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In the Beginning: Science and Genesis 1-11

In the Beginning: Science and Genesis 1-11. “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?“ Psalm 11:3.

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In the Beginning: Science and Genesis 1-11

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In the Beginning: Science and Genesis 1-11 “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?“ Psalm 11:3

  2. “A story logically begins at the beginning. But this story is about the universe, and unfortunately there are no data for the Very Beginning. None, zero. We don’t know anything about the universe until it reaches the mature age of a billionth of a trillionth of a second—that is, some very short time after creation in the Big Bang. When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up. We are in the realm of philosophy.” (emphasis original)

  3. Redshifts Observed shift in the light spectrum observed when viewing distant celestial objects Normal spectrum of light from the Sun

  4. The Big Bang States: • There is no special place in the universe • There is no center to the universe • The universe is homogeneous

  5. Redshifts and Galaxy Distances Concentric circles 1-million light years apart – not homogeneous! Milky Way Galaxy

  6. Alton Arp (staff astronomer at the Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatories for 29 years): “The fact that measured values of red shift do not vary continuously but come in steps – certain preferred values – is so unexpected that conventional astronomy has never been able to accept it, in spite of the over whelming evidence.”

  7. Quasar??

  8. Galaxy -1,800 km/sec Quasar 21,000 km/sec

  9. Mathematician I.E. Segal,Member of the National Academy of Sciences: “The Big Bang owes its acceptance as a physical principle primarily to the uncritical and premature representation of (the redshift-distance relationship) as an empirical fact…. Observed discrepancies… have been resolved by a pyramid of exculpatory assumptions, which are inherently incapable of noncircular substantiation.”

  10. “... a society which accepts the idea that the origin of the cosmos could be explained in terms of an explosion, reveals more about the society itself than about the universe. Nevertheless, the many observations made during the past 25 years or so (now 40) which contradict the standard model, are simply ignored. When fact and theory contradict each other, one of them has to yield.”

  11. “ A tremendous ignoring of a preponderance of evidence counter the evidence presented, e.g., carbon 14 dating, fossil records of plants and animals that haven’t lived for millions of years... He wants you to go outside and look up and pick a star and ask yourself how long it took the light you see to get to you from that star.”

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