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Mindstates Conference IV: Technology and Transcendence

Mindstates Conference IV: Technology and Transcendence. Psychedelic Psychotherapy Research and Psychedelic Culture. Legal MDMA Psychotherapy Research: First Time in 20 Years. DEA started to formally criminalize MDMA in 1984, emergency scheduled in 1985.

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Mindstates Conference IV: Technology and Transcendence

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  1. Mindstates Conference IV: Technology and Transcendence Psychedelic Psychotherapy Research and Psychedelic Culture

  2. Legal MDMA Psychotherapy Research: First Time in 20 Years DEA started to formally criminalize MDMA in 1984, emergency scheduled in 1985. • February 2004: FDA, DEA, IRB formally approved MAPS-sponsored research with MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Fear: MDMA Neurotoxicity Claims, Hope: Healing Emotions of Rape, Assault,War.

  3. Psychedelic Research at Harvard: First time in 40 years • 1965: Walter Pahnke completes study looking for placebos for double-blind studies with psilocybin. • 2005: FDA and IRB approval of MDMA for anxiety in advanced-stage cancer patients. • 2006: Proposed LSD/psilocybin cluster headache study. • Fear: Legacy of Leary, Cultural Rebellion • Hope: Healing Fear of Death, Cultural Integration

  4. Private Production of Marijuana:Perhaps First Time in 65 Years • 1937: Marijuana Tax Act • 1942: Marijuana Removed from Formulary • 2005: MAPS-coordinated lawsuit: Prof. Lyle Craker v. DEA seeking license for a MAPS-sponsored facility at UMass Amherst, • 2005: Dr. Abrams Smoking v.Vaporizing Study • Fear: Marijuana Propaganda, Gateway to Chaos • Hope: Safe, Effective, Inexpensive Medicine

  5. Albert Hofmann Birthday:100 Years on January 11, 2006

  6. The Vision:Mysticism to Psychedelic Clinics

  7. Images of MDMA over Time From Aid to Meditation To Raves and Holes in the Head To Life Preserver

  8. Catholic Monk - 1985 • “ A monk spends his whole life cultivating the same awakened attitude it gives you.” Brother David Steindl-Rast Newsweek, April 15, 1985

  9. Jewish Religious Leader-1985 • “You call the Sabbath a delight. It [MDMA] is like the Sabbath at the end of a long week.” Philadelphia Rabbi June 1, 1985. Washington Post

  10. Typical Rave “Hugged- up. Loved-upBlissed- out.” • Looks positive.

  11. DEA Website Image:What is a Rave?

  12. DEA Website Rave Icon

  13. NIDA Postcard 1999-2003

  14. Brain Damage Images • Image courtesy of Dr. GA Ricaurte, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

  15. Brain Cell Death • Image courtesy of Dr. GA Ricaurte, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

  16. Leshner Testimony to Senate Subcommittee on Government Affairs 7/30/01:Evidence of Bias in 2005 Political Ad

  17. Brain SPECT Scan-MTV/OprahHoles in the Brain from MDMA

  18. Brain SPECT Scan-MTV/OprahHoles in the Brain from MDMA

  19. Brain SPECT Scan-MTV/OprahHoles in the Brain from MDMA

  20. Brain SPECT Scan-MTV/OprahHoles in the Brain from MDMA

  21. Addicted to Ecstasy Career • Lynn Smith • May 2005, publishes book • On promotional tour • Works for Partnership For a Drug-Free America Despite Holes in the Brain, She walks, talks writes, makes money.

  22. ecstasy…the ugly Ecstasy Eats your Brain

  23. McCann/ Ricaurte Science PaperSeptember 2002 • Preprint sent Dr. Mithoefer for comment. Title: Severe Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity in Primates after a Single Recreational Dose Regimen of MDMA (Ecstasy). • “It is possible that some of the more recent cases of suspected young-onset Parkinson’s might be related to MDMA exposure but that this link has not yet been recognized.

  24. MDMA Helps Treat Parkinson’s • Tim can perform gymnastic feats while on Ecstasy. • BBC Special, Feb15, 2001

  25. NIDA’s Freevibe Site-11/6/02 • “Ecstasy was invented in a lab by a scientist working with the same chemical structures found in methamphetamine. At one time, the drug [MDMA] was used by psychotherapists, before they realized that the drug experience was not easily controlled and was mind-altering.” http://www.freevibe.com/headsup/ecstasy.shtml

  26. Washington Post MDMA ArticlePortrait of Leary

  27. Israel’s Largest NewspaperMarch 25, 2005

  28. MAPS Bulletin Cover

  29. Future Potential • "Psychedelics, used responsibly and with proper caution, would be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology and medicine or the telescope is for astronomy." • Dr. Stan Grof

  30. Albert Hofmann’s Vision • “I believe that if people would learn to use LSD’s vision-inducing capability more wisely, under suitable conditions, in medical practice and in combination with meditation, then in the future this problem child could become a wonder child.”

  31. MAPS as Psychedelic Pharmaceutical Company • MDMA Treatment Manuals • Clinical Monitoring Teams • Therapist Training Program • CME courses • $5 million, 5 year plan for studies

  32. Going Global • Israel MDMA/PTSD Pilot Study • Spain MDMA/PTSD Pilot Study • Swiss MDMA/PTSD Pilot Study • German MDE/maybe MDMA Couples Therapy study • Canadian/Mexican Ibogaine Outcome Study

  33. MAPS as Marijuana Pharmaceutical Company • DEA lawsuit for UMass Amherst • Importation from Dutch Office of Medicinal Cannabis • Vaporizer research: non-smoking delivery system v. smoking

  34. MAPS as Community • Conferences • Networking • Books, Publications, Email Forum • Events: Research and Dance Community Alex Grey’s Chapel of Sacred Mirrors 20th Anniversary of MAPS, 2006

  35. MAPS at Burning Man • Psychedelic Emergency Services for the last two years, again this year. • Fear: Psychedelics as Catalysts of Acute Crisis and Long-Term Mental Illness • Hope: Crisis transformed to Therapy, Psychedelic Community Takes Care of Its Own, Acknowledgement of Risks and Balanced Integration into Society

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