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April 10, 2013. I can distinguish the characteristics of the literary form of a play or dramatic literature. I can relate a literary work to the important ideas of the time and place in which it is set. I can determine the effects of the author’s life upon his/her work. Bell Ringer.
April 10, 2013 I can distinguish the characteristics of the literary form of a play or dramatic literature. I can relate a literary work to the important ideas of the time and place in which it is set. I can determine the effects of the author’s life upon his/her work.
Bell Ringer Please write agree or disagree for each of the following statements. Justify your answer-why do you agree/disagree. • All humans are equal • Usually the best and brightest people are leaders • Some people are smarter than others • A dictator can control everything in a country • The government usually does what’s best for the majority • You should always believe everything you’re told • People who cannot read are easily controlled • People always have the ability to make their own choices Whole class discussion
Video • Intro to Animal Farm http://www.tewt.org/index.php/lessons-activities/commonly-taught-books/69-animal-farm
Real Name: Eric Blair British Political Novelist Born: To English parents in India
He was sent to boarding school at the age of eight to prepare for Eton, an exclusive prep school. Because he had a scholarship, he was teased and humiliated frequently.
At eighteen, he passed the Empire’s Civil Service Exam and became a police officer in Burma.
He chose to live in poverty because he felt guilty for the job he had done in Burma - for having been a part of an oppressive government.
He saw poverty as a way to understand the problems of the oppressed and helpless by becoming one of them.
Orwell was a Socialist Socialist:someone who believes that the government should own businesses so that everyone will be equal Socialist:someone who believes that the government should own businesses so that everyone will be equal
He desired a society in which separate classes would not exist.
It's a Fable It's an Allegory Most fables have two levels of meaning. On the surface, the fable is about animals. But on a second level, the animals stand for types of people or ideas. The way the animals interact and the way the plot unfolds says something about the nature of people or the value of ideas. Any type of fiction that has multiple levels of meaning in this way is called an allegory.
It's a Satire A composition making fun of something, usually political. Animal Farm makes fun of political society after the Bolshevik Revolution.
More terms to know • Symbol: a person, place, or object that represents something beyond itself. • Irony: the contrast between reality and appearance • Verbal: people say one thing, mean another • Situational: opposite of what you expect happens • Dramatic: reader knows something the characters don’t
More Terms (you can’t get enough) • Theme: main idea or message in a work of literature about human nature/experience • Themes in AF: • Power corrupts those who possess it • People’s ignorance contributes to their political & social oppression (ignorance: lack of knowledge, oppression: the state of being held down by unjust authority) • Revolutions may result in a change of power, but often the lives of a majority of people stay the same • In society, individuals are not treated equally
Socialism: Country’s economy is in the hands of the people as a whole. Every person should receive an equal share of that economy’s wealth. Communism: Common ownership of all property. Still more terms to know Socialism: You have 2 cows. Give 1 cow to your neighbor. Communism: You have 2 cows. Give both cows to the government, and they may give you some of the milk.
Historical Context Russian society in the early twentieth century had two social classes: a tiny minority (bourgeoisie) controlled the country’s wealth. The working class was called the proletariat.
Now the fun stuff: The Russian Revolution • The revolution started with a small group of the educated class. (They were socialists.) • They were unhappy with their ruler • They felt he was doing a poor job of running the country, decided to overthrow him in 1917 • The entire family was executed (or were they?)
Themes Freedom and individual dignity must be guarded very carefully. Language is a very powerful tool; used improperly it can enslave and confuse us Weakness can be dominated by strength, fear and trickery Hope and vision must be kept alive Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
Group Work • Get with a partner. • Brain storm the characteristics of a good leader and then characteristics of a bad leader. • Are leaders born or are they made? • What would be the ideal characteristics of a good leader- how he/she would act, reason , negotiate, argue, defend, follow, etc? What warning signs might you look out for in a bad leader with respect to the items listed above? • Now form groups of 4 (find another partner group) • Discuss your lists of characteristics for both good and bad leaders in order to create a master list for your group. • Discuss current or past world leaders/figures and decide whether they fit the characteristics of a good leader or a bad leader and justify your groups decision. • Whole group discussion
Video • Animal Farm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClaNnaMgbF0