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Ritual Reports What is the difference? Who is responsible?

This article provides an overview of different types of ritual reports, such as Collegiate Ritual Inventory, Collegiate Report to Chapter/PO, Alumnae Ritual Inventory, Alumnae Annual Report, and Alumnae Report to Chapter/PO. It explains who is responsible for completing these reports and highlights the importance of accurate record-keeping. All reports must now be completed on the Officer Portal.

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Ritual Reports What is the difference? Who is responsible?

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  1. Ritual ReportsWhat is the difference?Who is responsible?

  2. Types of Ritual Reports(Collegiate Chapters) Collegiate Ritual Inventory (OV) Collegiate Report to Chapter/PO

  3. Types of Ritual Reports(Alumnae Chapters) Alumnae Ritual Inventory (OV) Alumnae Annual Report (VPR) Alumnae Report to Chapter/PO

  4. Who is responsible for completing the ritual reports?

  5. Collegiate Ritual Inventory The Collegiate Ritual Inventory report is competed by the PO during her Official Visit (OV). During her OV, the PO meets with the chapter VPR and conducts a full inventory of all ritual books and ritual equipment. *Failure to have all ritual books present during the visit will result in a $100 fine for the chapter.

  6. Collegiate Ritual Report The collegiate VPR report is a verbal report, presented to the chapter by the VPR at the end of the year. The collegiate VPR is also responsible for sending her PO a copy of the Ritual Sign Out Sheet

  7. Alumnae Ritual Inventory The Alumnae Ritual Inventory report is competed by the PO during her On-site Official Visit (OV). During her OV, the PO meets with the chapter VPR and conducts a full inventory of all ritual books and ritual equipment.

  8. Alumnae VPR Annual Report The Alumnae Ritual Annual report is completed by the chapter VPR at the end of the fraternity. All ritual equipment is be be accounted for as well as the ritual books. In addition, the VPR is to report on ceremonies and awards presented during the past fraternity year. This report must be completed on the Officer Portal by June 1st. Paper or email reports will not be accepted.

  9. Alumnae Ritual Report The alumnae VPR report is a verbal report, presented to the chapter by the VPR at the end of the year. The VPR is also responsible for sending her PO a copy of the Ritual Sign Out Sheet

  10. Reminder … ALL reports must be completed on the Officer Portal. Paper reports will no longer be accepted.

  11. See you in St. Louis in 2015! Mark your calendars now! 47th National Convention Union Station Hotel, St. Louis, MO July 23 – 27, 2015

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