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English V

English V. Martin Fernandez M. Question Words.

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English V

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  1. English V Martin Fernandez M.

  2. Question Words What...? ¿Qué...? Where...? ¿Dónde...? When...?¿Cuándo...? Who...? ¿Quién...? Whose...? ¿De quién...? How...? ¿Cómo...? Why...? ¿Por qué...? Which...? ¿Cuál...? How much ..? ¿Cuánto…?How many …? ¿Cuantos …?  

  3. Question Words Who y whatpueden actuar como objeto o como sujeto. Si actúan como sujeto no utilizarán auxiliar (do,will,be) Si actúan como objeto deberán preguntar con el auxiliar. cuando who y what actúan como objeto Questionword + Auxilar + Sujeto + verbo en infinitivo cuando who y what actúan como sujeto Question word +verbo + objeto “generalmente ponemos las preposiciones al final de las oraciones interrogativas”

  4. Exercise Put the correct question word. 1. _______ much are the patotoes? One dollar. 2. _______ can I do for you? I want two white T-shirts. 3. _______ can I get a newspaper? At Park street. 4. _______ is your best friend? It´s paul. 5. _______ does Lisa live? In Boston. 6. _______ colour is your new car? It´s white. 7. _______ do you collect? Stickers. 8. _______ can help me? I can. 9. _______ about some grapes? No, thanks. 10. _______ was your first word as a baby? Mama.

  5. Question Tags preguntas que decimos al final de una oración (afirmativa o negativa) cuando queremos que nuestro interlocutor muestre acuerdo o desacuerdo, o bien para preguntar lo que no sabemos. Para formar la "questiontag" utilizamos los verbos auxiliares (be, have, do, will, would, can could, etc…) y a continuación el pronombre personal sujeto. El auxiliar debe concordar con el verbo de la oración principal, es decir, si el verbo está en pasado, el auxiliar irá también en pasado. En oraciones afirmativas, la questiontag va en negativa.

  6. Question Tagsexceptions Con Iam, hacemos la question tag,aren´t I? Cuando en la oración principal usamos palabras negativas como “nothing”, “no one”, “nobody”, “no” “never” “hardly” “scarcely” and “little” la questiontag deberá ser afirmativa. Con “somebody” “anybody”, “nobody” “someone” “anyone”, “no-one”“everbody” “anyone”, la questiontag llevará el auxiliar en plural y el pronombre sujeto "they", aunque en la oración el verbo esté en singular. Con el imperativoEn negativo ponemos la questiontag"willyou"? Y la orden se convierte en una petición cortés:- Don'tbe late, willyou? No llegues tarde, ¿vale?En afirmativo ponemos la questiontag "won'tyou?", y la orden se convierte en invitación:-Haveanotherpiece of cake, won'tyou? Tómate otro trozo de pastel, ¿no?

  7. Exercise You are a student, are you?aren't you? She can drive,can't she?can she? That car is too expensive,isn't it?isn't that? Larry wasn't at home yesterday,is he?was he? Lisa is going to the party,doesn't she?isn't she? There aren't enough chairs for everyone,are there?is there? The bus stops here,doesn't it?isn't it? She doesn't agree with you,does she?do you?

  8. Exercise Jack is just going out. You want him to get some stamps for you. ASK HIM ...  Jack, you couldn't __________________________________________________ You're looking for Ann. Perhaps Alan knows where she is. ASK HIM ...Alan, you__________________________________________________________ You need some paper. Perhaps Tom has some. ASK HIM ...Tom,_____________________________________________________________ Ann has a car, and you don't want to walk home. You want her to give you a lift. ASK HER ...Ann,_____________________________________________________________ You're looking for your purse. Perhaps Liz has seen it. ASK HER ..._________________________________________________________________

  9. Do and Make "Do" y "make" son dos verbos que se confunden frecuentemente en inglés. Ambos se pueden traducir como "hacer", pero hay algunas diferencias en su significado. En general, "do" considera más la acción, mientras que con  "make" nos referimos más al resultado de la acción.

  10. Do Se usa "do" paraacciones, actividades, y trabajos. Se utiliza en un sentidoamplio, como de "realizar". En general, estasacciones y actividades no producen un objetofísico. Ejemplos: do homework do a job do the dishes do housework do exercise Se utiliza "do" cuandohablamos de cosas en general, cuando no decimosexactamentequéactividad. En estesentido, se utiliza mucho con los pronombresindefinidoscomo "something", "anything", "nothing", etc. Ejemplos: What are you doing today? I'm not doing anything. (¿Quéhaceshoy? No hago nada.) He's always doing nice things for his girlfriend. (Siemprehacecosasbuenasparasunovia.) Are you doing anything important right now? (¿Hacesalgoimportanteahoramismo?)

  11. Make Se utiliza "make" en el sentido de "fabricar", "elaborar" o "crear". Se usa para actividades en que se crea algo que se puede tocar, un objeto físico. Ejemplos: makebreakfast/lunch/dinner make a dress makefurniture

  12. Do, Expressions do good (hacer el bien) do right (hacerbien) do wrong (hacer mal) do damage (hacerdaño) do one's best (hacer lo posible) do a favor (hacer un favor) do justice (hacerjusticia) do research (investigar) do harm (hacerdaño) do business (hacernegocios) do one's hair (arreglarse el pelo) do wonders (hacermaravillas)

  13. Make, Expressions make a decision(tomarunadecisión) make a choice(hacerunaelección) make a plan (trazar/hacer un plan) make arrangements(hacerpreparativos) make an appointment(pedircita/hora, concertarunacita) make a mistake(cometer un error make money(ganardinero) make an excuse(darunaexcusa) make an effort (hacer un esfuerzo) make an attempt (hacer un intento) make fun of(reírse/burlarse de) make progress (hacerprogresos) make an offer (hacerunaoferta) make [a] noise(hacer [un] ruido) make peace(firmar la paz) make war(hacer la guerra) make a phone call (hacerunallamada) make an exception(hacerunaexcepción) make a confession(hacerunaconfesión) make a discovery (hacer un descubrimiento) make a change (hacer un cambio) make amends (reparar el daño [causado al alguien]//desagraviar a) make a comment(hacer un comentario) make a statement (hacerunadeclaración/afirmación) make a speech (pronunciar/hacer un discurso) make a difference(hacerdiferencias/marcar la [una] diferencia) make friends(hacer amigos) make love (hacer el amor) make a fire (encender un fuego) make an impression (causarimpresión) make a mess (hacer un lio) make a point (dar un argumentoconcreto) make a promise (hacerunapromesa) make a suggestion(hacerunasugerencia) make time (encontrartiempo) make the bed (hacer la cama)

  14. Zero Conditional When we talk about things that are generally or always true. We use: If/When/Unless + present form + present simple or imperative. Note that we are not talking about a specific event but something which is generally true. In the condition clause, we can use a variety of present forms. In the result clause, there can only be the present simple or imperative. Notice that 'unless' means the same as 'if not'.

  15. Zero Conditional • Examples: • Unless he asks you politely, refuse to do any more work on the project. • Unless prices are rising, it's not a good investment. • Unless you've been there yourself, you don't really understand how fantastic it is. • If you visit London, go on the London Eye. • If unemployment is rising, people tend to stay in their present jobs. • If you've done that, go and have a coffee. • When you go on holiday, take plenty of sun cream. It'll be very hot. • When I'm concentrating, please don't make so much noise. • When I've finished an article, I always ask Kate to read it through.

  16. Zero Conditional People(get) fat, if they  (eat) junk food. If a person  (practise) sports, he or she always  (feel) good. If the sun (rise) high, it  (become) very hot. Plants  (die), if it  (do) not rain. If children (not/get) enough sleep at night, they (get) tired all day.

  17. Zero Conditional (I / wake up late / I / be late for work) ____________________________________ (my husband / cook / he / burn the food) ____________________________________ (Julie / not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke) ____________________________________ (children / not eat well / they / not be healthy) ____________________________________ (you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock) ____________________________________ (I / feel good the next day / I / go to bed early) ____________________________________ (lots of people / come / Jenny / have a party) ____________________________________ (she / buy expensive clothes / she / go shopping) ____________________________________ (my daughter / pass her exams / she / work hard) ____________________________________ (David / be sick / he / drink milk) ____________________________________

  18. First Conditional The first conditional has the present simple after 'if', then the future simple in the other clause: if + present simple, ... will + infinitive It's used to talk about things which might happen in the future. Of course, we can't know what will happen in the future, but this describes possible things, which could easily come true. • If it rains, I won't go to the park. • If I study today, I'll go to the party tonight. • If I have enough money, I'll buy some new shoes. • She'll be late if the train is delayed. • She'll miss the bus if she doesn't leave soon. • If I see her, I'll tell her. Sometimes, we use shall, can, or may instead of will, for example: If you are good today, you can watch TV tonight.

  19. First Conditional We will (pass) the examination if we study hard. If you (go) to see this film, you will have a good time. If he (play) sport, he will live longer. She (not be) an architect if she doesn’t go to university. They (ring) us if we give them our phone number. If we (not solve) the problem, we won’t get the prize. If we (not go) now, we (miss) the bus. _______________________________________ You (be) tired if you (not sleep). ________________________________________ If the Spanish team (get) to the final match, they (be) the World Champions. ___________________________________________________ If you (help) me, I (give) you a lot of money. _____________________________________________________ If we (sing) some carols, they (be) happy. ______________________________________________________

  20. First Conditional 1. If I __________ my homework now, I ________________ go out later. NOT DO NOT BE ABLE TO 2. Charlie _____________ your chips if you _____________ them. EAT NOT FINISH 3. I ______________ in my office if she _____________ anything. BE NEED 4. You _________ there on time if you ____________ immediately. NOT GET NOT LEAVE 5. If we ___________ to Sarah’s party, we __________ a good time. GO HAVE 6. If Kate _____________ to America I _____________ her. GO MISS

  21. Second Conditional The second conditional uses the past simple after if, then 'would' and the infinitive: if + past simple, ...would + infinitive We can use 'were' instead of 'was' with 'I' and 'he/she/it'. An imaginary result in a situation that does not exist First, we can use it to talk about things in the future that are probably not going to be true. Maybe I'm imagining some dream for example. • If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.(I probably won't win the lottery) • If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello. • She would travel all over the world if she were rich. • She would pass the exam if she ever studied.(She never studies, so this won't happen) Second, we can use it to talk about something in the present which is impossible, because it's not true. Is that clear? Have a look at the examples: • If I had his number, I would call him. (I don't have his number now, so it's impossible for me to call him). • If I were you, I wouldn't go out with that man. • If I were president, I would put you in Jail

  22. Second Conditional 1) If I   (be) you, I   (get) a new job. 2) If he (be) younger, he (travel) more. 3) If we   (not/be) friends, I  (be) angry with you 4) If I (have) enough money, I   (buy) a big house. 5) If she ___________  (not/be) always so late, she ___________   (be) promoted. 6) If we ___________   (win) the lottery, we ___________   (travel) the world. 7) If you ___________   (have) a better job, we ___________   (be) able to buy a new car. 8) If I ___________   (speak) perfect English, I ___________   (have) a good job. 9) If we ___________   (live) in Mexico, I  ___________  (speak) Spanish. 10) If ___________   (pass) the exam, she ___________   (be) able to enter university.

  23. Second Conditional 1. If I won thelottery,2. If I were a superhero,3. If my parentswere more understanding,4. If I couldtravelanywhere in theworld, 5. If I had time, Exchange informationwith a partner.Whatwouldyou do if…..?Whatcouldyou do if…?

  24. Third Conditional Past perfect after 'if' and then 'would have' and the Past participle in the second part of the sentence: if + past perfect, ...would + have + past participle It talks about the past. It's used to describe a situation that didn't happen, and to imagine the result of this situation. If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (but, really we know she didn't study and so she didn't pass) If I hadn't eaten so much, I wouldn't have felt sick (but I did eat a lot, and so I did feel sick). If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn't have missed the plane She wouldn't have been tired if she had gone to bed earlier She would have become a teacher if she had gone to university He would have been on time for the interview if he had left the house at nine

  25. Third Conditional If you ______________ (not / be) late, we ______________ (not / miss) the bus. If she ______________ (study), she ______________ (pass) the exam. If we ______________ (arrive) earlier, we ______________ (see) John. If they ______________ (go) to bed early, they ______________ (not / wake) up late. If he ______________ (become) a musician, he ______________ (record) a CD. If she ______________ (go) to art school, she ______________ (become) a painter. If I ______________ (be) born in a different country, I ______________ (learn) to speak a different language. If she ______________ (go) to university, she ______________ (study) French. If we ______________ (not / go) to the party, we ______________ (not / meet) them. If he ______________ (take) the job, he ______________ (not / go) travelling.

  26. Third Conditional I wouldn't be angry if you _____________________ my chocolate mousse. (to eat) If he had known you were in hospital, he _____________________ you. (to visit) We wouldn't have come by taxi if we _____________________ the right bus. (to find) We would have visited the Prado gallery if we _____________________ time. (to have) If you hadn't been asking me questions all the time, I_____________________ the film.(to enjoy) If I _____________________ your number, I would have phoned.(to know) If just one person had remembered my birthday, I _____________________ sad. (to be) I would have understood the film if it _____________________ in German. (to be*) They _____________________ to see you if they hadn't been away. (to come) if she  _____________________ on a double yellow line, she wouldn't have got a fine. (to park)

  27. Mixed conditionals  Are those unreal conditional sentences whose time in the if-clause is different than the time in the main-clause. Let's first have a look at unreal conditional sentences: If she were shorter, she would be more attractive. I am busy next week. If I had time, I would come to your party. If they hadn't trained hard, they wouldn't have won. As you can see, they refer to the same time: the present, the future or the past. If we mix the sentences, we get mixed conditionals.

  28. Mixed conditionals Past and Present • If my father hadn't lost his keys, we wouldn't have to wait until he finds them.But my father lost his keys and therefore we have to wait until he finds them. • If I had installed an anti-virus, my computer wouldn't be so slow now.But I didn't install an anti-virus and therefore my computer is so slow now. • If our house had been broken into, we would be very sad.But our house wasn't broken into and we aren't sad. Past and Future • If our house had been broken into, we would call the police.But our house wasn't broken into and we are not going to call police. • If we had won the lottery last week, we would buy a new sofa today.But we didn't win the lottery and we are not going to buy a new sofa today.

  29. Mixed Conditionals Present and Past • If I were smarter, I would have graduated from Stanford.But I am not smarter and therefore I didn't graduate from Stanford. • If Mary weren't a snob, she wouldn't have had so many parties this year.But Mary is a snob and therefore she had so many parties this year. Present and Future • If you were more eloquent, you would become a politician.But I am not more eloquent and I won't become a politician. • If you had more time, I would go to the cinema with you.But you don't have more time and I won't go to the cinema with you.


  31. All the conditionals exercises If it is sunny tomorrow _______________________________________________ If you sit in the sun too long __________________________________________ If I were you _______________________________________________________ If I were the Prime Minister ___________________________________________ If she had studied harder _____________________________________________ If I won the lottery __________________________________________________ If I hadn’t gone to bed so late _________________________________________ If I hadn’t come to London ___________________________________________ If you mix water and electricity ________________________________________ If she hadn’t stayed at home __________________________________________ If I go out tonight___________________________________________________ If I were on holiday today ____________________________________________ If I had listened to my mother _________________________________________ If I hadn’t eaten so much _____________________________________________ If it rains later ______________________________________________________ If I were British ____________________________________________________ If I were the opposite sex ____________________________________________ If I have enough money ______________________________________________ If you don’t wear a coat in the winter ___________________________________ If I weren’t studying English __________________________________________

  32. wish and If only There are three distinct types of  I wish / if only  sentences: Expressing a wish: Form: If only / I wish + simple past If only I knew how to use a computer. (I don’t know how to use a computer and I would like to learn how to use it) Use: To express a wish in the present or in the future. The simple past here is an unreal past. When you use the verb to be the form is “were”. Example:I wish I were a millionaire!

  33. wish and If only Expressing regret: Form: If only / I wish + past perfect Example: If only I had woken up early. (I didn't wake up early and I missed my bus.) Use: To express a regret. The action is past.

  34. wish and If only Complaining: Form: I wish / if only + would + verb Example: I wish you wouldn't arrive so late all the time (I'm annoyed because you always come late and I want you to arrive on time) Use: To complain about a behavior that you disapprove. Expressing impatience, annoyance or dissatisfaction with a present action. IF ONLY is used to make emphatic wishes:      I can't restart the computer. If only I knew how to fix it!     We are completely lost. If only you had brought your GPS!

  35. Exercise Have, meant, must, need, used, want, wish. The Reason (Hoobastank) I'm not a perfect person There's many things I ......... I didn't do But I continue learning I never ......... to do those things to you And so I ......... to say before I go That I just ......... you to know I've found a reason for me To change who I ......... to be A reason to start over new and the reason is you I'm sorry that I hurt you It's something I ......... live with everyday And all the pain I put you through I wish that I could take it all away And be the one who catches all your tears That’s why I ........ you to hear I've found a reason for me To change who I ......... to be A reason to start over new and the reason is You [x4] I'm not a perfect person I never ......... to do those things to you And so I ......... to say before I go That I just ......... you to know I've found a reason for me To change who I ......... to be A reason to start over new and the reason is you I've found a reason to show A side of me you didn't know A reason for all that I do And the reason is you

  36. Suffixes Suffix is a group of letters placed at the end of a word to make a new word. A suffix can make a new word in one of two ways: inflectional (grammatical): for example, changing singular to plural (dog > dogs), or changing present tense to past tense (walk > walked). In this case, the basic meaning of the word does not change. derivational (the new word has a new meaning, "derived" from the original word): for example, teach > teacher or care > careful

  37. Inflectional suffixes Inflectional suffixes do not change the meaning of the original word. So in "Every day I walk to school" and "Yesterday I walked to school", the words walk and walked have the same basic meaning. In "I have one car" and "I have two cars", the basic meaning of the words car and cars is exactly the same. In these cases, the suffix is added simply for grammatical "correctness". Look at these examples:

  38. Derivational suffixes With derivational suffixes, the new word has a new meaning, and is usually a different part of speech. But the new meaning is related to the old meaning - it is "derived" from the old meaning. We can add more than one suffix, as in this example: derive (verb) + tion = derivation (noun) + al = derivational (adjective)

  39. Suffixes Suffixes Spelling Rules RULE: 1 - When a word ends with a consonant and the suffix begins with a consonant, simply add the consonant with no spelling changes.enjoyment = enjoy + mentcommitment = commit + mentdoubtful = doubt + fulRULE: 2 - For most one syllable words ending in a single consonant you need to double the last letter when you add a suffix.run + ing = runningsun + y = sunnyfun + y = funny*** When the word ends with more than one consonant, the last letter is NOT doubled.jump + ing = jumpingsing + ing = singing

  40. Suffixes RULE: 3 - For words with more than one syllable and end with the letter"L" you must double the "L" when adding suffixes.travel + ing = travellingcancel + ed = cancelledRULE: 4 - For words stressed on the last syllable and ending with a singleconsonant, you need to double the last letter.prefer + ing = preferringbegin + er = beginner*** For words where the stress isn't on the last syllable, then you do NOT need to double the last letter.benefit + ed = benefitedoffer + ing = offering

  41. Suffixes ***OTHER SPELLING RULES- "Y" to "I" and the silent "E"When a word ends in a consonant plus "Y" then the "Y" is changed to "I" when you add the suffix. When adding the suffix 'ing' to a word ending in "Y" -- you keep the "Y."lonely + ness = lonelinesshappy + ness = happinesscopy + ing = copyingSilent "E" words end with a consonant and an "E." Words like love, like, and hope...you drop the "E" when you add the suffix.noise + y = noisysimple + y = simply

  42. Prefixes A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning.

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