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Microtiles presentation

Microtiles presentation. Sergey Dudnikov | CHRISTIE Business Development Manager, Russia & CIS . TRENDS IN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY. Setting the scene: C urrent Trends Dominated by 16:9 formats by their inherent aspect ratio or used in multiples to create a tiled display with the same ratio .

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Microtiles presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Microtiles presentation Sergey Dudnikov| CHRISTIE Business Development Manager, Russia & CIS

  2. TRENDS IN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Setting the scene: Current Trends • Dominated by 16:9 formats by their inherent aspect ratio or used in multiples to create a tiled display with the same ratio. • Often seen as poor use of interior design space, that limits its creative use. • Current use of tiled displays often shows non-uniformity in brightness and color reproduction, due to lack of calibration. • Difficulty in reproducing accurate colours, demanded by brands. • Large display bezels hide content, or worse, distort the shapes, images and brands when ignored in a tiled display.

  3. TRENDS IN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Setting the scene: what are the display technologies used? LED Too bright Pixelated close up Cost prohibitive LCD / Plasma Commodity (people ignore them) Not suited for tiled arrays Performance tradeoff / limited lifetime Projection Front projection can look washed out / requires line of sight Traditional rear projection too deep  Bright  Affordable  Seamless

  4. THINGS TO AVOID Comparison with fine bezel LCDs and plasmas Misaligned seams Glare Highlyvisable seams Photo: tiled 42" LCDs

  5. KEY ATTRIBUTES OF MICROTILES FOR RENTAL STAGERS MicroTiles – The New Digital Canvas • Creative • Easy to use • Long-lasting • Unique proposition – nothing like it before • Purpose-built for immediate AV displays for any space • Re-useable, changing display needs – one solution.

  6. 306mm ~12" 260mm ~10.2" 408mm ~16" LIGHTWEIGHT TILES Brightness 800 nits 720 x 540 pixels 9.2 kg (~20 lb.) per tile 8 tiles per m2 70 watts (239 BTUs) per tile at max. brightness 35dB noise rating

  7. Short Throw Projection Lens Field Lens DLP® Light Modulator Green LED Blue LED RedLED RELIABLE COMPONENTS Estimated LED half-brightness >65K hours (7.4 yrs @ 24/7)

  8. BUILT TO LAST Four easy-to-replace service modules FRONT ACCESS     Screen Light Engine Power Supply Fans TIME TO REPLACE 1 MIN 15 MINS 5 MINS 10 MINS

  9. Christie MicroTiles offers ultra-thin seams between tiles Typical LCD 20-30mm Best LCD ~7mm Best Plasma ~4mm New standard ~1mm ULTRA THIN SEAMED TECHNOLOGY MicroTiles™ - Freedom to Engage: Content shown without limitation of BEZELS

  10. TECHNOLOGY WITHOUT BEZELS MicroTiles™ - Freedom to Engage: Content shown without limitation of BEZELS • Easier maintenance and support – no bezels to remove • Front access design, means array remains intact during servicing or repair • MicroTile fully serviceable with a single tool • LED light-source ensure 65,000 hours operation until half-brightness

  11. LCD Plasma MicroTile TECHNOLOGY – CLOSE UP VIEWING MicroTiles™ - Freedom to Design: Any content or resolution, not just 16:9 aspect ratio • Direct-view LED displays offer at best 3 – 10mm pixel pitch, making content difficult to interpret up close. MicroTiles offers up to 0.5mm

  12. SUPER-FINE PIXELS MicroTiles™ - Freedom to Design: Any content or resolution, not just 16:9 aspect ratio • Super-fine pixel pitch • No content distortion / pixellation up close. • Making it easier for upscaling, aspect ratio conversion

  13. MicroTiles Array NTSC-1953 sRGB (HDTV) NTSC-1979, SMPTE-C UNPARALLED COLOUR SPACE 120% 110% LCD LED 100% All visible colors 90% LCD 80% Plasma 70% CIE 1931 XYZ colour space 60% UHP Projector

  14. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY • Serviceable modules extend product life indefinitely • Palletized to reduce packaging waste on site • Ability to fine-tune brightness and energy consumption • Dim to minimum of 390 nits @ 35 watts per tile • Optional standby mode reduces power by 85% • Built for recyclability (80% of materials can be recycled) • RoHS compliant (restriction of hazardous materials, e.g., lead, mercury)

  15. Video Video & control Media Server(by others) External Control Unit(ECU) EASY ASSEMBLY • Step 1: Build the bottom row, ensuring it is level • Step 2: Add base platform & rows • Step 3: Connect data and power to the tiles, and to the ECU and media server

  16. ECU Other input sources, such as component video, could be accommodated if required Media Player DVI output or Flash drive THE SYSTEM Simply set-up and wiring • Tiles lock together in seconds • Daisy chain the tiles and the external control unit (ECU) together • Connect input source to the ECU

  17. THE SYSTEM Self-detection and ongoing self-calibration • Tiles automatically detect each other in the array • The ECU continuously calibrates tiles (color, brightness, etc.) ECU

  18. COMPATIBILITY • Compatible with all standard graphics formats, playback devices and PC playback/digital signage software • Vista Spyder for non-standard shapes and/or super-high resolution content (above WUXGA or 1080p@60Hz, i.e., >165 MPixels/sec): • Use built-in upscaling and aspect ratio conversion to map source pixels to physical pixels; OR • Use multiple, synchronized input sources

  19. DON’T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT MicroTiles – The New Digital Canvas is proud to be awarded: • rAVe digital signage CHAMPS award • Installation Europe editors award • InstitutFrançais Du Design Awards • Infocomm International - Best Digital Signage Product

  20. RECAP ON MICROTILES SUITABILITY FOR STAGING • Ease of set up – critical for build familiarity and turnaround time • Robustness – ensuring product spends time working for you • Ultimate control – provide you and your client flexibility of display • Sustainability – long term product, designed and identified path for continued growth and support • Virtually zero maintenance cost • Longevity in performance and consistency • Something new to offer your clients • Desirability, credibility and profitability • Image Performance, clarity and impact

  21. MicroTiles design ideas


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