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A Framework for the Development of Online Learning Environment for Use in Design Education. W enzhi Chen Manuscript for Computers & Education January 15, 2003. Index. Introduction Online Learning Environment Internet Mediated Design Course Developing OLE for Design Education
A Framework for the Development of Online Learning Environment for Use in Design Education Wenzhi Chen Manuscript for Computers & Education January 15, 2003
Index • Introduction • Online Learning Environment • Internet Mediated Design Course • Developing OLE for Design Education • Discussion and Remarks
Introduction E-Learning The Change of Design Need of Design Education Background Approach
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Introduction • E-learning: The use of computer as a mediator in instruction is changing, from being a tool for instruction material to being a learning environment that is real-time and interactive. • The change of design: Information and technology growth subsequently make the design practice change. The design practice is becoming featured in specialization, delegation, distribution, and cooperation [Haymaker et al., 2000]. • The need of new design education approach: How to teach and train the students to know and practice the new design method and environment is very important. It is worth studying how to use computer and Internet to mediate the design education. • Background: The Author use the Internet to mediated the design course since 1998. In developing virtual learning environment for design education, the framework is build. • Approach: The action research [Swann, 2001] approach is adapted in this research. This paper describes a framework for the development of OLE for design education. It then uses this framework to build a platform for design education.
Online Learning Environment Online Learning Environment Types of OLE OLE in Taiwan Guideline Framework
Online Learning Environment • Virtual Learning Environment & Online Learning Environment “… I believe that the Internet is also a ‘real’ space: simply an alternate space parallel to the physical space we are accustomed to. … Internet as an ‘on-line’ and not a ‘virtual’ space.” [Bennett, 2001] • Learning types for OLE [EduCities, 2001] • Structural Knowledge learning • Subject-base, target-base • Task-Based Learning • Theme-base, inquiry-base, mission-base, creative problem solving • Community-Based Learning
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Types of Online Learning Environment • Types: There are many types and frameworks for OLE. They can categorized by time, interaction, communication, degree, and media dimension. * Form Lowther et al., 2000, p. 135.
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion The OLE in Taiwan • Higher education: most of the higher education school beginning to build the OLE for mediated course, even to provide the full online course. • OLE Development by school • National Sun Yat-Sen Cyber University • Ceiba2 @ Taiwan University • Virtual Classroom @ National Central University • Net University @ National Kaohsiung Normal University • Lifelong Learning University @ Cyber • Package OLE • eIDEA • iCAN2 Plus • e2K • WebCT • BlackBoard • Lotus Domino LearningSpace
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Guideline for Developing OLE • Issues: learning theory and practice, interactive, culture, IT, behavior, and efficiency and so on… • Frameworks: • For Build: • Hsu et al, [1999]: How to design a virtual classroom: 10 easy steps to follow • Palloff & Pratt [1999]: The framework for distance learning • Zwar & Resnick [2000]: The essential modules need for a complete TKM system • Chen & You [2001]: The model for Internet mediated design course • Carter [2002]: The framework for multimedia development • For evaluation • Pantel [1997]: The framework for comparing Web-based Learning environment • Blair [2000]: The framework for evaluation of Web-based instruction • Factors: objectives and theory, information tech, teaching/learning theory/practice, communication methods, cost, management, efficiency…
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Framework of OLE for Design Education Objectives • According the literatures and experiences on design the OLE, this framework is proposed. • There are 4 elements in OLE framework: teacher, learner, course, and internet. • Relationships between these 4 elements and IMDC are organization, process, delivery, and access. . Materials Activities . Course Strategy Delivery Participation Process Pedagogy . Organ- ization . Motivation OLE Teacher Learner Performance Evaluation Access Capability . . Limitation Internet cost
Variables of OLE elements Objectives . Materials Activities . Course Strategy Delivery Participation Process Pedagogy . Organ- ization . Motivation OLE Teacher Learner Performance Evaluation Access Capability . . Limitation Internet cost
Internet Mediated Design Course Trend & Change of Education Design Knowledge & Education Issues OLEs Online Design Projects Considerations of OLE for Design Education
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion The Trend and Change of Education • The trend of learning: The geographic and temporal independence of Internet liberates learning from being limited to the classroom. Students can learn anytime, anywhere. • The change of education: The proliferation of computer media and networking has the potential of making fundamental changes in the methods, models, and techniques employed in education. • This new learning method is full of potential in the innovation of design education and professional training. [From 李進寶, 2001] “… the Internet will be used more and more to deliver and communicate educational contexts in the future, so we must prepare for this thoroughly, responsibly and above all without intimidation.” [Bennett, 2001]
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Design Knowledge and the Features of Design Education • Based on design’s special knowledge, design education has its own features • Combination of theory and practice: knowledge-base and skill-base • Between art and science: perceptual and logic • Team work: collaborative • Sequence and hybrid: precision and creative, Lateral & Vertical thinking… • Multimedia: text, graphic, audio, video, solid model… • The instruction strategies of design would then be different from that of other domains. • The most frequently used instruction strategies • Constructive learning theory and practice • Problem-based • Learning through design practice (learning by doing) • Knowledge integration • Cooperative learning. Studies relevant to the poiesis of design [Narvaez, 2000]
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion The Issues and Development of OLE for Design Education • Specific: For the special knowledge, feature, and requirements of design education, the environment of an online course is different from other domains. • Collaborative: The key issue in early Internet mediated design courses was on co-design. • Media: Many media, e.g. text, drawing, photos, audio, and video, can be applied in a design course. Therefore, the multimedia environment and technology support is necessary in the online design course. • Interaction: The design education features learning through doing, communication and discussion are important and necessary. • Assessment: The assessment of design learning is also an issue in the online learning environment [Simoff & Maher, 2000 ]. Simoff & Maher [1997, 2000] suggest the use of online diary and the data of learning history for assessment by quantitative methods.
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion OLEs For Design Education • OLEs for design education:Recently, many researchers have pro-posed different models for mediated design courses. • Simoff & Maher [2000] combined a web-based virtual design studio and WebCT system and proposed an integrated web-based design education environment to create a collaborative design environment. They demonstrated how the record of the communication could be used to analyze participation and contribution to the collaborative project. • Craig & Zimring [2000] used web-based online environment for unstructured collaboration. • Haymaker et al. [2000] proposed a method for negotiating architectural design across domains, filter mediated design, for generating coherence in collaborative design. • These studies have started to discuss interaction and environment for the online design course. • There are many OLE for design education were development, most of them are focus on design studio course, and most of them use the task-base learning / creative problem solving concept to build the OLE.
1993 Virtual Village Project 1994 Li Long Housing Exhibition Pavilion 1995 Olympic Exhibition Building, Homebush Bay Live/Work Project National Exhibition Pavilion: Bellevueplatz/Ottawa Miyajima Island 1996 Monument for 1997 Competition Villas: Delft/Einsiedeln Kumamoto ArtPolis ?Screen2Screen The Tex-Mex Virtual Design Studio 1997 Communicating a Sense of Place MIT/XeroxPARC Studio (Spring) The Tex-Mex Virtual Design Studio (Fall) The Tex-Mex Virtual Design Studio Multiplying Time The Lisbon Charrette: Remote Collaborative Design ICON 1998 ICON2 (Spring) The Tex-Mex Virtual Design Studio (Fall) The Tex-Mex Virtual Design Studio Tokyo Readings With New Media Hanoi Tube Housing Remote Charrette Free Trade A Place2Wait 1999 Internet Studio Consortium- Manhattan Piers Las Americas Virtual Design Studio - Hotel de Negocios Central-Wanchai Reclamation OMNIUM [vds] 2000 Restructuring the Hub of Communication and Urban Renewal in East Gate of Beijing Virtual Studio Las Americas: Langford Architecture Centre Internet Studio Consortium 2001 Internet Studio Consortium - The Connected Centers of the Americas VEDS (Virtual Environment Design Studio) 2002 Graphics and Contemporary Society Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Online Design Projects [ From http://www.omnium.unsw.edu.au/docs_pub/pub_ext_studios.php ]
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion The considerations of OLE for Design Education Objectives • According the framework of OLE, while design an online design learning environment the following factors must be considered carefully in advance . Materials Activities . Course Strategy Delivery Participation Process Pedagogy . Organ- ization . Motivation OLE Teacher Learner Performance Evaluation Access Capability . . Limitation Internet cost
Developing OLE for Design Education Process Planning Design Evaluation Features
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion The Process Design Page layout Features Planning Objectives Functions Approach Evaluation
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Planning _ Objectives Goal To design an integrated OLE for Collaborative, Creative, Thinking, and Design.In this OLE, everyone can announce, share, exchange, submit, and administrate the information, concepts, ideas, and works of design. the learner can do design through the OLE, so the OLE must provide the essential functions for design process need. the OLE can increase the creative about the design. the OLE must provide the good tools for learners and teachers to communicate with each other…. the OLE must can make the learner more thinking about the design, and design process… it must to cultivate the sense of the community, make the team work more tightly. the OLE must to encourage the cooperative through the design process.
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Planning _ Functions the learner and teacher must can share the data and information need through the design process. the learner and teacher must can share the data and information need through the design process. for system adm. And teacher, the management tools is need. the teacher and team leader can announce the news and information about the course. there still need some personal tools for maintain the personal information and files… . each learner can exchange the ideas, thoughts, and information, even the drawing works…
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Planning _ Approach • The 3 levels structure use an approach of the OEL for design education. Level 3 Creative & Communication for Design Level 2 For Training & Learning Level 1 To Cultivate Consensus & Collaborative
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Design of OLE for Design Education • Management Functions • Course • Student • Group • Diary • Course Functions • Syllabus • Bulletin • Lecture note • Grade • Assignment • Group • Bulletin • Share • Discussion • Diary Functions: AV Conference, File Share , Chat, E-White Board Interactive: Synchronous Media: Text, Graphic, Photo, Audio, Video, Multimedia Functions: Course, Management, Administrate, Chat Interactive: Asynchronous, Synchronous Media: Text, Graphic, Photo, Audio, Video, Multimedia Functions: News, Articles, Guestbook, Forum, Design resource Links, Job Interactive: Asynchronous Media: Text, Graphic, Photo
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Page Layout Design _ Community Title Area Menu Area Main View Area Course Inform. Area
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Page Layout Design _ Classroom Title Area Menu Area Main View Area Chat Room Area
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Page Layout Design _ Studio Title Area Net Meeting Area Main View Area Menu Area Chat Room Area
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Page Adjustment • There are 4 type for page adjustment • General: title, menu, main view, and chat area • Viewing-chat: title, main view, and chat area • Menu-chat: title, menu, chat area • Chat: title, chat area
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Features • Media: • The file type of the upload used in every function is unlimited. • The post of discussion board in course can attach the any type file, and provide the tree view. • Interactive and communication: • The chat room in classroom change with the course and function change. • In studio, the attach file of the chat can see the icon in text, and can click it to view it at viewing frame. • Every group has announce and share function to manage. • Interface: • The menu, communication (chat, VC), and main viewing window are integrate into one page, it’s easy to manipulate. • Private: • Every participator has own note for every course and private. • The platform can provide the different type course to use by different approach, ex. Knowledge-base course for content and lecture oriented, skill-base course for demo and practice oriented, and design professional oriented course for share, exchange, creative, and discussion.
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion Discussion • Virtual or reality • Mediated or full online course • The design process and methods • The preparation of the learner and instructor • The evaluation of the OLE for design education
The EndThank You for your Listening and Suggestions Email | wenzhi@mail.cgu.edu.tw Wenzhi’s Wonderful World | http://id.cgu.edu.tw/wenzhi CoCreaThink Design Community | http://thinkdesign.cgu.edu.tw Alai Design Research Group | http://Alai_DRG.idv.st
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion The considerations of OLE for Design Education _ Course • Design Course: there are many differences course in design education, knowledge-base lecture type, skill-base practice type, and integration type [Chen & You, 2002]. • Objectives: objectives are difference according the course type [Carr & Duchastel, 2000; Nuccitelli, 1994]. • Materials: the materials are multimedia and abound. Include the text, graphic, drawing, real 3d model, and virtual model… • Activities: there many types activities used in design course, ex. lecture, discussion, presentation, practice, self-thinking…
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion The considerations of OLE for Design Education _ Teacher • Teacher: Design has its own special knowledge and technique. The teaching strategies of design should reflect the specialty of the discipline [Blair, 2000; Hsu et al., 1999; Oxman, 1999; Simoff & Maher, 2000 ]. • Strategies: the cooperative learning, problem base learn, learning by doing, and team work are strategies that design instructor use frequently. • Pedagogies: the select of pedagogy depend on course type. Lecture pedagogy used in knowledge-base course, practice pedagogy used in skill-base course, discussion and presentation pedagogies are used in design practice course. • Evaluation: evaluation is a big problem in design education. It’s difficult to evaluation the design works by one person without subject bias, so group evaluation usually used in design course evaluation.
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion The considerations of OLE for Design Education _ Learner • Learner: The students of design must be sensitive, curious for novel things, and have the abilities for analysis, syntheses the data about the design [Blair, 2000; Oxman, 1999; Simoff & Maher, 2000 ]. • Motivation: motivation is the key factor influence the learning performance. More self control students will have more performance. How to increase the motivation of student to involve the OLE is important. • Participation: the participation of student is hard to control in VEL, so the record of participation is an good method to encourage the student to join the online course. • Performance: the performance of design student is very important, it make the student feel success then make they more contributions.
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion The considerations of OLE for Design Education _ Internet • Internet: The Internet provide the protocol and interface for running the online learning environment. Its capability and limitation, cost will influence the design and use of OLE [Benetazzo et al., 2000; Erden et al, 2000; Harasim, 1999; Kumar et al., 1994; Latch-man et al., 1999, Maher, et al., 1999; Narvaez, 2000] . • Capabilities: the capability of Internet is increase speedy with the bandwidth. • Limitations: except for bandwidth, the stability of Internet also important. • Cost: for using the Internet to mediated design course, the cost of the equipments and the fee of the use of the Internet must be considered.
Introduction | OLE | IMDC | Developing | Discussion The considerations of OLE for Design Education _ OLE • The relations between the OLE and elements: teacher, learner, course, Internet • OLE: the good OLE must provide the appropriate interface to service the relate elements. • Delivery: for course, the suitable delivery method is important, that can make the course materials and activities easy to deliver to learner, and achieve the objectives of the course. • Organization: for teacher, the good organization of the function and interface, make the management of the course materials and students easier. • Process: for learner, the process of the OLE is make the learning more easier, and more self control. It can make the student more active in OLE. • Access: for Internet, the access is important. It influence the stability and the reliability of the OLE usage.