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L’interporto di Jesi nella piattaforma logistica delle Marche. Jesi, novembre 2010. MARCHE REGION – LOGISTIC PLATFORM. The Marche Region has three main infrastructures within the range of a few kilometres : THE PORT OF ANCONA THE MARCHE INTERPORT(JESI) THE AIRPORT OF ANCONA – FALCONARA .
L’interporto di Jesi nella piattaforma logistica delle Marche Jesi, novembre 2010
MARCHE REGION – LOGISTIC PLATFORM The Marche Region has three main infrastructures within the range of a few kilometres: THE PORT OF ANCONA THE MARCHE INTERPORT(JESI) THE AIRPORT OF ANCONA – FALCONARA
THE MARCHE REGION WITHIN THE EUROPEAN AND NATIONAL PLANNING Tyrrhenian-Adriatic Logistics infrastructure (national Logistics Plan) • The national government includes this infrastructure system in the list of interchange territories of national importance, i.e. locations where networks intersect and exchange. These locations, more than others, have the potential to be change-over locations between the main European and international fluxes of goods and the local territories.
THE MARCHE INTERPORT PORT OF ANCONA The Interport of Jesi is a structure for the exchange of goods between different modes of transport. It is aimed at the national and European market offering, among other things, intermodal services: combined transport based on train-block, warehouse management on contract basis and warehouses for special items (dangerous goods, cold chain,) and auxiliary services such as customs, computer and telecommunication network.
ASSETS OF THE INTERPORT: INFRASTRUCTURAL VANTAGE POINTS PORT OF ANCONA AMPLIAMENTO (50 ha) AREA DI PROPRIETA’ (54 ha) • The interportoccupies a developmentwhichcovers 104 Ha towhich more can beadded in the future due to the availabilityof free spacereservedforfurtherexpansion.Presently 54 Ha are interconnectedto the railway – a completedphasethatis up and running. Within the interportone can find: • 100.000 squaremetreswarehousingfor industrial logistics(80.000 squaremetresinterconnectedto the railwaywith 2 phasetracksoperationalfor 450 m forrail-to-lorrytransport and 20.000 squaremetresnotinterconnectedsolelyforlorrytransport); • 110.000 squaremetresofcontainer storeyard, interconnectedto the railwayby 2 phasetrackswhich are operationaleachwith 3 trackswith a staticcapacityof 500 m; • Delivery and pick up phasetracks, locatedparallelto the Orte-Falconara (4 trackswithannexedsidetracks, electrifiedfor a capacityof 650 m to 695 m); • 215.000 squaremetresoffront–yardsto the warehouses; • anheadquarterscovering 2.000 squaremetresforoffices, a restaurant, a 600 squaremetresstore-room and a 1.000 squaremetresasan underground depot.
ASSETS OF THE INTERPORT: ORGANIZATIONAL FLEXIBILITY PORT OF ANCONA • These display all the start-up advantages of entrepreneurial activity with ample organizational flexibility and capacity to adapt to the client’s needs.
ASSETS OF THE INTERPORT: PARTNERSHIP PORT OF ANCONA • Over the last few years, the Marche Interport has developed a series of propaedeutical partnerships for the development of one’s business. • In particular: • RFI and FS Logistics • UIR, the association within the category, belonging to Confindustria which represents the National system for all the Interports. • The Russian Consulate • Related companies of the other links in the logistics platform in the Marche Region( Port of Ancona and the Airport of Falconara)
UIR PORT OF ANCONA • The Marche Interport S.p.A., aims to maintain and consolidate the relationship with UIR, and the Interports of Central Italy, implementing the more concrete aspects,(such as financing, the new paradigms of laws regarding the interports,the juridical state per definition of the interports etc.), taking care of the relations between the interports of Central Italy. • The interports of Civitavecchia, Frosinone, Orte, Valpescara and Sviluppumbria have shared a document that accounts for the infrastructural prospects for a logistics Platform for Central Italy.
RFI AND FS(State Railways) Logistics PORT OF ANCONA • RFI falls within the social team. • As to the strategy of the FS(State Railways), the line to the port of Ancona is among the few, in the central-southern part of Italy, where services will be provided for a market, which marks a potential recognition for the territory. • The State Railways logistics, in this start-up phase, is the administrator for the container terminal and this represents a basic opportunity for the final launch of the structure.
THE RUSSIAN CONSULATE IN ITALY PORT OF ANCONA • The Interport Headquarters hosts one of the executive offices of the Russian Consulate in Italy.This allows for the development of strategies regards that country by dialoguing directly with the representatives. • A new service is in its experimental phase within the Interport area.It is unique in Italy and it facilitates the customs procedure for whomever does business with Russia. Previews of the documents required to speed up the process of customs clearance for goods on Russian soil will take place in Jesi.
PORT OF ANCONA: COMPETITIVE POSITIONING. FERRY BOATS SERVICE • The Italian Leader in the International movement of passengers by ferry with circa 1,5 million traffic movements. • Important link connecting the Central North and South East Europe. • 5th Adriatic port for Cruise lines traffic. ServiCE CONTAINERS • Feeder Port well connected to the hub of Taranto(Evergreen), Gioia Tauro(Maersk andMSC),Malta(CMA-CGM),Cagliari(Hapag Lloyd), and to the landing place of Naples(Cosco). • Good competitive positioning with respect to the links with the Oriental world. China is the first partner as to container movements.
PORT OF ANCONA: INFRASTRUCTURAL KEY VALUES TODAY IN THE NEAR FUTURE • Fishing up to 12,5 metres • Capacity to receive ships up to 250 metres(about 5.000 teus) • 6.300 metres of docking • 1,5 million equipped areas • Creation of a 900 metres dock (14 metres depth) destined mainly for container handling (capacity 500.000 teus). • Direct link with the railway. • Direct link to the A-14 motorway (the so called “uscita ad Ovest” project).
THE AIRPORT IN THE MARCHE REGION AOI links 2010 • The airport landing in the Marche is connected to the principal Italian and European hubs as well as representing the capillary network connections with the East European cities. • This covers a surface area of 194 Ha and represents a modern airport for passengers inaugurated in 2.004. • The Cargo area has a dockyard covering 1.800 square metres and offices spread over 820 square metres.On site one can find Customs ; PIF(transfrontier inspection place) comprising offices, laboratories, cold storage 0,-4/- 20; Plant pathologist and annexed a Wildlife National State Guard Laboratory, which allows to receive and send goods including:meat, fish, animals, plants and flowers originating from countries for which special certificates and licences are required. • The Cargo offices of Aerdorica carry out operations regards acceptance, customs,handling and loading for the goods both for export and import, together with all the required documentation. • Aerdorica runs the customs storehouse TC(temporary hold) for goods outside the CE(European Union). It also is an agent for Alitalia goods and documentation- CAI. • The structure and equipment allows cargo flights-pallets or containers. DHL and Federal Express work and have head offices within the airport.The annual goods movement is circa 4.500.000 kilogrammes.
COMPLEMENTARY MARKETS TO REACH PORT Transit market • Containers to and from the Far East and the North(Italy-Europe). • Moveable crates from Greece/East Mediterranean and the North( Italy-Europe). • Conventional market for goods from the Marche region destined to go to or to come from the Far East. INTERPORT The Marche focal point(as well as for Central Italy) • Containers/moveable crates/trailers to and from the Marche Region and the North (Italy and Europe). • Containers/moveable crates/trailers to and from the ports of Tirreno destination : the Americas.
SYNERGIES • Synergies between the port and the freight village are primarily to be found on the possible composition of trains going to the north, where are the main traffic. • Long Stop of container. Assuming strong growth in container traffic (after the building of the new platform) undoubtedly the need to have space available for such services will increase. • The freight village could play the role of a real District park by offering value-added logistics services compared to pure container handling in the port. An opportunity also linked to the actual presence in the territory of the major international logistics operators. • Common action for the promotion and access to public contributions for the start of intemodal services.
IN BRIEF: CURRENT COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF THE REGIONE MARCHE LOGISTICS PLATFORM Key central position in the domestic inland markets High demand of international transport service Freight village Good transit time for the connection with Eastern countries …IN THE NEAR FUTURE New dockland Road Development plan (West-bound exit – growth of the pay-toll motorway) International logistics operators
Contacts: Interporto Marche Spa Via Coppetella, 4 60035 Jesi (An) Tel. + 39 731 605182 - Fax. + 39 731 605779 www.interportomarche.it e-mail: info@interportomarche.it – Trusted e-mail: interportomarche@postecert.it