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My Career Pathway. Tools to help you find your way. VTAC. www.vtac.edu.au. Job Guide. www.jobguide.deewr.gov.au. Job Search. www.jobsearch.gov.au. Good Uni Guide. www.gooduniguide.com.au. Year 12 What Next. www.year12whatnext.gov.au. My future. http://www.myfuture.edu.au/.
My Career Pathway Tools to help you find your way...
VTAC • www.vtac.edu.au
Job Guide • www.jobguide.deewr.gov.au
Job Search • www.jobsearch.gov.au
Good Uni Guide • www.gooduniguide.com.au
Year 12 What Next • www.year12whatnext.gov.au
My future • http://www.myfuture.edu.au/
Career Information Centre • http://australia.gov.au/service/career-information-centres
Other Careers Links... • Job Guide describes over 500 occupations and education and training requirements for each of those occupations. It also includes information on how you can plan your career, explore training pathways and provides practical advice on finding a job. www.jobguide.deewr.gov.au. • myfuture is an online career service designed to help you to explore and plan your career. myfuture has a personal career exploration and decision making tool and provides information about occupations, scholarships, study and training options. www.myfuture.edu.au. • Year 12—what next? is a brochure and an online guide with tips and ideas about exploring different career pathways and further education and training options. www.year12whatnext.gov.au. • Australian Apprenticeships combine paid work with structured training to give young people nationally recognised industry qualifications. www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au. • The Australian Apprenticeships Access program helps vulnerable job seekers experiencing barriers to skilled employment to obtain and maintain an Australian Apprenticeship. www.deewr.gov.au/accessprogram. • The National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) program aims to help people with a disability to move between school, Vocational Education and Training (VET), university and work. NDCOs can help you with information and advice about post-school options, and put you in touch with appropriate people to help you undertake further study and find suitable employment. www.deewr.gov.au/ndco.
Other Careers Links... • Bullseye Posters link to 30 school subjects with potential jobs and provides information about the education and training levels required. www.deewr.gov.au/bullseye. • Australian Defence Force Gap Year is a program for students or recent school leavers. This 12 month program is designed to provide you with a unique opportunity and invaluable skills and experiences. You will be paid for your participation, there is no requirement to serve after your gap year. www.defencejobs.gov.au/ADFGapYear. • Youth Connections can support you to complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification if you are facing difficulties. If you have already left school, and didn’t finish Year 12, Youth Connections can help you to get back into education or training. www.deewr.gov.au/Youth/YouthAttainmentandTransitions. • For more information visit www.deewr.gov.au/careerdevelopment.www.aajobpathways.com.au Find out about Australian Apprenticeships job pathways and availability. • www.abc.net.au/acedayjobs Videos of Australians working in jobs they are passionate about. • www.careersinscience.gov.au Information about career pathways in science.
Other Careers Links... • www.centrelink.gov.au You may be able to access support for your education and training, or to start work. Centrelink’s Career Information Centres provide information to assist people in making decisions about education, training and career pathways. • www.communityactivecareers.com.au Information and advice about careers in the community services and health industries. • www.deewr.gov.au/DES Disability Employment Services can help people with disability, injury or health condition to find and keep a job. • www.deewr.gov.au/NEISThe New Enterprise Incentive Scheme helps eligible job seekers interested in starting and running a small business. • www.deewr.gov.au/JSAJob Services Australia gives eligible job seekers increased flexibility and access to support and services. • www.deewr.gov.au/NGJC National Green Jobs Corps offers accredited training, work experience and skill development in emerging green and climate change industries. • www.deewr.gov.au/vetfeehelp VET FEE-HELP is an income contingent loan scheme for the VET sector that assists eligible students undertaking certain VET courses.
Other Careers Links... • www.enya.org.au Promotes the active participation of young people in business. • www.fairwork.gov.au Information about Australia’s national workplace relations system. • www.goingtouni.gov.au Information about going to university for current and prospective students. Search the Course Finder for a range of course information. • www.graduatecareers.com.au Employment and career opportunities for graduates. • www.grouptraining.com.au Find out about traineeships and apprenticeships. • www.ics.deewr.gov.au Helps Indigenous students by providing money to cover living costs while studying, as well as paid work experience. • www.indigenousjobsaustralia.com.au Connects Indigenous Australian job seekers to employers who are searching for Indigenous employees. • Indigenous Employment Line Information on Indigenous employment programs, phone 1802 102.
Other Careers Links... • www.jobaccess.gov.au Information for matters relating to the employment of people with a disability. • www.joboutlook.gov.au A career and labour market research information site. • www.jobsearch.gov.au A free service to help job seekers find jobs and career information. • www.deewr.gov.au/llnp Helps eligible job seekers improve their English language, literacy and numeracy. • www.ntis.gov.au Provides information about courses, qualifications, competencies, training packages and Registered Training Organisations. • www.open.edu.au A flexible way to study toward a university degree off-campus. • www.skillsinfo.gov.au Information on education and training and skill shortages. • www.gooduniguide.com.au Find courses and places to study and check out ratings of universities, campuses and courses. • www.volunteeringaustralia.org A range of opportunities for volunteers. • www.youth.gov.au A central hub of government information for young people.