permanently recorded in the database • It indicates the successful end-of -transaction Chapters 21-22

  20. Two Possible Operations on a Transaction(cont.) • ROLLBACK • Signals unsuccessful end-of-transaction so that any changes or effects that the transaction may have applied to the database must be undone Chapters 21-22

  21. create table temp (f_id char(8), f_pin Char(8)); insert into temp values(1,1181); insert into temp values(2,1075); insert into temp values(3, 8531); insert into temp values(4,1690); insert into temp values(5, 1222); Commit; F_ID F_PIN -------- -------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 Select * from temp; F_ID F_PIN -------- -------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 Chapters 21-22

  22. SQL> insert into temp values (99, 9999); 1 row created. SQL> select * from temp; F_ID F_PIN ---------- ---------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 99 9999 6 rows selected. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> delete from temp where f_id = 99; 1 row deleted. SQL> select * from temp; F_ID F_PIN ---------- ---------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> create table temp (f_id char(8), f_pin Char(8)); SQL> select * from temp; F_ID F_PIN ---------- ---------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 SQL> insert into temp values (99, 9999); 1 row created. SQL> select * from temp; F_ID F_PIN ---------- ---------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 99 9999 SQL> rollback; Rollback complete. SQL> select * from temp; F_ID F_PIN ---------- ---------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 Chapters 21-22

  23. SQL> select * from temp; F_ID F_PIN ---------- ---------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 SQL> insert into temp values (99, 9999); 1 row created. SQL> select * from temp; F_ID F_PIN ---------- ---------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 99 9999 SQL> rollback; Rollback complete. SQL> select * from temp; F_ID F_PIN ---------- ---------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 SQL> select * from temp; F_ID F_PIN ---------- ---------- 1 1181 2 1075 3 8531 4 1690 5 1222 Chapters 21-22

  24. Chapters 21-22

  25. Introduction to Transactions • Transaction • A logical unit of work or atomic transaction • (It is usually a series of actions to be taken on the database such that either all the actions are done successfully or the database remains unchanged) Chapters 21-22

  26. Example of a transaction • A transaction to enter the customer order might include the following actions: • 1. Change the customer record to enter new order • 2. Change the salesperson record to enter the sales details of the new order • 3. Insert the new order into order table in the database Chapters 21-22

  27. Example of a transaction (cont.) • * Suppose the last step failed, perhaps because of insufficient file space • * Imagine the confusion that would take place if the first two changes were applied but the third one is not • * The customer might receive an invoice for all item never received, and a salesperson might receive a commission on an item never sent to the customer Chapters 21-22

  28. Example of a transaction (cont.) • There are basically two ways to perform these transaction activities • 1. As a series of independent steps. • 2. As an atomic transaction. • Defining a series of steps as a transaction is an important aspect of concurrency control. Chapters 21-22

  29. Desirable Properties of Transactions(Also called as AClD properties • Atomicity:A transaction is an atomic unit of processing; it is either performed in its entirety or not performed at all. • Consistency preservation:A transaction is consistency preserving if its complete execution take(s) the database from one consistent state to another. • Isolation:A transaction should appear as though it is being executed in isolation from other transactions. That is, the execution of a transaction should not be interfered with by any other transactions executing concurrently. • Durability or permanency:The changes applied to the database by a committed transaction must persist in the database. These changes must not be lost because of any failure. Chapters 21-22

  30. database stateis a collection of all the stored data items (values) in the database at a given point in time. • A consistent stateof the database satisfies the constraints specified in the schema as well as any other constraints that should hold on the database. Chapters 21-22

  31. Serializability • Schedule: Given a set of transactions, any execution of those transactions is called a schedule • Serial Schedule: A schedule S is serial if for every transaction T participating in the schedule, all the operations of the transactions are executed consecutively. Chapters 21-22

  32. Serial Schedule • 1. Read Item count for A (count =10) • 2. Reduce count by 5 for A (count = 5) • 3. Write Item count for A (count = 5) • 4. Read Item count for B (count = 5) • 5. Reduce count by 3 for B (count = 2) • Write Item count for B (count = 2)  • B starts after A finishes Chapters 21-22

  33. Interleaved Schedule: A schedule which is not serial is called interleaved • Interleaved or Non-serial Schedule • 1. Read Item count for A (count =10) • 2. Read Item count for B (count = 10) • 3. Reduce count by 5 for A (count = 5) • 4. Write Item count for A (count = 5) • 5. Reduce count by 3 for B (count = 7) • Write Item count for B (count = 7) • B starts before A finishes Chapters 21-22

  34. Serializability is the generally accepted criterion for correctness for concurrency control. • * A given interleaved execution of a set of transactions is considered to be correct if it is serializable • -- if it produces the same result as some serial execution of the same transaction running them one at a time • A Schedule S of n transactions is serializable if it is equivalent to some serial schedule of the same n transactions A B C  Result R Chapters 21-22

  35. Serial A B C  R Parallel A B R C Serializable  Chapters 21-22

  36. Concurrency Control Techniques • (guarantee serializability) • Locking • Time Stamping Chapters 21-22

  37. Two-phase locking theorem If all transactions obey the "two-phase locking protocol," then all possible interleaved schedules are serializable • The two-phase locking protocol • 1.Before operating on any object (i.e., database tuple), a transaction must acquire a lock on that object. • 2. After releasing a lock, a transaction must never go on to acquire any more locks. Chapters 21-22

  38. Locking • · A lock is a variable associated with a data • item in the database and it describes the status of that item • · Generally, there is one lock for each data item in the database • ·  When a database wants to access a data item it acquires a lock on that object. Chapters 21-22

  39. Types of Locks • Binary • Shared and Exclusive Chapters 21-22

  40. Binary Locks: • A binary lock can have two states or values: locked and unlocked • Locked: Value of lock is 1 • Unlocked: Value of lock is 0 Chapters 21-22

  41. When the binary locking scheme is used, every transaction must obey the following rules: • 1. A transaction T must issue the operation lock_item(X) before any read_item(X) or write_item(X) operations • 2. A transaction T must issue the operation unlock_item(X) after all read_item(X) or write_item(X) operations are completed • 3. A transaction T will not issue a lock_item operation if it already holds the lock on item X • 4. A transaction T will not issue an unlock item operation unless it already holds the lock on item X • If a transaction holds the lock for item X, and if another transaction requests a lock on that item, it is forced to wait until the first transaction is completed and releases the lock  Chapters 21-22

  42. Shared and Exclusive Locks • Disadvantage of binary locking -- too restrictive • (at most one transaction can hold a lock on that item) • We can allow several transactions to access the same item X if they all access X for reading purposes only • However, if a transaction is to write an item X, it must have exclusive access to X Two kinds of locks • read or shared locks (S) • write or exclusive lock (X) • If a transaction wants to read an item X it requests read lock. • If a transaction wants to update an item X it requests write lock. Chapters 21-22

  43. Rules for granting a lock: • 1. If no transactions have any kind of lock on item X then any requested Read or Write lock is granted • 2. Supposetransaction A has a read lock (S) on item X • - A request from some distinct transaction B for a read lock will be granted • - A request from some distinct transaction B for a write lock will be denied. • 3. Suppose a transaction B has a write lock (X) on item X • - A request from some distinct transaction B for a read lock will be denied • - A request from some distinct transaction B for a write lock will be denied Chapters 21-22

  44. The rules can be summarized by means of a compatibility matrix Read Write Read | Y N Write | N N If a transaction A has a read lock for data item X, and if it wants to update the item, it can upgrade its read lock to write lock. This will be granted only if there are no other readers for that item. Chapters 21-22

  45. Chapters 21-22

  46. When to Lock with ROW SHARE and ROW EXCLUSIVE Mode • LOCK TABLE Emp_tab IN ROW SHARE MODE; • LOCK TABLE Emp_tab IN ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE; • ROW SHARE and ROW EXCLUSIVE table locks offer the highest degree of concurrency. • You might use these locks if: • Your transaction needs to prevent another transaction from acquiring an intervening share, share row, or exclusive table lock for a table before the table can be updated in your transaction. If another transaction acquires an intervening share, share row, or exclusive table lock, no other transactions can update the table until the locking transaction commits or rolls back. • Your transaction needs to prevent a table from being altered or dropped before the table can be modified later in your transaction. • http://download-east.oracle.com/docs/cd/B14117_01/appdev.101/b10795/adfns_sq.htm#1025374 Chapters 21-22

  47. When to Lock with SHARE Mode • LOCK TABLE Emp_tab IN SHARE MODE; • Your transaction only queries the table, and requires a consistent set of the table data for the duration of the transaction. • You can hold up other transactions that try to update the locked table, until all transactions that hold SHARE locks on the table either commit or roll back. • Other transactions may acquire concurrent SHARE table locks on the same table, also allowing them the option of transaction-level read consistency. Chapters 21-22

  48. LOCK TABLE Emp_tab IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE; • LOCK TABLE Emp_tab IN EXCLUSIVE MODE; • Explicitly Acquiring Row Locks • SELECT... FOR UPDATE Chapters 21-22

  49. Deadlocks • * Locking solves the three basic problems of Concurrency • * But it introduces problems of its own, principally the problem of deadlocks • Deadlocks occur when each of two transactions is waiting for the other to release the lock on an item Chapters 21-22

  50. Time K L t1 req S lock a . t2 S lock a . t3 . req X lock b t4 . X lock bt5 req S lock b . t6 wait . t7 . req X lock a t8 . wait Chapters 21-22

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