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The Evil Glass of Water: Adventure Story of a Lifetime

Join Jacob as he faces dwarfs, unicorns, and dangerous tunnels to stop the evil glass of water from taking over the world in the most thrilling adventure ever told in this action-packed tale. Will he succeed or meet a watery doom?

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The Evil Glass of Water: Adventure Story of a Lifetime

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  1. QUEST TO DESTROY THE EVIL GLASS OF WATER! The most adventurous adventure story ever in the existence of the whole entire universe! NEXT

  2. Chapter 1: The three tunnels On a very sunny and normal day Jacob was watching his television, when suddenly it switched to Sky news. It was saying that the evil glass of water with his dwarfs riding unicorns are threatening to take over the world from the great pyramid of Giza. He goes to the fridge to get a drink or maybe a snack ,but when he opens the fridge door there was a massive hole at the back of the fridge. He shut the door behind him and he opened the fridge again and it is still their. He struggles to push the fridge away, revealing three tunnels. Does he go down, tunnel 1, tunnel 2 or tunnel 3 TUNNEL 1 TUNNEL 2 TUNNEL 3

  3. Chapter 2 :deep water He went through the tunnel in the middle to be greeted by an almost sudden drop. “AAAGGHHH!” Screamed Jacob. The drop seemed endless, so he would die slowly of starvation, and his rotting bones would just be left, but if not, when he hits the ground his bones would almost disintegrate from the speed he was falling at, his fate was sealed. He would die. Suddenly, he saw water, but a very thin layer, so he wouldn’t survive. He landed with a splash, but supernaturally lived! NEXT

  4. He scanned his surroundings. A window, iron plating and 1 ginormous tap. In the window an evil dwarf peered in and pressed a big purplish brown button, and the tap activated. There was no way out so he would drown. He kicked the walls and eventually broke his foot. He couldn’t swim, so he lay down and floated to the top. He had the strength to punch the glass in final hope ,and it broke. The tiny room flooded, and the dwarf started flailing his arms and punching Jacob. But he didn’t flinch. Jacob was dead. The dwarf died of fear 6 seconds after Jacobs’s death. TRY AGAIN

  5. Chapter 2: the army of dwarfs He went through the 3rd tunnel and was transported to gummy land. It had a bright pink floor that was very bouncy and bright green walls. There was an army of dwarfs on unicorns, so he had to sneak past them. They were small little things, only 24 inches high, but 8 inches wide. They were ugly, fat and really small. But the unicorns they rode on, were the most majestic creatures, kidnaped from unicornilandia and forced to work for the evil glass of water. He grabs a dwarf off a unicorn and punches him. NEXT

  6. The dwarf then bites his whole hand off. Jacob silently screamed then knocked the dwarf out, then noticed a bulge in his tiny little pocket. It was a tiny golden budgie, with ruby encrusted eyes. He squeezes the budgie and it squeals! Lasers shoot out its mouth killing all the dwarfs and setting all the unicorns free. He suddenly appears outside the pyramid. Does he: stealth attack, or heavy attack? STEALTH HEAVY

  7. Chapter 2: Unicorn riding Jacob runs down the second tunnel and it leads him into a really weird place with a gummy floor and bright green walls. It was a very strange place, he sees an army of dwarfs and he follows them and it leads to a bunch of unicorns. He comes up with a devious plan. He quickly throws a dwarf across the room, it makes him bounce on the gummy floor. Then he gets another one and he and throws him into the glass ,but then the dwarfs start attacking, then Jacob notices a dwarf has a golden budgie then out a no where the budgie opens its mouth and a laser comes out, and gets his arm that chops his hand clean off. He is really hurt but he carries on. He gets the budgie and squeezes it and a massive laser comes out and it kills the dwarf army ,and they all turn to ash. He steals a unicorn and rides to Egypt to get the evil glass of water. He takes the budgie with him. Does he, stealth attack of heavy attack? STEALTH HEAVY

  8. chapter 3 :A sneaky attack Then he rides the unicorn to Egypt it takes 500 seconds because the unicorn has super speed. After about 398 seconds he eventually gets there. He gets of the unicorn and stealth’s around for a bit. He finds evidence of the evil glass of water, because he sees water on the floor, he tastes it and it tastes like tap water, it is the evil glass of water. He sees his dwarfs guarding the door, so he goes behind both of them and bashes there heads together. He gets inside the pyramid and tries not to be seen, but when he thinks he is safe, the evil glass of water sees him and pulls a lever, and the WHOLE floor disappears and there is lava underneath it. He falls into the lava but the evil glass of water can float so he doesn’t die! Jacob tried to get out but it burned him alive. Jacob was dead. TRY AGAIN!!!!

  9. Chapter 3 :the heavy attack He sprints to the pyramid firing the lasers. The evil glass of water sends out a bunch of dwarfs, but Jacob shoots them away. He shoots at the pyramid, taking a small chunk from the side. Rubble shot out the side, nearly blinding Jacob. The pyramid was collapsing in on its self, squashing loads of dwarfs. Jacob got on a unicorn, shooting even more lasers at the pyramid, causing even more destruction. As it collapsed, the evil glass of water hovered over the rubble. He shot water cannons at Jacob, but missed, making cylindrical holes in the ground. Jacob then found a rainbow grenade in his pocket. He throws it at the pyramid, making a massive death rainbow over it. Time for battle. DON’T USE BUDGIE USE BUDGIE

  10. Chapter 4:A first attack He survives the explosion, only leaving him and the evil glass of water, this is his big moment to destroy him forever. He doesn’t waste his time and says a little phrase “I will destroy you forever and you will never disturb earth ever again” shouted Jacob. Then the fight starts. Jacob has the first move. He uses his super kick and it dents the evil glass of water. The evil glass of water is furious so he uses his water cannons on Jacob. It takes a lot of health off Jacob. He is losing his patience, then he remembers that the golden laser budgie is still with him. He uses it and then something happens. His vision is white. he only sees white, then he looks down and he sees himself laying on the floor. He sees that he is not moving at all then he thinks to himself, I must be dreaming. His whole body was exploded. Jacob was dead. TRY AGAIN!

  11. Chapter 4 epic ending He went over to the destroyed pyramid, to see the evil glass of water, near death. He stood up and said “I will destroy you! You silly child!” but Jacob had different ideas about getting destroyed. “No, I will destroy YOU forever and you will NEVER disturb earth EVER again!” shouted Jacob. Then the fight started. Jacob threw a punch, only to miss. Water shot from cannons, fists flew until, and something was falling from the sky. Then, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! The earth shook. Jacob’s friend, Mr blobby had returned from his trip to space, to fall on the evil glass of water at coinsidencial timing. The evil glass of water had no chance of surviving against Mr blobby’s backside. For the first time in history, Mr blobby had saved the world, over 7 billion lives! PARTY!

  12. Chapter 5:party! There was people everywhere. Confetti, piñatas, party food, party hats and so many more! Everyone was dancing having a great time. The party was held in London ,and they had a great time, then suddenly in came Mr blobby with his family and his blob doggy. They all cheered about the evil glass of water’s death. There were magical unicorns and everyone had a great time. THE END BY CHRISTOPHER AND HARRY PLAY AGAIN!

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