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Buddhism: The Buddha’s Teachings. The Four Noble Truths. All human life involves suffering and sorrow. Renouncing desire frees people from suffering and helps their souls attain nirvana. The desire for a life of pleasure and material gain causes suffering and sorrow.
Buddhism: The Buddha’s Teachings The Four Noble Truths All human life involves suffering and sorrow. Renouncing desire frees people from suffering and helps their souls attain nirvana. The desire for a life of pleasure and material gain causes suffering and sorrow. The Eightfold Path leads to renunciation or denial of desire and attainment of nirvana.
Buddhism: The Buddha’s Teachings All human life involves suffering and sorrow. The tragedy that occurred on 9-11 is an example of how life can involve suffering and sorrow. Thousands of people lost their lives or were injured in the terrorist attack. Some families never saw their loved ones again. Many firefighters and police men and women lost their lives trying to save people. Many people searched for their missing loved ones, but they were never found.
BUDDHISM: THE BUDDHA’S TEACHINGS All human life involves suffering and sorrow. I chose this photo because it is a lady running from a tornado and she is running because the tornado can kill her. I chose this photo of the man who looks like he is crying because suffering makes people cry.
Buddhism the buddha’s teachings The desire for a life of pleasure and material gain causes suffering and sorrow. I chose Wesley Snipes because he Is a prime example of a person who has a lot of material things. Wesley's desire for a life of material and gain caused him suffering and sorrow because he didn’t pay his taxes and he went to jail.
Buddhism: the Buddha's teachings Renouncing desire frees people from suffering and helps there souls attain nirvana. I chose this image of peace because people is reminded of peace when they see this and the Buddhists spend their lives trying to achieve peace. I chose this image of peace because the peace and the dove means that world peace is in need.
Buddhism: The Buddha’s Teachings The Eightfold Path leads to renunciation or denial of desire and attainment of nirvana.
Buddhism: The Buddha’s Teachings The Eightfold Path Right Views: seeing life as it really is Right Living: avoiding work that harms others Right Intentions: living a life of good will; striving toward perfection Right Effort: seeking to prevent evil Right Mindfulness: constant awareness of oneself Right Speech: avoiding lies and gossip Right Concentration: directing the mind in meditation Right Action: trying to law-abiding and honest
BUDDHISM: The BUDDHA’S TEACHINGS Right Views: seeing life as it really is. I chose these two pictures to show that nobody is perfect, like almost everyone thinks they are. People have their days were they just can’t help but cry, then there is some days where people cant just take life anymore so they cry to get rid of their troubles. I know what it is like to know that you’re not perfect but want to be. In life no one is perfect. And that’s just how it is.
Buddhism: The Buddha's teachings Right Intentions: living a life of good will; striving toward perfection. These people are helping the homeless by giving them food and water and they are a perfect example of showing living life of good will. Oprah Winfrey is showing striving to perfection by trying to the right thing like starting a charity event for people of all race to be able to attend college. Oprah is a good example of trying to live a good life by helping others when she doesn’t have to.
BUDDHISM: THE BUDDHA’S TEACHINGShelps Bynum gave away his championship ring.. Bynum intends to sell his ring so he can donate the money to the poor. Right Intentions: Living a life of good will ; striving toward perfection. Lebron James helps build houses for the homeless after Hurricane Katrina .
Buddhism: the buddha’s teachings Lying is a bad thing. It is important to be honest so people can trust you. I chose this picture of Tiger Woods because he cheated on his wife and lied about it. His wife did not trust him any more. Right speech: avoiding lies and gossip Avoiding gossip is good because gossip hurts people’s feelings and causes drama. I chose this picture because they are ear hustling at an office door. They could get fired and if they repeat what they hear they can hurt someone’s feelings.
Buddhism: the buddha’s teachings Right Speech: avoiding lies and gossip I chose this picture because the girl went and told her best friend that she heard a few people gossiping & lying on her and she was very shocked that someone would spread rumors about her.
Buddhism: the buddha’s teachings Right Speech: Avoiding lies and gossip I chose these pictures because Rihanna and Chris Brown had their relationship destroyed because of lies and gossip. They were the perfect couple until Chris Brown beat Rihanna. He said he did it because she gave him a STD, but the whole story was a lie. This is an example of how not having right speech can get people into trouble.
BUDDHISM; THE BUDDHA’S TEACHINGS Right Action; trying to law-abiding and honest I chose this picture because going to jail is a consequence of not being law-abiding. I chose this picture because a “pinky swear” is a way of being honest. When you make a promise, it is important to follow through and not back out. If you do, you are being dishonest.
Buddhism: the Buddha's teachings Right living: avoiding work that harms others I chose this picture of a solider to show that sometimes jobs that protect others can also harm others. A Buddhist wouldn’t be a solider because they would have to harm people in order to protect their country. I chose this picture of a teacher as an example of a job that does not harm others. A teacher’s purpose is to educate others, not to hurt them.
BUDDHISM: THE BUDDHA’S TEACHINGS RIGHT EFFORT: SEEKING TO PREVENT EVIL I chose this picture of Superman because his job to protect the people and keep them from evil. I chose this picture of this pastor because he is telling the people the right thing to do and he is also preventing evil by preaching the Word.
Buddhism: The Buddha’s Teachings The Eightfold Path Right Mindfulness: constant awareness of oneself I chose this picture because there is a constant struggle between the good in you and the bad in you. It is really hard to be aware of yourself and to not be selfish. I chose this picture because it shows how selfish people can be. It is easy to only pay attention to your needs and not the needs of others.
Buddhism: The Buddha’s Teachings The Eightfold Path Right Concentration: directing the mind in meditation I chose these pictures because they show how calm and peaceful meditation can make people. The Buddhists believe that meditation can help clear and direct a person’s mind.