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Exploring Emotions and Stress: Psychological Theories and Health Implications

Delve into emotional theories, stress reactions, and health impacts. Learn lie detection, basic emotions, and stress reduction methods. Understand the mind-body connection.

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Exploring Emotions and Stress: Psychological Theories and Health Implications

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  1. Psychology, 11th Edition by David G. Myers & C. Nathan DeWall Clicker Questions Slides by Melissa Terlecki, Cabrini College Chapter 12: Emotions, Stress, and Health

  2. 1. Which theory states that an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers physiological responses and the subjective experience of emotion? A. James-Lange theory B. Cannon-Bard theory C.Two-factor (Schacter-Singer) theory D. Lazarus’ theory

  3. 1. Which theory states that an emotion-arousing stimulus simultaneously triggers physiological responses and the subjective experience of emotion? ANSWER A. James-Lange theory B. Cannon-Bard theory C.Two-factor (Schacter-Singer) theory D. Lazarus’ theory

  4. 2. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for all of the following physiological responses EXCEPT: A. pupil contraction. B. heart acceleration. C.digestive inhibition. D. immune system reduction.

  5. 2. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for all of the following physiological responses EXCEPT: ANSWER A. pupil contraction. B. heart acceleration. C.digestive inhibition. D. immune system reduction.

  6. 3. Which is TRUE regarding lie detection? A. Polygraphs are quite accurate in detecting deception. B. fMRI scans show no difference between liars and truth-tellers. C. Humans find it difficult to differentiate between liars and truth-tellers. D. The brain is not adept at detecting subtle changes in the expression of emotion.

  7. 3. Which is TRUE regarding lie detection? ANSWER A. Polygraphs are quite accurate in detecting deception. B. fMRI scans show no difference between liars and truth-tellers. C. Humans find it difficult to differentiate between liars and truth-tellers. D. The brain is not adept at detecting subtle changes in the expression of emotion.

  8. 4. Activating the muscles involved in smiling may actually make us feel happier. This is an example of (the): A. behavior feedback effect. B. facial feedback effect. C.catharsis. D. universal emotion.

  9. 4. Activating the muscles involved in smiling may actually make us feel happier. This is an example of (the): ANSWER A. behavior feedback effect. B. facial feedback effect. C.catharsis. D. universal emotion.

  10. 5. Which of the following is NOT one of Izard’s basic emotions? A. Surprise B. Anger C. Love D. Fear

  11. 5. Which of the following is NOT one of Izard’s basic emotions? ANSWER A. Surprise B. Anger C. Love D. Fear

  12. 6. The tendency to be helpful when already in a good mood is called (the): A. feel-good, do-good phenomena. B. positive psychology. C. subjective well-being. D. facial-feedback effect.

  13. 6. The tendency to be helpful when already in a good mood is called (the): ANSWER A. feel-good, do-good phenomena. B. positive psychology. C. subjective well-being. D. facial-feedback effect.

  14. 7. Happiness does not seem to be related to: A. self-esteem. B. religious faith. C. age. D. relationship satisfaction.

  15. 7. Happiness does not seem to be related to: ANSWER A. self-esteem. B. religious faith. C. age. D. relationship satisfaction.

  16. 8. Which stage in the stress-response system involves mobilizing resources? A. Alarm reaction. B. Resistance. C. Exhaustion. D. General adaptation.

  17. 8. Which stage in the stress-response system involves mobilizing resources? ANSWER A. Alarm reaction. B. Resistance. C. Exhaustion. D. General adaptation.

  18. 9. Which of the following does NOT lead to an increased risk for heart disease? A. Type B personality B. Type A personality C.Depression D. Stress

  19. 9. Which of the following does NOT lead to an increased risk for heart disease? ANSWER A. Type B personality B. Type A personality C.Depression D. Stress

  20. 10. Studies show which of the following to help reduce stress? A. Aerobic exercise B. Meditation C.Faith practice D. All of the above

  21. 10. Studies show which of the following to help reduce stress? ANSWER A. Aerobic exercise B. Meditation C.Faith practice D. All of the above

  22. Critical Thinking Questions

  23. 11. Claudia nearly gets into a car accident and slams on the brakes. She feels her heart pounding in her chest and then thinks to herself what almost happened? Which theory of emotion explains this series of experiences? A. Zajonc and LeDoux B. Cannon-Bard C. James-Lange D. Lazarus

  24. 11. Claudia nearly gets into a car accident and slams on the brakes. She feels her heart pounding in her chest and then thinks to herself what almost happened? Which theory of emotion explains this series of experiences? ANSWER A. Zajonc and LeDoux B. Cannon-Bard C. James-Lange D. Lazarus

  25. 12. Derek has learned of his friends being fired from the job they work together. He feels fearful and angry. Which two dimensions of emotion are being experienced? A. Pleasant, low arousal B. Pleasant, high arousal C.Unpleasant, low arousal D. Unpleasant, high arousal

  26. 12. Derek has learned of his friends being fired from the job they work together. He feels fearful and angry. Which two dimensions of emotion are being experienced? ANSWER A. Pleasant, low arousal B. Pleasant, high arousal C.Unpleasant, low arousal D. Unpleasant, high arousal

  27. 13. Loise is feeling happy and satisfied with her past and present, while being optimistic about her future. Which pillar would Seligman say she is focused on? A. Positive well-being B. Positive character C.Positive groups, communities, and cultures D. Positive psychology

  28. 13. Loise is feeling happy and satisfied with her past and present, while being optimistic about her future. Which pillar would Seligman say she is focused on? ANSWER A. Positive well-being B. Positive character C.Positive groups, communities, and cultures D. Positive psychology

  29. 14. Octavia used to receive “C’s” in all of her classes, and she was accepting of that. Now she has changed majors and receives “A’s” in all of her classes, she is extremely bothered by getting a paper back with a “C”. This is an example of (the): A. positive psychology. B. feel-good, do-good phenomena. C. relative deprivation. D. adaptation-level phenomena.

  30. 14. Octavia used to receive “C’s” in all of her classes, and she was accepting of that. Now she has changed majors and receives “A’s” in all of her classes, she is extremely bothered by getting a paper back with a “C”. This is an example of (the): ANSWER A. positive psychology. B. feel-good, do-good phenomena. C. relative deprivation. D. adaptation-level phenomena.

  31. 15. Savanna recognizes that her employer is creating a great deal of stress in her life. She decides to quit her job and work for another company. Which behavior is Savanna displaying? A. Emotion-focused coping B. Problem-focused coping C. External locus of control D. Learned helplessness

  32. 15. Savanna recognizes that her employer is creating a great deal of stress in her life. She decides to quit her job and work for another company. Which behavior is Savanna displaying? ANSWER A. Emotion-focused coping B. Problem-focused coping C. External locus of control D. Learned helplessness

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