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Infographic. Choosing a layout, color scheme, and symbolism. timeline.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Infographic Choosing a layout, color scheme, and symbolism

  2. timeline Grace Lee is a Junior at Parsons…visually laid out all of the medals won by every country in every Olympics since Athens in 1896.  Across the bottom is number of nations each year and how many athletes were involved. 

  3. Charts/graphs

  4. Large image with annotated timeline at bottom

  5. Silhouette using image < adjust < invert (or ctrl/I )

  6. Silhouette a photo to black using the burn toolor selecting the whole person/animal/object and dropping black paint with the paint bucket tool

  7. Simplicity in symbols = easier viewer ‘read’

  8. Coffee tasting Flavor wheel Color scheme

  9. Color scheme- greenround shape of stadium is repeated to organize the information

  10. Consistent color scheme

  11. Grey background to contrast with foreground colors Text is only black when needed, otherwise it is grey

  12. Large areas of white space

  13. Consistency of color scheme

  14. Diagonal position adds eye movement

  15. Custom shape tool Dropdown menu next to chosen shape < library , all < append

  16. Transparency In layers panel – Opacity of each layer can be changed

  17. Dark background color: High contrast allows foreground colors to pop

  18. Background color: and texture Consider how your background supports understanding of the topic

  19. Background color: and texture Consider how your background supports the topic and the design

  20. Color: Use a variety of values from the base color more

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